AACV Newsletter
February 2025
President's Message
Dear Colleagues,
As we move through the school year, I want to take a moment to remind you that the Administrators Association Chula Vista (AACV) is here to serve and support you. Whether it is advocating for your needs, ensuring our contract is upheld, or providing a space to collaborate and problem-solve, our union exists to protect and empower school leaders like you.
Leading a school is demanding work, and we often put the needs of our students, staff, and families before our own. But taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your school community. Prioritizing rest, setting boundaries, and leaning on your colleagues can help sustain you in this work.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need guidance, advocacy, or simply a listening ear.
In partnership,
Theresa Corona
President, Administrators Association Chula Vista
Familiarize yourself with the language AACV bargained with the District!
Section 1: Recruitment and Hiring
A. All vacancies for Principal and Associate Principal shall be posted for a minimum
of five (5) business days.
B. Human Resources will facilitate and attend all interview panels for Principal and
Associate Principal positions.
C. Human Resources will send out an email to all Principal requesting volunteers for
Principal and Associate Principal interview panels. Human Resources will contact
the AACV President to meet and the AACV President, or designee, will meet with
Human Resources to select a random AACV member to be part of the interview
D. If the District determines any candidate is not a fit for the position, the reasons for
the determination will be documented and based on legitimate, verifiable, and
educationally related reasons and will be provided to AACV upon request. Upon
request, the information will be provided within ten (10) business days.
Section 2: Acting Assignments for Vacant Positions
AACV and the District agree that acting assignments for vacant positions within the AACV
bargaining unit are not intended to be permanent assignments and are not intended to
circumvent the hiring process. AACV will be notified in writing by Human Resources of
the plan for and status of recruitment. Recruitment shall follow the processes detailed in
Section 1 of this Article.
Section 3: Change of Assignment Due to School Closure
If an AACV unit member is displaced from an assignment due to school closure, the unit
member will be placed into an equal position within the District.
Section 4: Change of Assignment for Associate Principals
If an Associate Principal is displaced from an assignment where the school no longer
qualifies for an Associate Principal, the unit member will be placed into an equal and
vacant position within the District.
Section 5: Reassignment/ Involuntary Demotion to a Lower Level Position
The Superintendent may elect to issue a March 15 notice under the California Education
Code and reassign a Principal or Associate Principal to a non-supervisory position. If the
Principal or Associate Principal did not previously hold a non-supervisory position within
the District, they will have the right to be transferred into a vacant certificated nonsupervisory
position for which they are qualified.
Section 6: Involuntary Administrative Transfer (Lateral)
A. Notwithstanding any other provision in this Article, should a determination be made
by the Superintendent that an involuntary administrative transfer is reasonably
necessary, such transfer may be made by the Superintendent following notification
to AACV and a conference with the employee.
B. The reasons for the involuntary administrative transfer will not be retaliatory in
nature or capricious.
AACV thanks Mary-Margaret Langers for volunteering to represent AACV on the UASC LAPA Committee. The committee, under the direction of UASC Government Relations Officer Jesus Montana, reviews pending legislation and other political related activities. Thank you, Mary-Margaret!
Please join your fellow AFSA members nationwide by clicking below to send a letter to your senators and representatives urging them to protect crucial education programs such as Title I and others. This is the time for your voice to be heard. It takes less than two minutes to contact your legislators using the link below. You can use the AFSA template or create your own message. At times like this, all school leaders need to band together to save public education. See below for a message from AFSA President, Len Pugliese.
From Dr. Pugliese: As an AFSA member, your voice is urgently needed. Right now, individuals who have no expertise in education policy or in the needs of our students are pushing cuts that directly threaten public education. These cuts will strip away essential resources from our schools, cut staff and harm our children’s futures. As I mentioned last week, now is the time for AFSA members to come together to protect critical investments in public education by contacting their members of Congress. In a time when our public schools face unprecedented challenges, your voice as a school leader matters now more than ever. Congress has the power to shape the future of education in our communities, and it is our responsibility to ensure they hear us loud and clear.
Click here to join your AFSA colleagues across the country now in sending a letter to your senators and representatives, urging them to protect crucial education programs such as Title I, Title II-A, and Title IV-A, which provide essential funding to our public schools. To support you in crafting your message, we have provided a comprehensive template outlining the critical issues at stake.
Imagine a future where every child has access to quality education, where educators receive the support they need for professional development, and where resources are allocated to foster student growth and innovation. This vision can only become a reality if we as school leaders unite in advocating for federal education funding.
This is your opportunity to influence policy, advocate for your community, and stand up for our students' futures. Your voice carries weight, and with every message sent, we strengthen our collective call for action. So let’s get started—personalize the template, share your experiences, and let your congressional representatives know that investing in education is investing in our children’s future. Together, we can make a difference!
As you may know, the Senate confirmation hearing for the next United States Secretary of Education is scheduled to take place today, February 13, 2025. AFSA will be closely monitoring the proceedings and will continue to advocate for what is in the best interest of our public schools and the children they serve.
The AFSA Diann Woodard Scholarship is available exclusively to children of AFSA members in good standing (of which all AACV members are). The AFSA General Executive Board will select five (5) recipients each year based on academic excellence, passion for volunteerism and display of exceptional work ethic. An applicant must be a graduating high school senior who will be attending college for the first time in 2025. The application deadline is March 28, 2025. To apply: www.AFSAScholarshipApplication.org.
The AACV Scholarship is an award of up to $500 given to any AACV Member in Good Standing whose child (including stepchild) is a graduating senior this year and applies for the scholarship. The Member in Good Standing’s child must meet the minimum requirements below and plan to pursue post-secondary education within one year of graduation. Applicants who meet these conditions and who submit this application, along with the essay described below, will receive a scholarship.