GHS August Update
August 1, 2024

Are You Ready for it??? 2024-2025 School Year, Here We Come!
We are excited to begin a new school year with our Bulldogs!
Welcome, Class of 2028 to our GHS Family!
Within this update you will find information about the start of school, including:
- Information about Early Pick Ups: Schedules, Parking, Fees and School Pics
- Freshmen Orientation
- Senior Parking Spot Painting
- Open House
- PLCC Info
- Important Dates for the 2024-25 school year
**Back to School Mailers will be arriving in mailboxes this week!
Early Pick Ups
Next week, we begin our Early Pick Ups event. Students may come in to pick up their schedules, purchase parking permits, pay school fees, and get their school pictures taken. In order to participate, students must have their online "Final Forms" completed. Parents can access Final Forms by going to the Green Local Schools website (www.greenlocalschools.org), Clicking on Resources and then Family Resources. You will find a tab there for Final Forms. Once parents/guardians have completed their portion of the form, students will receive a link in their school emails to complete the student portion.
Students are welcome to walk the building with their schedules during our Early Pick Up times.
Students will have their school pictures taken during this time, as well. Having pictures during this time, allows us to update student IDs sooner and limit disruption to our school day. Please see our Lifetouch FLYER for more info. Retakes will occur on October 2, 2024 for those who have yet to have a picture taken or want retakes.
School fees for the 2024-2025 school year are $70 for Grades 9, 10, and 11 and $80 for Seniors. Our fees include a chromebook fee, fees for consumables like workbooks, art supplies, paperbacks, and science lab supplies. A $10 senior fee is included for our 12th graders to accommodate senior class expenses and graduation. Fees can be paid online in the Family Resources area or in person via check or cash during Early Pick Ups.
Parking permits will also be sold during Early Pick Ups. You may access our parking permit form HERE. Parking permits are $40 for the school year. Students must have their driver's license with them to purchase a parking permit. Parking permits may also be paid for online.
Important GHS Dates
Freshmen Orientation Day: ONLY Freshmen ATTEND
Wednesday, Aug 14, 2024, 07:30 AM
Green High School, Boettler Road, Uniontown, OH, USA
New Student Orientation: Grades 10-12
Any student new to GHS in grades 10-12.
Wednesday, Aug 14, 2024, 09:00 AM
Green High School, Boettler Road, Uniontown, OH, USA
Freshmen Parent Meeting
Wednesday, Aug 14, 2024, 06:00 PM
Green High School Auditorium, Boettler Road, Uniontown, OH, USA
Open House
Open House: 6-8 PM Come at your leisure to meet this year's teachers and tour the building
Wednesday, Aug 14, 2024, 06:00 PM
Green High School, Boettler Road, Uniontown, OH, USA
First Day of Classes at GHS
Thursday, Aug 15, 2024, 07:30 AM
Green High School, Boettler Road, Uniontown, OH, USA
Senior Parking Spots
In order to paint a senior parking spot, students will need to do the following:
1. Complete the GHS Senior Parking 2024-25 Form. This form includes letting us know what you intend to paint. No Senior may paint without first completing this form and it being approved by Mr. Bridenthal.
2. Complete your Final Forms for the 24-25 school year. Final Forms will be open for completion July 29th. Parents can find these forms in the Family Resources tab on the Green Local Schools website. Students will receive a link to complete the student portion in their school emails once parents have completed theirs. These must be completed before coming to Early Pick Ups. You will not be able to purchase a spot without the forms completed.
3. Come to early pick ups with your driver's license and a completed parking permit form
4. Lastly, parking permits are $40. Students must have payment with them in order to purchase a parking permit and paint. The cost is $40 for any Senior wanting to paint their spots, including PLCC, CCP and Senior Experience.
***If you are going to be on vacation the week of Early Pick Ups, please complete the form as required. Mr. Bridenthal will email you back with specific instructions.
Freshmen Orientation
Freshmen Orientation will be on Wednesday, August 14th for all incoming 9th grade students. Students will complete a normal school day (7:30 AM to 2:35 PM). School transportation will run normally. During orientation students will:
1. Tour the school: find their classes and teachers
2. Take part in class meetings with Administration and Upperclassmen Mentors
3. Run through an abbreviated version of their class schedule
Freshmen Orientation is lead by our upperclassmen with the assistance of the GHS Staff. It's a great way to start their high school experience while they have the building to themselves.
PLCC Updates
Important Info for Students Attending the PLCC:
1. The first day of school at the PLCC is August 21st. Those students who are half day GHS/half day PLCC, will begin their GHS classes on August 15th. Students do not need to arrive at GHS until the beginning of their classes at GHS on those days.
2. Transportation: PLEASE Complete the following Survey HERE if your student needs transportation between GHS and the PLCC.
** The AM shuttle to the PLCC leaves from GHS at 7:20 AM from outside GHS Door #7
** The PM shuttle to the PLCC leaves from GHS at 11:00 AM from outside GHS Door #1
3. Half day Seniors who would like a school lunch, can stop to get lunch directly after their 4th period class in the GHS Commons before heading over to the PLCC.
4. PLCC will hold a New Student Orientation for all incoming Juniors on August 20th from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM. For more PLCC Back to School Info, check HERE
GHS Contact List
Cindy Brown, GHS Principal (browncindy@greenlocalschools.org)
Bill Bridenthal, GHS Assistant Principal Grades 9 & 11 (bridenthalbill@greenlocalschools.org)
Jeff Wells, GHS Assistant Principal Grades 10 & 12 (wellsjeff@greenlocalschools.org)
Erich Muzi, GHS Athletic Director (muzierich@greenlocalschools.org
Marilyn Ruff, GHS Counselor Last Names A-Do (ruffmarilyn@greenlocalschools.org)
Amanda Gamble, GHS Counselor Last Names Dp-Ko (gambleamanda@greenlocalschools.org)
Kory Smith, GHS Counselor Last Names Kp-Rn (smithkory@greenlocalschools.org)
Kevin Granito, GHS Counselor Last Names Ro-Z (granitokevin@greenlocalschools.org)
GHS Main Office 330-896-7575
GHS Attendance 330-896-7543
GHS Office of Student Services 330-896-7545
GHS Athletic Department 330-896-7540