October 2024

October Administrator Updates for Johnson Jr. High
Ms. Michaela Bradshaw, Principal
Welcome to October! As the leaves change and the air grows crisp, we are excited to embrace this vibrant month filled with opportunities for learning and community engagement.
October is a time for reflection and gratitude, and we are grateful for each of you. Your support makes our school a wonderful place for our students to grow and thrive. This month, we have our Parent Teacher Conferences, which provide great opportunities to connect and celebrate our students and staff.
As always, I encourage you to stay involved and share your thoughts and ideas. We had a very successful Parent Advisory Council Meeting this past Wednesday, and I thank all of you who were able to participate! At the end of the newsletter is our Fall Survey for Parents and Caregivers to complete. Together, we can create a nurturing environment for our children to excel.
Wishing you all a wonderful October!
Educationally yours,
Michaela S. Bradshaw
JJHS Head Principal
Mr. Aaron Moon, Associate Principal
Hello families,
This year has gotten off to a great start. The amount of parental involvement has been staggering to start this year. We are working daily to make sure Johnson is a great place for you and your students. Many of the changes we put in place like having multiple lunches and recreation time on the football field are making a positive impact on our climate and culture. As we approach the end of the first quarter tardies and attendance will be my primary focus. Please join this effort by checking grades, attendance, and tardies on Infinite Campus. Thank you for making the beginning to our school year fantastic.
~Mr. Moon
Dr. Steve Imbriani, Assistant Principal
I can’t thank everyone enough for making these first weeks at Johnson the best of my career. The opportunity to get to know so many families and see how much care everyone has for our Firebird family has made this transition that much easier. Our student-athletes epitomize what it means to be from the South triad and how much work they have put into their seasons makes me feel so excited about the future seasons coming later this year. Please continue to offer me the kind of feedback I will cherish and will use to be the best assistant principal I can for our Firebird family.
Dr. Stephen Imbriani
Important Dates
Oct. 2
- Parent Advisory Council 5:30
- JJHS Conference Room
- Teams Meeting Link
Oct. 10-11
- Parent Teacher Conferences
- 10/10 Early Release
- Parent Teacher Conferences 5pm-8pm (Enter through Gym Doors)
- 10/11 No School
- Parent Teacher Conferences 8am-11am (Enter through Main Doors)
- No School - Teacher Planning Day
October 15th & 17th
- WIN Schedule
Oct. 18
- School Picture Re-Take Day
- Students and staff who missed the picture days during registration & schedule pick up are also welcome to get their school picture taken.
Oct. 23-31
- Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 31
- Halloween: Costumes are Welcome with the Following Requirements
- Must not cover face
- Follows Dress Code
- No accessories that will distract from the learning environment
- If the costume is a distraction to the learning environment, student will call home to get alternative clothing for the day.
Activities & Athletics Schedule for October
Game Days & Events
Oct. 2: Volleyball and Football vs. Carey
Oct. 3: Football vs. McCormick
Oct. 5:
Football vs. Gehring (at South High School Stadium)
SEWAC "C" Volleyball Tournament
Cross Country at Laramie
Oct. 7: First ay or Wrestling practice
Oct. 9: Volleyball & Football vs. Laramie
Oct. 12: SEWAC "A/B" Volleyball Tournament
Oct. 15: First day of Girls Basketball
Oct. 19: Laramie Wrestling Invite
Oct. 30: Girls Basketball vs. Carey
Activities & Clubs
Student Council
Ms. Perez & Mrs. Imbriani
Meets Every other Thursday during Advisory
Location: Library Classroom
Ken Johnson
Meets: As Needed
Location: Room 36
Unified Sports Leagues - Current Season: Basketball
Sponsor: Heather Tudor
Meets: TBD
Location: Front Courtyard
Art Club
Sponsor: Liz Hansen
Meets: Tuesdays 3:00-4:00
Location: 282
Dungeons & Dragons
Sponsors: Anna Swank & Karl Vogler
Meets: Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00-4:00
Location: Tuesdays 262; Thursdays 212
Sponsor: Hurey Smith
Meets: Every other Friday starting 9/20 from 7:00-7:30am
Location: Room 241
Sources of Strength
Valerie Bahige & Alexis Soto
Meets: TBD
Location: Room 16
Sponsor: Brian Cox
Meets: 2nd Wednesdays at 6:30
Location: SHS AG Lab
Sponsor: Anna Polzin
Meets: Tuesdays 3:00-4:00
Location: JJHS Library
Sponsor: Susi Savage
Meets: 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month
Location: Room 40
Robotics Club
Sponsor: Mrs. Smith
Meets: Mondays and Fridays 3:00-4:00 until competition in November
- After Competition, Mondays only
Location: Room 34
Starbase Advanced
Sponsors: Kat Gilmor w/ Starbase, Heather Tudor & Leslie Beadles
Meets: Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:00-4:00
Location Room 92
Tech Dech Club
Sponsor: Heather Tudor
Meets: 3:00-4:00
Location: Room 293
Chess Club
Sponsor: Meagan Baker
Will Start 2nd Semester
Location: Library
Hunter Education
Sponsors: Ms. Mathisen & Karl Vogler
Meets: Typically, in April (Parent Permission Form will be Required)
Location: Room 292
Olweus Bullying Questionnaire & mySAEBERs Screener
Parent Permission Form Required
You should have or shortly be received two permission forms in the mail. We will be conducting our annual screeners at Johnson regarding bullying prevention & well-being of Students. The school needs to signed permission forms turned in in order for your student to complete these screeners.
Olweus Bullying Questionnaire
As you know we utilize the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program to help us address bullying in our school and district. As part of the program, we survey students in grades 7-8 once per year on their awareness of bullying in our school. This is valuable information that gives our school and district data on how we are doing and where we need to focus our efforts in regard to bullying prevention.
The survey for this year will be administered October 16th – 23rd in our Advisement classes.
The survey is given all at one time for our students in grades 7-8 and is read to them by the teachers. The survey is anonymous. The survey only indicates the school and grade level. The students do not give their name on the survey.
LCSD1 utilizes the mySABERS screener as part of the larger Fastbridge skills assessment. MySABERS is an evidence-based assessment that allows students to self-assess their social, academic, and emotional behavior competencies. The mySABERS screener helps us identify the social-emotional behavior skills necessary for academic success. As part of the program, we screen students in grades (2-12) three times per year. This is valuable information that gives our school and district valid and reliable data useful in determining how each student can be best supported for academic success. When students are safe, healthy, supported, engaged, and challenged, they are more likely to experience positive academic outcomes and long-term success.
The screener for this year will be administered on October 15, 2024 in advisement classes. Individual students’ scores on the mySAEBRS assessment are never used as the sole determinant of needs or support services. In cases where mySAEBRS results may indicate a need for assistance, the results will be reviewed and discussed by your student’s grade level team, and they will be contacting you.
If you would like to print the forms off yourself and have your student turn them in, we have linked them below as well.
Bullying Prevention Month
We Do-NOT allow Bullying at Johnson Jr. High!
Our Olweus Kick-Off will be held during our Parent Teacher Conferences on October 11th.
Sign the pledge and get a donut while you stand in line to meet the teachers.
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week: October 23-30
Our Safe & Drug Free Schools Student Assistance Specialist is leading the Red Ribbon Week campaign at Johnson this year.
National Family Partnership is a national leader in drug prevention education & advocacy. Their mission is to lead and support our nation’s families and communities in nurturing the full potential of healthy, drug free youth.
AWARENESS – NFP provides drug awareness by sponsoring the annual National Red Ribbon Campaign™. Since its beginning in 1985, the Red Ribbon has touched the lives of millions of people around the world. In response to the murder of DEA Agent Enrique Camarena, angered parents and youth in communities across the country began wearing Red Ribbons as a symbol of their commitment to raise awareness of the killing and destruction cause by drugs in America. In 1988, NFP sponsored the first National Red Ribbon Celebration. Today, the Red Ribbon serves as a catalyst to mobilize communities to educate youth and encourage participation in drug prevention activities.
ADVOCACY – NFP is active in bringing the concerns and agenda of America’s parents and families to policy makers on a local, state, and national level. Joining NFP enables parents and coalitions to have direct access to our nation’s leaders and decision makers.
RESOURCES – Our organization acts as a national clearinghouse of prevention literature. NFP has developed a series of prevention brochures to help educate our Partners with all the latest information on our Universal Campaigns such as: Red Ribbon Campaign, Red Ribbon Certified Schools, Lock Your Meds , and Safe Homes / Safe Parties.
Check out the Resources for parents!
Celebrating our Firebirds!
7th Grade Student Council
Kalyn Achenbach
Jeannette Bennet Harter
Gabrielle Buckendorf
Harmonie, Davis
Xzaviyanna Dominguez
Olivia Elasser
Gerardo Gonzalez Rosalez
Dontarius Holomon
Abigail Huff
Ming Hua Huang
Kiannah Jenkins
Roman Johnson
Devynee Lopez
Madisyn Macy
Jameson Parish
Koen Potter
Trigger Rengitsch
Tylannie Smith-Scott
Aiyanna Williams
Elise Wiseman
8th Grade Student Council
Symhony Anderson
Camryn Aragon
Enich Chavez
Jacson Donnelly
Gabriella Doughty
Dominic Gomez
Kennedy Harasky
Jennifer King
Teofilo Lopez
Kaylin Lucero
Jazlyn Morales
Gianna Mordahl
Hanna Parker
Travis Pratt
Harlee Rubeling
Leah Russell
Alice Schmidt
Bailey Tibbs
Michael Weisbrook
Ashlyn Wyatt
LCSD1 Student of the Week
Hayleigh Brakel
JJHS September Students of the Month
7th - To Be Announced
8th - To Be Announced
Parent Teacher Conferences
October 10-11
At Johnson, we want to make sure that you can meet with each of your student's teachers. Faculty will be in the main gym, auxiliary gym, or the cafeteria for you to meet on a walk in basis. Conferences will be limited to 5 minutes per teacher. If additional time is needed, you may choose to schedule a time with that teacher Friday morning between 8:00 and 11:00.
Cores do sit together to make it convenient for parents to see the English, Social Studies, Science & Math teachers for their child. Please view the map below to see where everyone will be located. We will also have a brochure with the map included upon entrance.
Enter through the Gym Doors (Door 10)
We will have a coloring station for younger siblings available at our Olweus Kick Off Station. Although there will not be specific supervision at that location, siblings are welcome to sit and color or take the coloring pages with them as they follow you around to meet the teachers.
Parent Advisory Council
Meetings for the School Year
All meetings are held at 5:30 pm at Johnson.
*Virtual Meeting Links will be provided once our Conference Room is fully equipped with the technology.
November 7, 2024
December 3, 2024
January 8, 2025
February 6, 2025
March 4, 2025
April 9, 2025
May 15, 2025
Items Discussed Each Meeting
- Firebird Focus Newsletter Review and Feedback
- Fundraising Opportunities
- Staff Appreciation
- Student Celebrations & Rewards
- Title I Funding
- School Improvement Plan Review & Feedback
- School Improvement Grant Funding
- WYTOPP Performance & Action Steps
- Create Parent Surveys for November and May
- Parent Feedback & Input for Michaela
Breakfast & Lunch
Universal Breakfast and Lunch!
The South Triad students will have free breakfast and lunch each and every day. Students may choose from multiple menu options for both breakfast and lunch.
A la Carte Stand Available
After we get the start of the year settled with behavior expectations in the Commons during lunch, Nutrition Services will open up their A la Carte Stand.
Students will need to have money in their lunch account or cash to pay for those snacks and drinks. Students must have also been through the line for a meal before being allowed to purchase from the A la Carte Stand.
You can add money to your Firebird's account through LINQ Connect.
Parent & Student Acknowledgement Forms
Read, Sign & Turn In to Front Office
Cell Phone & Personal Electronic Policy
Backpack & Locker Policy
Drugs, Fighting & Weapons Policy
Attendance Policy (to be sent home within the next two weeks)