Key Communicator
Kirtland Local Schools Update

October 22, 2024
Welcome to the Kirtland Schools’ Key Communicator e-newsletter. We hope to use this tool as a two-way form of communication to share the good news going on in our classrooms, and also provide you with facts in the event of negative situations. We hope you will act as informal communications liaisons with the community and let us know what you’re hearing so we can proactively provide you with the facts of what’s happening in your schools. Thank you for your support!
Our Vision: Provide a personalized education for all students.
Our Mission: We educate students to be empowered citizens.
AP Scholars
AP Scholars with Honors
AP Scholars with Distinction
Advanced Placement Scholars
Congratulations to the 41 Junior and Seniors who received AP Scholar Status based on last school years AP test scores. Thank you to our teachers for supporting these students' achievements!
The AP Scholars who received scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams are: Faith Blankenship, Michael Dumstorff, Matilda Jankowski, Danny Alfieri, Jackson Carestio, Chloe Hansen, Susanne Hansen, Jeremy Mrva, Isabel Mueller, Maddox Perez, Niko Petrunic, Johnny Rascan, Chase Rodriguez, Kelsey Sayle, Sophia Shepard, Sophia Skrbis, Hannah Stroberg and Tyler Turk.
The AP Scholars with Honors who received an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams are:
Jacob LaVerde, Elise Beinhardt, Harper Hammond, Sean Lowery, Kyle Pilarczyk, Emily Ridgeway and Niko Samac.
The AP Scholars with Distinction who received an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams are:
Charlie Whittaker, William Burt, Vittoro Cantini, Maks Clipov, Knox Crisci, Clare Davidson, Bo Garth Famularcano, Kiera Fortney, Sam Gordon, Marin Haupt and Sean Kats.
Superintendent Report
Superintendent VanArnhem highlighted the following:
A District Safety meeting took place on October 17, 2024, with the the Kirtland Police and Fire Departments. The tabletop drills and future planning were the main areas of discussion.
October is Principal Appreciation Month. Dr. VanArnhem stated, "As we celebrate Principal Appreciation Month, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to each of our dedicated principals. Mrs. Godina at KES, Mr. Race at KMS, Mr. Puskas and Mr. Paul at KHS. Your hard work and unwavering commitment to our students are truly inspiring. You lead with passion, foster teamwork, and create a culture where both students and staff can thrive. Thank you for being exemplary leaders and for all that you do to make our schools a better place for everyone!"
Congratulations to Kirtland Elementary School for their Gold PBIS Rating. This is truly a remarkable achievement which is directly attributed to the staff providing support to help their students.
Kirtland High School has been named to the 2024 Advanced Placement® Program (AP®) School Honor Roll, earning SILVER distinction. Kirtland High School had 53% of the Class of 2024 who took at least one AP Exam during high school, 43% of seniors scoring a three or higher on at least one AP Exam, and 26% of seniors who took five or more AP Exams. KHS offers 14 AP courses; 22 sections taught by eight AP teachers. Congratulations to KHS!
The District has received over $277,000 in career technical education (CTE) grant to provide a learning path in technology for students in grades 7-12. The grant provides for equipment, training, students to earn industry recognized credentials and internships. This will take place over the next three school years. Here is a link to the presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1v6oOEZtYlHdwzo9fB3EgTbxPYqgp1QVF_6G_rsqrcsk/edit?usp=sharing
Dr. VanArnhem gave an overview of our state report card results which included the district not only earning five stars but was one of only 18 districts in Ohio to receive five starts in every category. The overall improvement measure is higher than last year and higher that pre-pandemic scores. He expressed his gratitude to the dedicated teachers, hardworking students, supportive families and community. Here is a link to the presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1j5HjouBHHBW_eyMATr9HlCR9yPWDvJW4pW1_MuL2POg/edit?usp=sharing
Superintendent Recommendations
The Board voted to approve the following superintendent recommendations:
- A digital facility use form, adding one educational assistant, a vision contract, a LearnWell agreement, Title IX decision maker agreement, tutoring MOU, trip to University of Pitt and a data privacy agreement.
*attachments to these items can be found on the district website: https://go.boarddocs.com/oh/kirt/Board.nsf/Public.
The Kirtland Local Schools are known for academic excellence and strong community support, and have been recognized nationally and statewide for educational achievement. The district also maintains a long tradition of distinction in a variety of extracurricular activities. The Board of Education provides open and thoughtful fiscal management of the community’s investment in the school district’s high quality educational program by ensuring every dollar spent benefits students and the community. The strategic plan for the Kirtland Local Schools can be found at: https://www.kirtlandschools.org/Downloads/Kirtland%20Strategic%20Plan%20with%20Chart.pdf