The Weekly Update #20

Hello Franklin students and families! 👋
Family Memo 💬
Greetings Franklin Families,
Mental health resources available on our website
Our website now makes it easy for students and families to find resources to support mental health, find help for friends, and get in touch with school counselors.
Explore these resources for ways to support your child. You can find them listed under the “Family” and “Students” tabs on the top of our web site.
Review standardized test scores in ParentVUE
Students at each grade level take standardized tests as a tool to monitor learning. Teachers use the test results to inform their teaching practices and make changes to meet the needs of all students.
Some of these scores are available to students and parents in StudentVUE and ParentVUE. To view scores, go to the “Test History” tab. For tests like Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA), a more detailed report can be found in the “Documents” tab for the previous year.
Upcoming Spirit Day and Awards Assembly
On January 31st Crazy sock day
Themes for our awards assembly are Integrity: I make good choices and also Language: I think before I speak
RAD Ceramics upcoming art dates and registration
Dates: Jan 27, Feb 3, Feb 10, Feb 24
Sign up: radceramics.com/classes
Have a wonderful and safe weekend Franklin families!
-The Franklin team
Welcome Letter for 24-25 School year 💌
Please bring charged laptops to school. 🙂
Please keep personal electronics at home.
Reminder, no sharing of food due to allergies
Permission slips if your student walks home.
Updates from PTSA!
January 31 Franklin Family Movie Night
Presented by Franklin PTSA
and sponsored by:
Nexus Legal Counsel focuses on Family, VA, and Tenant Law
Kung Fu Panda 4
(Rated PG)
When: Friday, January 31, 2025
Time: Doors open at 5:45, Movie starts at 6:00pm
Cost: FREE; Food will be available for purchase
Food: $2 hot dog, $1 chips, & $1 drink, FREE popcorn
**Cash is preferred but will have the option to use credit/debit
Where: In the cafeteria and gym.
What: Bring a blanket or chair to sit on and come join other Franklin
families in watching this film. There will be some chairs set up.
****This is NOT a drop off event. All children will need to be
supervised by an adult for the entirety of the event. Parents
are responsible for monitoring the behavior of their own children at this event.****
Interested in volunteering? Contact
franklinelementaryptsa@gmail.com to sign up.
Upcoming Events
Jan 31st Franklin TWCI awards assembly
Jan 31st Franklin Spirit Day "Crazy Sock Day"
Jan 31st PTSA Movie Night @6pm
Month of January Holidays and Recognition
January 2025
*Whole Child Recognition Month in TPS
Jan 1st: New Years Day & Emancipation Proclamation Anniversary
Jan 13th: Korean-American Day
Jan 16th: Temperance & Good Citizenship Day
Jan 20th: MLK Day - NO SCHOOL
Student Morning announcement theme this Month
Language: I think before I speak
Safe campus
Here a few safety precautions we have for this school year both at Franklin, and throughout Tacoma Public Schools:
Safe campus
As you know, student safety is out top priority. We have measures in place to ensure a smooth transition to class for students while maintaining safety. Breakfast will be eaten in the classrooms. We ask that parents and guardians say their goodbyes at the front gates of the school. We cannot allow families or guests in the classroom/building unless it has been pre-arranged. Once again this is part of our safety measures.
Volunteers are welcome. To volunteer in a classroom, it must be arranged with the teacher beforehand. All volunteers must complete a background check before volunteering. Volunteers must check in at the office and always wear a visitor's sticker or lanyard.
Late arrivals
If your student arrives after 8:50, please come with them to the main office. You can ring the bell and the front office will let you in. The front office will then ask you to sign in and will give your student a tardy pass. We ask that you then say your goodbyes to your student at the front office.
Visitor and volunteer information
Visitors and Volunteers
We truly appreciate your willingness to volunteer at our school and are grateful for the strong partnerships we have with our families. Volunteers play a vital role in supporting our students and staff, and we want to ensure that all expectations are clear so everyone can have a positive experience.
As a reminder, here are the key guidelines for all volunteers:
- Sign-In Procedure: Please make sure to sign in at the office each time you volunteer. This helps us maintain a clear understanding of who is in the building for safety and security purposes. You will also be given a visitor badge that identifies you.
- Stay at Your Designated Spot: Volunteers are expected to remain at their assigned location. Please do not gather in areas not assigned to you – we work hard to know where all visitors are at all times
- Respect for Classroom Spaces: Volunteers should only be in classrooms by pre-arrangement from the teacher. Please respect the learning environment and follow the teacher's instructions during your visit.
- Adhere to District Conduct Guidelines: It’s important that all volunteers follow the district’s guidelines on appropriate conduct while in the building. This ensures that we maintain a professional and respectful atmosphere for students, staff, and guests.
- No Photos of Other Children: To protect privacy, we do not allow for photos of students or classroom settings.
We are committed to providing a safe and positive learning environment for our students, and your cooperation in following these guidelines is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or need clarification, please don’t hesitate to reach out directly to me.
Updates from the main office
Hello Franklin Families! Choice application deadlines are coming soon! Per Enrollment Services, these dates are firm and late applications will not be accepted.
Choice applications for the 2025-2026 school year for First thru Twelfth Grade is Friday, January 31st at 11:59 pm.
To complete an application, log in to your parentVUE account to complete the online choice application if you would like your student to attend kindergarten or middle school outside of your assigned school.
Please reach out to Miss Jessica if you have any questions or are in need of assistance to complete the choice application process.
Updates from the Franklin Health Room 🏥
School Website 💻
Check our website for our updated student handbook!
Parent Vue
Update your contact information to ensure you receive weather-related alerts
Tacoma Public Schools shares weather-related scheduling impacts in a number of ways, including email, calls and texts directly to you. You can make sure your contact information is up to date by checking ParentVUE. Get directions to update your account here: ParentVUE Help - Tacoma Public Schools
If you need help updating your information, contact our Franklin Front office.
School Hours 🕐
Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri: 8:40 AM to 3:10 PM
Late Start Wednesday: 9:40 AM to 3:10 PM
Student Arrival and Dismissal🚗 🚌
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
- School starts at 8:40
- Supervised valet will begin at 8:35
- Students will line up on teacher designated white lines on the blacktop as early as 8:35
- Teachers will pick up their students.
- Students will have breakfast and begin class.
- School ends at 3:10.
- School starts at 9:40 on late starts.
- Supervised valet will begin at 9:35.
- School ends at 3:10.
School bus safety
Please help us keep children safe on the school bus by talking to them about what to do while riding the bus, including:
- Stay seated while the bus is moving
- Follow the bus driver’s instructions
- If there is a seat belt, keep it fastened
- Keep bus aisles clear
- Don’t toss anything out of a bus window or wave hands out of the window
Thank you for your help, which will keep buses running on time and create a safer environment for all students.
Beyond the Bell 🔔
Families of elementary school students can soon register for the next session of Beyond the Bell, fun and engaging after-school programs in our school.
Beyond the Bell activities run from when school gets out to 5:45 p.m., Monday-Friday.
Session 2 details:
· Session dates: Dec. 2 - Feb. 7
Our students can participate in after-school programs through the Beyond the Bell program. Registration starts Aug. 26 on a staggered school schedule. Get more information on our school's website under the "Programs & Activities" menu.
Please enter through the side handicap main entrance door and ring the bell. A YMCA staff member will answer and check your student in.
TPS 24-25 Student Calendar 📆
Our schools have skilled counselors who can help with academic, career and social-emotional guidance. If your child needs support beyond what a counselor can offer, TPS also has exceptional mental health partners who provide services at schools. School counselors can assist with referrals to our partner agencies.
Find behavior health resources here.
Take a look at the back-to-school welcome guide for information about how our Health Services team can partner with you to keep your child healthy.
Coffee with the principal ☕🍩
January 31st 9:15-10:15
Click the button above to schedule if you are interested!
15-minute meetings in the window of 9:15-10:15. If you need longer than 15 meetings to share concerns or feedback I will schedule for a follow-up. (:
These will be held monthly.
Here is a bedtime story on us! 🥰
Need anything? 📱📩
Need to get ahold of us?
Email: franklin@tacoma.k12.wa.us
Report an absence in ParentVUE
School Phone: 253-571-1400
Franklin Elementary School
Address: 1402 S Lawrence St, Tacoma, WA 98405