Hillcrest Elementary School
Week of May 12, 2024
What's Up Next?
Happy Sunday HES Family & Friends!
We're down to the last two weeks of this school year and we are still pushing forward towards high achievement and success for all students. We will be celebrating students for their accomplishments this week with our Pre-K Bridging Ceremony and our Honor's Day for students in grades Kindergarten through Fourth. Invitations were sent home Friday with students that will be recognized for special honors during our programs. Additionally, we will celebrate students that have achieved this nine week's PBIS Goal. We are proud of the growth our students have made and the continued leadership they exhibit at HES.
Lastly, if your child has been absent for any reason and you have not submitted written parent or doctor's excuses, please be sure to submit to your child's teacher. We thank you for your continued support of our students and school.
Dress Code Reminders
- Sweatshirts and hoodies may be worn to school, but hoods cannot be worn inside of school/classroom.
- Shirts must be solid in color.
- Leggings cannot be worn as "stand alone." They can be worn under a solid colored skirt/shorts.
- Jeans/Pants may not have any rips, holes, tears, or frays.
- Shoes must have a strap on the back of them. No Crocs allowed at school.
Please help us by making sure your child is appropriately dressed before coming to school each day.
A Reveiw of Last Weeks' Activities: Photo Gallery
AKA Donates to HES Garden Club
The HES Garden Club thanks Amber Knight and the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority for the generous donation of garden supplies. Alpha Kappa Alpha donated 3 stand-up garden weeders, two bird feeders, a garden cart, and marigolds.
City of Dublin Tree Council Donates to HES Garden Club
AKA also sponsored the planting of a tree on the HES playground with the support of the City of Dublin Tree Council. Lindsay Neumann, a representative of the City of Dublin Tree Council provided the HES Garden Club Members magnets and books to help continue their love of nature.
HES Garden Club At Work
Both Amber Knight and Lindsay Neumann joined the HES Garden Club in preparing new planting areas in the HES Vegetable Garden. Hillcrest Elementary is looking forward to a green and growing summer!
Kindergarten April Perfect Attendance Recognition
First Grade April Perfect Attendance Recognition
Second Grade April Perfect Attendance Recognition
Third Grade April Perfect Attendance Recognition
Fourth Grade April Perfect Attendance Recognition
Ms. Campbell's 4th Grade Reading Class Performs Skit
Our 4th grade leaders took time to practice their reading skills through the acting out of a skit. They all did a great job playing their roles!
Ms. Campbell's 4th Grade Reading Class Performs Skit
Ms. Campbell's 4th Grade Reading Class Performs Skit
Morning Drop Off & Afternoon Pick Up Reminders
- There will be one (1) lane used for morning drop off.
- There will be two (2) lanes used for afternoon dismissal.
- Cars MUST have their car tag number in the window to pick up your child. Cars without a tag will have to drive to the front of the building and wait for your child to be released at 3:30 p.m. with remaining car riders.
- Vehicles must make a right-hand turn off of Edgewood Drive into the Car Rider Line Up near the playground entrance.
- Parents/Guardians may take any of the following routes to reach our car rider line: Cardinal Drive, Northwood Drive, Brookdale Drive, Greenway Drive, and Pinewood Drive from either Claxton Dairy Road or Highway 441 South to get to Edgewood Drive.
- Parents/Guardians MUST remain in cars to pick up car riders. No child will be released to adults who walk up to the building in the Car Rider Loading Zone.
- Please wait for staff member to signal for you to pull off.
- Parents/Guardians may not park along Edgewood Drive and walk up to the front of the building to pick up students while we are loading or unloading buses (7:30 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. – 3:25 p.m.)
- Students not picked up by 3:25 p.m. from the car rider pick up area will be taken to the front office for pick up after this time.
Clear or Mesh Book Bags Required
All students must have a clear or mesh book bag to enter the school building. We do have a few clear book bags left for sale in the front office, if you need to purchase one, for $10 each.
Coming Up Next...
May 14: 4th Quarter PBIS Celebration
May 15: Pre-K Bridging Ceremony, DHS Auditorium, 6:00 p.m.
May 17: HES Honor's Day, DHS Auditorium, Kindergarten & 1st Grade @ 9:00 a.m.
May 17: HES Honor's Day, DHS Auditorium, Grades 2-4 @ 12:00:00 noon
May 20: Local School Governance Team Meeting, HES, Room A1, 5:00 p.m.
May 24: Last Day of School
About Us
Email: sherrell.edmond@dcsirish.com
Website: hes.dcs.irish
Location: 1100 Edgewood Drive, Dublin, GA, USA
Phone: (478) 353-8200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HillcrestElementaryTheLeapSchool