Steele Report
April 1, 2022
Quarter 3 Academic Awards
Students achieving High Honor Roll earned an average GPA of 3.65 or higher.
Honor Roll
Students achieving Honor Roll earned an average GPA between 3.00 - 3.64
Spring End of Course Exams
As part of the graduation requirements for the State of Ohio, students are required to take End of Course exams in English 10, Algebra 1, Geometry, Biology, American History, and American Government.
Please take a moment to review Steele's Spring Testing Calendar as End of Course Exams begin on Thursday, April 7th.
Due to EOC testing, we will have a two-hour late arrival (D-Schedule) on April 7th, April 8th, April 21st, April 22nd, April 28th, and April 29th. Only students who are testing report to school at the normal time. Students who ride a bus and are not testing may wait in the cafetorium. Students who are not testing will need to be in school by 9:45 am.
Testing locations will be emailed to students and posted on the Counseling Office window. If you have any questions, please contact your child's counselor.
For more information regarding State Testing and Ohio’s Graduation Requirements, please visit: http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Ohio-s-Graduation-Requirements
SAT Day on April 13th
Parent- Teacher Conferences
Marion L. Steele High School will be holding Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday, April 14th from 3:00 to 7:00 p.m.
We encourage all parents to schedule a time to meet with any or all of their child's teachers. To schedule a parent conference, please call Mrs. Deulley at 440-988-4433 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
English Department
Great Lakes Theater wowed Steele students with their acting expertise the weeks leading up to spring break. Thanks to an Amherst Fine Arts Grant and the generosity of GLT, Mrs. Brogan and Mrs. Opel were lucky enough to have their students study literature with the professional acting company.
Sophomores saw the play “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller brought to life over the course of a week. Students performed scenes alongside the actors and were also able to see the actors present their craft in short dramatic scenes. Sophomores spent the 3rd quarter reading the classic play, and the residency program really allowed them to experience the play first hand.
Freshman studied “Macbeth” by William Shakespeare 1st semester, but they were able to relive its dramatic, tragic scenes again with GLT. The students were even treated to some sword fighting instruction on the final day when they performed the final scene of the play.
Drama students were also able to partake in the fun by playing theater games and practicing improv and monologue performances with the actors.
A great big thanks to Great Lakes Theater and the amazing actors who spent a week at Amherst bringing literature and theater to life for the students.
LCCC Senior Visit & Registration Day for Class of 2022
We invite you to participate in the LCCC Senior Visit & Registration Day field trip for Marion L. Steele HS seniors. The field trip will be on April 14th, from 9 am-1 pm.
During the field trip, students will be able to complete their new student orientation, meet with an academic advisor and register for fall/summer classes. To sign up, see or email Ms. Santos.
College Credit Plus News
Students who are only taking classes at Steele High School need to simply complete the questionnaire with the link in the letter or through the link that was emailed to them. Everything else is already taken care of.
Students who want to take a class at LCCC or online through LCCC need to meet with their school counselor.
Registration for the summer and fall is now in progress.
Lorain County JVS News
If your child was accepted, please follow the directions in the letter to secure your child's spot in the class. If you have any questions, please contact the JVS or your child's school counselor.
Graduation Seals Information Session- Class of 2023 and Beyond
We encourage all parents with children in the Class of 2023 and beyond to attend. Our school counselors will be explaining in detail the State of Ohio's graduation requirement of Graduation Seals.
Thursday, Apr 14, 2022, 06:00 PM
Need to See Your School Counselor?
Students can put a request in to see their counselor by using the QR code that is posted in all classrooms and in the Steele Counseling Office or by clicking this link.
School Counselors:
Mrs. Loushin, Grades 9-11, Last Names A-K
Ms. Rigda, Grades 9-11, Last Names L-Z
Ms. Santos, Grade 12
State Champions Presented Resolutions
This past Wednesday, Makayla Velasquez (State Champion Bowler) and our State Champion Competition Cheer Team were invited to the Ohio State House by our State Representative, Joe Miller.
Representative Miller presented them with resolutions that were adopted as part of the General Session business for that day. This is a tremendous honor that was earned by their high level of accomplishment! If you see them, please be sure to congratulate them!
Spring Sports are Underway
Please get out to support your peers! Great things are ahead for Amherst Athletics This Spring! For the up to date schedule, please click here: https://amherststeelecomets.com/events
Academic Eligibility
Attention Student-Athletes (Fall/Winter/Spring):
Please check your schedules to verify you are in the equivalent of at least five one-credit courses. Please note, that PE courses do NOT count towards your academic eligibility.
If you need to add courses, please see your school counselor. If you are unsure or you want help verifying your eligibility, please see Mr Wolf or your school counselor.
Additionally, underclassmen who are fall sport athletes should remember that their fourth grading period grades determine their eligibility for the Fall 2022 season.
Important Dates
Thursday, April 7th: ELA 2- Part 1 End of Course Exam, D-Schedule
Thursday, April 7th: MLS Theatre Spring Musical, 7:00 pm, Cafetorium
Friday, April 8th: ELA 2- Part 2 End of Course Exam, D-Schedule
Friday, April 8th: MLS Theatre Spring Musical, 7:00 pm, Cafetorium
Saturday, April 9th: MLS Theatre Spring Musical, 7:00 pm, Cafetorium
Wednesday. April 13th: SAT Testing Day for Juniors Only (No school for 9th, 10th & 12th grade)
Thursday, April 14th: Parent-Teacher Conferences, 3:00- 7:00 pm
Thursday, April 14th: Virtual Graduation Seals Info Session, 6:00 pm, https://bit.ly/3J3TSjD
Friday, April 15th: No School, Good Friday
Thursday, April 21st: Biology and Government End of Course Exams, D-Schedule
Friday, April 22nd: American History End of Course Exams, D-Schedule
Wednesday, April 27th: #CometCommunity Parent Information Night- Summer Vendor Fair, 6:00 pm @ Powers
Thursday, April 28th: Algebra 1 and Geometry- Part 1 End of Course Exams, D-Schedule
Friday, April 29th: Algebra 1 and Geometry- Part 2 End of Course Exams, D-Schedule
Monday, May 2nd: AP Government and Chemistry Exams
Wednesday, May 4th: AP English 12 Exam
Wednesday, May 4th: #CometCommunity Parent Information Night- Teen Vaping, 6:00 pm @ Steele CLC
Thursday, May 6th: Spring Band Concert, 7:00 pm, Cafetorium
Friday, May 6th: AP US History Exam
Friday, May 6th: Armed Forces Ceremony, 1:45 pm: B-Schedule
Monday, May 9th: Comets to College, C-Schedule
Monday, May 9th: AP Calculus Exam
Tuesday, May 10th: AP English 11 and AP Physics Exams
Tuesday, May 10th: Unified Track Meet, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Tuesday, May 10th: Senior Scholastic Awards, 6:00 pm at German’s Villa
Wednesday, May 11th: AP Biology Exam
Thursday, May 12th: Steele Career Fair, 11:30 am - 2:30 pm
Thursday, May 12th: 55th Annual Steele Pop Show, 7:30 pm
Friday, May 13th: AP Music Theory Exam
Friday, May 13th: 55th Annual Steele Pop Show, 7:30 pm
Monday, May 16th and Tuesday, May 17th: Senior Finals
Tuesday, May 17th: Last Day for Seniors, Chromebook Return all day for Seniors
Tuesday, May 17th: Spring Orchestra Concert, 7:00 pm, Cafetorium
Wednesday, May 18th: Underclassmen Awards
Thursday, May 19th: Graduation Practice, 8:00 am in the MPR
Thursday, May 19th: Senior Send-Off, 6:00 pm
Saturday, May 21st: Class of 2022 Commencement Ceremony, 10:00 am @ CSU
Tuesday, May 24th - Thursday, May 26th: End of Semester Exams
Wednesday, May 25th: Chromebook Return for Underclassmen, 12:30-2:45 pm
Thursday, May 26th: Last Day for Students
Marion L. Steele High School
Email: ashley_harigan@amherstk12.org
Website: https://www.amherstk12.org/schools/steele
Location: 450 Washington Street, Amherst, OH, USA
Phone: 440-988-4433
Twitter: @SteelePrincipal