Post Falls High School
Home of the Trojans
February 2024
Important Dates to Remember
02/19 President’s Day (No School)
3/14-3/15 Scheduled Parent/Teacher Conferences
03/20 Reverse Job Fair (Seniors)
03/22-03/29 Spring Break (No School)
04/4 End of Third Quarter
05/27 Memorial Day (No School)
A Message from the Business Office
Post Falls High School Fees
Did you know that you can easily pay school fees for your student(s) online now?
It is a great way to pay the second semester Art, Ceramics, Building & Construction or Lifetime Sports fees.
Pay off a balance before Senior Check-Out. You can even upload funds to your student's meal account. Just go to the following site and sign-in, or create your account, to get started.
Chamber of Commerce CTE Student of the Month
Lindsey Davis
Rebecca Bauman
January Student and Teacher of the Month
Natalie Romero
Payton Player
Senior Signings
Sam Anderson for Columbia Basin College
Front left to right: Jessica Anderson-Jameson (Mom), Sam Anderson, Kent Jameson (Dad)
Kinlee McLean for Boise State University
Front left to right: Caroline McLean, Kinlee McLean, Nick McLean
Back left to right: Craig Christensen (PFHS Activities Director), Tom Moores, Cobe Cameron, Dylan Wolfe, Asher McLean, Wade Quesnell (PFHS Head Track Coach), Jessie Ward (PFHS Assistant track and Cross Country Coach), Skilar McLean, Harper Moores, Dennis Amende (PFHS Assistant Track Coach).
Asher Bowie for Eastern Washington University
Back row left to right: Craig Christensen (PFHS Activities Director), Evelyn Bowie, Anabel Bowie, Blaine Bennett (PFHS Head football Coach)
Front row left to rights: Nate Bowie, Asher Bowie, Annie Bowie
Leap Year Improv Show
This month's improv show is on February 29th to celebrate the Leap Year! The show starts at 7 and admission is $1.
Booster Club Fundraiser!
Sources of Strength - February Campaign
ETS is a College and Career FREE program!
SAT Day - March 15th
Juniors who have opted in to taking the SAT will take the test on Friday, March 15th, 2024. Students need to report to the testing wing by 7:30am. Bussing is available to and from school. Breakfast is available beginning at 7am. If you have any questions regarding SAT Day, please email Spencer at
Seniors! FAFSA is now open! Join the College and Career Staff for the February FAFSA Nights. Sign-Up link with details has been sent to both parent and student emails...if you did not receive the link and would like to sign up, please email Spencer at
You are welcome to complete the FAFSA form at home - go to to create accounts and complete the FAFSA form.
Seniors! If you plan to attend the University of Idaho, we encourage you to attend the "Meet the Vandals" event on February 7th.
One senior in a attendance will be given a $1,000 scholarship to the University of Idaho. Please visit QR Code on flyer for location details and registration.
Post Falls High School
Location: 2832 East Poleline Avenue, Post Falls, ID, USA
Phone: (208)773-0581