St Teresa's School Newsletter
Monday 16th September 2024
Kia ora e te whānau
We extend our prayers and best wishes to the students who completed the sacrament of confirmation on Saturday. The ceremony, presided over by Archbishop Paul Martin, was a truly special and spiritual occasion. May it deepen their faith and strengthen their connection to God.
Our junior students had a wonderful time on their trip to Masterton last week. It was a great opportunity for them to learn outside the classroom and enjoy new experiences. Read more about their adventures later in the newsletter.
We have just finished Caritas Social Justice Week, with a focus on peace. We hope the reflections and discussions encouraged our tamariki to become peacemakers in their daily lives.
A big thank you to everyone who supported Onesie Day, raising funds for Wellington Free Ambulance. Your generosity truly makes a difference; we raised $105.
This week, we’re excited to celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori. It’s a wonderful chance for our students and community to embrace and uplift te reo.
Finally, I hope you will join us on Sunday for our Spring Gala!
Ngā mihi nui,
Term 3 Community Calendar
Weeks 9 and 10
Monday 16th September
Te Wiki o te Reo Māori
Tuesday 17th September
Chess Tournament
Hockey Tournament
Wednesday 18th September
Tākitimu Technology
Saturday 22nd September
Spring Gala
Monday 23rd September
Mental Health Awareness Week
Tuesday 24th September
Whole School Mass - Kiwi Hall 9am
Heaven and Earth Arts Show - Anzac Hall 5.30pm
Wednesday 25th September
Board Meeting 6pm
Friday 27th September
Last Day of Term
Assembly - Tauwharenikau hub 9am
** Term 4 starts Monday 14th October 2024 **
**Please note that due to staffing there will be no Hub Club on the last day of term Friday 27th September 2024. **
Junior Trip
Last Friday the Juniors had a wonderful Trip to the Masterton pools and park! After working up an appetite at the pools, we headed to the park for a picnic lunch. Laughter and smiles filled the air as the children enjoyed a fantastic day with their friends. A huge thank you to our amazing parent helpers Karl, Makere, Tracey, Linda, Lina, Megan, Dave, Super Dave and Becky & Luke who made it all possible!
Social Justice Week
Last week we acknowledged Social Justice Week. All classes have been learning about Social Justice and what it means in our lives. The theme for last year, this year, and next year is - ‘Imagine Peace For All/Pohewatia te Rangimārie mō te Katoa’, with a focus on forgiveness and reconciliation for 2024. As we work through our Catholic Social Teaching learning, we are being introduced to the See, Judge, Act method.
Today’s Social Justice prayer is:
Tākitimu at Technology
During the last few weeks, the Year 7 and 8 students in Tākitimu have been attending the Featherston Technology Centre on Wednesday's. There, they have been sewing a range of different items including pillows, oven mitts, tissue holders and little blankets, as well as learning about electronics while creating a "steady-hand game".
While working on these technological outcomes, the students have been able to develop many hands-on skills as they used a range of new tools and equipment, as well as developing and demonstrating great resilience and perseverance.
Hands of Christ
Our Hands of Christ programme is aimed at encouraging our students to exemplify the values of Christ in our community. Each student receives a challenge sheet filled with tasks to complete throughout the year. Those who complete all tasks will be awarded a special badge at the end of the year.
This term, we are introducing an exciting new initiative to further engage our tamariki in the Hands of Christ challenges. For every completed activity, students will earn a 'special token' worth 10 house points for their House.
Your support is crucial in making this programme a success. We greatly appreciate your involvement. Please review your child's Hands of Christ challenge sheet and help them earn valuable points!
Building Work
As you may have noticed, the front of our school is getting a facelift. There will be builders on site for the next few months recladding the front of the office block and replacing the joinery. At various times during this period one of the access gates may need to be blocked off, and access to the Office may be via the Staffroom. Please respect the barriers and look out for the signs. We thank you in advance.
Spring Holiday Hub Club Bookings Open Now!
Please click the link to enrol your child in Spring Holiday Hub Club. https://forms.gle/n9NFBt1o95gS1RC67
2024/25 Wairarapa Spitfire Baseball season online registrations are now open!
We have club teams available for all levels of experience. The season will start on October 29th and pause for the summer school holidays before re-starting in early February and finishing at the end of March 2025. All Local Development games and trainings are held on the Spitfires Baseball Diamond at Kuranui College, Greytown.
ROOKIE BALL – Ages 5 to 8 play games on Saturday mornings at 9 am
MAJORS 10U/12U DEVELOPMENT (School Yrs 5-8) – Ages 9 to 12 play games on Friday afternoons at 4pm, training Thursdays 4pm
MAJORS 14U/16U DEVELOPMENT (School Yrs 9+) – Ages 13+ play games on Friday afternoons at 5.45 pm, training Thursdays 5.30pm
12U/14U/16U TRAVEL TEAMS – Competitive baseball in the Wellington Regional Competition.
Wairarapa Spitfires Club Travel Teams will be formed mid-September, email mcwilliamae@gmail.com asap if you are interested. Games are on Sundays and played at home on the Spitfires Baseball Diamond at Kuranui College and away at other Wellington regional diamonds in Terms 4 and 1.
Our HAVE A GO OPEN DAY is on Sunday October 20th from 10am to 12pm at the Kuranui College Baseball Diamond. Come along for a fun morning learning about baseball and free sausages.
For more information and to register check out our website https://www.sporty.co.nz/spitfiresbaseball/register-for-the-2024-25-season
Join our Facebook Page for news and updates: Wairarapa Spitfires
Contact our Teams Coordinator, Eileen McWilliam, mcwilliamae@gmail.com or phone 0276028597
Contact Us
Email: office@teresas.school.nz
Website: https://www.teresas.school.nz/
Location: St Teresa's School Bell Street, Featherston, New Zealand
Phone: 06 308 9064
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/St-Teresas-Featherston/100057033717170/