CSD Board Briefing
Cambrian School District, May 16, 2024 Meeting
Home and School Club Presidents Honored
The Governing Board thanked the Home and School Club Presidents from each school site for their outstanding service to the District. We are so grateful for the selfless contributions made to advance the students of the Cambrian School District.
They are:
Bagby: Kim Mercer
Fammatre: Kristen Weitz
Farnham: Janesse Hille, , Cecile Toulme
Price: Aletta Godden
Sartorette: Rebecca White-Balaban
Steindorf: Anne Mamaghani, Jessica Bryant
Cambrian Educational Foundation: Melissa Wuenschel
Adoption of Consent Agenda Items
The Governing Board voted to accept the consent agenda items. Items listed under the consent agenda motion are considered to be a regular course of procedure and are acted on by the Board of Trustees in one motion.
There is no discussion of these items prior to the Board vote unless a member of the Board, staff, or the public requests specific items be discussed and/or removed from the agenda. It is understood that the administration recommends approval on all consent items. Each item on the consent agenda approved by the Board of Trustees shall be deemed to have been considered in full and adopted as recommended.
Personnel Report
The Governing Board approved the Personnel Report as part of the Consent Agenda.
To view the personnel report for 5.16.24, please click here.
Communication Plan Update 2023-24
Mrs. Dawn Klavon, Coordinator of Marketing, Communication, and Community Engagement, presented an update on our current communication plan and ways the District can enhance two way communication.
To review the CSD Communication Update, please click here.
Measure R: Change Orders 4 and 3E - Modular Classroom Projects
The Governing Board ratified the two (2) necessary change orders, 4, and 3E, in connection with the Modular Classroom Projects. In accordance with the District's change order approval process, the following change orders are in connection with the replacement of the oldest portables located at Fammatre, Farnham, Sartorette, and Price Middle School.
The total change orders for larger modernization projects typically range from 6% - 8%. The attached change orders total $48,835.34 which represents a 0.39% change of the total contracts listed of $12,566,000.00.
4: JL Construction, Inc. $36,035.34
3E: Scapes CO $ 12,800
To review Change Order 3E, please click here.
To review Change Order 4, please click here.
Measure H: Opinion Results
On November 2, 2023, the Board approved to move forward with conducting a voter opinion survey to determine if a potential parcel tax measure is feasible. Mr. Tim McLarney from True North presented the results of the Parcel Tax Measure Survey to help the Governing Board determine next steps.
To review the Measure H Summary Report, please click here.
To review the Measure H Extension Survey Presentation, please click here.
To review the Continuing Measure H Summary Report, please click here.
To review the Measure H Continuation Survey, please click here.
Health and Wellness: Child Nutrition Program Update for 2023-24
Ms. Deborah Gil, Food Services Supervisor, as well as Sodexo representatives, Mr. Chris Battaglia and Ms. Maria Escobar, presented an update on the District's Food Service program. The update included participation, revenue, costs, and focus for the future.
To review the Cambrian Child Nutrition Service Update, please click here.
2024-25 LCAP Presentations for Fammatre, Sartorette, Steindorf
The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP provides an opportunity for our schools and the district to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs.
Mrs. Samantha Haley, Fammatre Principal, Mrs. Debbie Stein, Sartorette Principal, and Ms. Lisa MacFarland, Steindorf Principal, will provide a summary and outline their 2024-25 Local Control Accountability Plan School Plan. These updates will include an overview of the goals, actions and services for improving student outcomes according to the eight priorities set by the state in alignment with the District's Local Control Accountability Plans.
To review the Fammatre Elementary School LCAP Presentation, please click here.
To review the Sartorette Elementary School LCAP Presentation, please click here.
To review the Steindorf STEAM School LCAP Presentation, please click here.
Resolution 23-24-10
The Governing Board approved Resolution 23-24-10: Order of Election, Specifications of the Election Order and Consolidation Request. A Biennial Governing Board Member Election has been ordered to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the Cambrian School District for the purpose of electing two (2) members of the Governing Board. The Governing Board of Cambrian School requests the Board of Supervisors of Santa Clara County to completely consolidate such elections and to further provide that the Registrar of Voters canvas the returns of the elections
To review Resolution 23-24-10, please click here.
Next Board Meeting
The next meeting of the Cambrian School Board will be held Thursday, June 6, 2024 at 7 p.m. Meetings are held in person at the Professional Development Center located at 4115 Jacksol Drive, San Jose, CA 95124 in Building 7, and can be viewed online as well. Agenda and login information will be available the week of the June 6th meeting. The meeting is open to the public.