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December 13, 2024
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Monday, December 16
7th Grade iReady testing in math classes
NO after school Writing Club
3:25 Basketball Matchup Games
Tuesday, December 17
7th Grade-iReady testing in math classes
7:00 PM 8th Grade Orchestra Concert at BV North
Wednesday, December 18
7th Grade-iReady testing in math classes
3:25 Home Basketball Matchup Games
Friday, December 20
10:50 AM Early Release-School out at 10:50
Monday, December 23-January 3-No School Winter Break
Monday, January 6-School Resumes
3:00-5:00 First Practice and Try-outs for Boys Basketball
5:00-5:30 Parent Meeting for Boys Basketball in the gym
Next Friday School is Dismissed at 10:50 AM
Next week will be a normal schedule for middle school except for Friday which is an early release. Winter Break begins for middle school students at 10:50 AM on Friday, December 20. School will resume with normal times (7:51-3:00) on Monday, January 6.
Principal's Message
OTMS Families,
As we approach the end of this semester, I want to take a moment to reflect on all that we have achieved together. Through hard work and determination, our students, teachers, and families have demonstrated what it means to believe in one another and inspire excellence.
This semester, we successfully implemented new structured expectations (SOAR) for our school and have identified key areas for growth. I am incredibly proud of the progress we’ve made and am even more excited about the work ahead.
The new semester will bring fresh opportunities for personal, academic, and social growth. Let’s embrace them with the same commitment and enthusiasm we’ve shown so far.
Next Friday is a shortened day, and we will end it with an all-school student assembly to celebrate the culmination of the first semester. Please take a moment to review this week's Flyer for important end-of-the semester updates.
With gratitude for your continued partnership,
Dr. Trent Stern
Civility Policy
We are thankful for the ongoing partnership and support we experience in our school community. Working together we ensure the best possible student experience allowing them to realize personal success. There are times, however, when issues arise which require our continued collaboration to resolve. Families may utilize the matrix linked on the district website to best address questions and concerns that may arise throughout the course of a school year.
Finally, all staff and visitors should conduct their business free from intimidation, harassment, or bullying. The district’s Board of Education states expectations regarding civility within Policy 6341. Again, thank you for your partnership in helping to maintain a safe school community environment for all.
Lost and Found
Please have your student check the lost and found (the cabinets down in the gym hallway) for any missing items before we leave for winter break. Items left over the break will be donated.
Community Celebrations and Observances to promote awareness and appreciation of our Blue Valley Families
Some January Celebrations & Observances:
National Poverty in America Awareness Month - raises awareness about the struggles millions of Americans face living in poverty. It encourages learning about the causes of poverty, supporting those in need, and working to create solutions that promote economic equality and opportunity.
World Braille Day - January 4 - a day to raise awareness and attention to accessibility for those with visual impairments and celebrate Braille's invention. This tactile writing system was invented in the 1800s by Louis Braille.
Lohri - January 13 - celebrated primarily by Sikhs and Hindus, the festival marks the end of the winter solstice and harvesting of winter crops. Some families will sing and dance around a bonfire, exchange gifts with friends and family, and tell tales of bravery.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day - January 20 - a day that honors the life and legacy of the civil rights leader. Some families will participate in a day of service to their communities.
Lunar New Year - January 29 - celebrated by families of Chinese and other Asian heritages, some people celebrate with religious ceremonies honoring ancestors, giving and receiving red envelopes containing small amounts of money, lighting colorful lanterns, and eating traditional foods such as dumplings and sticky rice balls that symbolize family unity.
End of Quarter Information - Viewing Canvas Courses and Quarter Grades
At the end of each quarter, courses in Canvas will conclude and will no longer be visible on the Canvas app. However, a concluded course remains visible through the Canvas website by selecting ALL COURSES and then PAST ENROLLMENTS.
Important dates for families:
Please note: The dates are subject to change based upon calendar updates or technology needs.
How do I view my child’s report card?
Log in on ParentVue.
Select the student’s name
In the left navigation bar, choose Report Card
Each new quarter, classroom teachers will publish the next quarter’s Canvas course. As courses are published, students and families will again be able to see current courses on the Canvas app and Canvas website. For Canvas parent resources, visit www.bluevalleyk12.org/canvas.
2nd Semester Elective Change Requests
Class change process:
Before requesting a schedule change for elective classes, please make sure you have reviewed your child’s 2nd semester 24-25 schedule on ParentVue to see if the desired classes are scheduled for another quarter. All schedule changes are reviewed by school administration. If space is available, we make every effort to accommodate schedule requests. Please note, many of our electives are already full so we may not be able to fulfill change requests.
To request a schedule change, students need to fill out a request to change classes Google Form which will be available on the OTMS Student Canvas page starting Wednesday Dec. 11th, 2024. Parents will need to approve this change via email confirmation. All second semester requests should be submitted by the end of the day on Wednesday Dec. 18th, 2024. Again, we will make every effort to accommodate but space is limited.
Questions should be directed to school counselors.
Roxanne Quinn (Last names A-L)
Buomkuoth Lual (Last names M-Z)
Boys Basketball-8th Grade
8th grade boys basketball season begins Monday, January 6th. Please see this link for detailed information from Coach Newell. This information will also be shared with any student interested in participating during a pre-season meeting on Monday, December 9th during FLEX time.
Please fill out the interest form as soon as possible, if interested. As always, the calendar is subject to change depending on the number of participants/teams and due to weather.
8th Grade "Give Me 20"
Parents of 8th grade students,
As part of the district’s suicide prevention program, we have an opportunity on January 14th to perform an activity with our 8thgrade students called “Give Me 20”. It is a program/ activity designed by two women in our Johnson County area who lost their children to suicide. The speakers will be Sylvia Harrell and BJ Thomas. It is designed to have students build a “Give Me 20” LIFEBOX in which students can go to when they are feeling sad, depressed, or blue. In the box will be meaningful activities for the students to complete and a meaningful letter that we are asking for parents or a family member to write that we can place in the box for the student to read. If you are unable to get the letter to us on time, you can add your letter when your student brings the box home. Please review and complete the google form that is provided at the link below. (NOTE THERE ARE 2 Sections of the GOOGLE FORM PLEASE HIT NEXT)
The presentation will happen at school on Tuesday January 14th, 2025 starting at 8am. Please check out this short news clip about the Give Me 20 program that was on the news. It provides a great explanation of the GiveMe20 program.
If you would like your 8th grade daughter or son to opt out of this activity, please let us know by Friday January 10th, 2025. If you have any questions, please call, or email Roxanne Quinn or Buomkuoth Lual. Thank you!
Roxanne Quinn, OTM School Counselor
Buomkuoth Lual, OTM School Counselor
8th Grade Families-Save the Date-Jan. 16
See below for information about enrollment night for 8th graders at BV North.
PTO Calendar – upcoming events:
19 December: Staff Appreciation lunch
09 January: Papa John’s Restaurant Fundraiser
16 January: Urban Air – OTMS spirit night Fundraiser
Staff Appreciation Lunch – donations needed:
The OTMS PTO and Staff Appreciation Committee is excited to provide a healthy lunch on Dec. 19th to our hard-working OTMS teachers and staff! PTO will provide healthy soups and salads, but please help us make this lunch a success by donating some of the additional lunch items needed.
All sign-up items must be delivered to the OTMS front office by end of school day on Dec. 18th.
Thank you for your help in showing our gratitude for the amazing teachers at OTMS for all they do for our kids! Happy holidays!
Keep up to date with the latest events by following PTO on social media:
Instagram: overlandtrailmspto
Facebook: Overland Trail Middle School PTO
Important Travel Outside the USA Information
This important message is for any family or staff that will travel out of the United States during the school year. Please click here to read the restrictions and recommendations for Out of the Country travel. Blue Valley resources such as Canvas, Classlink, and school email are not accessible out of the country unless you have a personal device with a VPN on it.
Math Lab
Is your student needing extra math support? Math Lab is offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the year both before school and after school. Attendance is taken at every session.
Morning Sessions:
Tuesday (7:10 – 7:40 AM ) in room 25 (8th grade hallway) with Ms. Hilligoss email: lhilligoss@bluevalleyk12.org
Thursday (7:10 – 7:40 AM) in room 9 (6th grade hallway) with Ms. Lintz
email: pjlintz@bluevalleyk12.org
Afternoon Sessions:
Tuesday & Thursday (3:15-4:15 PM) in the library classroom with Ms. Carter, Ms. Mills or Ms. Miller . Students must provide own transportation home and be picked up by 4:15.
emails: clcarter@bluevalleyk12.org , tmills@bluevalleyk12.org , mjmiller05@bluevalleyk12.org
Student Handbook and Code of Conduct
Do you have questions about student expectations? These are outlined in our student handbook and our district's Code of Conduct. These documents are linked on our school website and available for students via Canvas. You may also click here for the district's current
Student Code of Conduct. Please reach out to school administration with questions.Safe School Reporting
Blue Valley Schools is committed to promoting and fostering a safe environment in and around all our schools. We are continuously working to prevent, mitigate, respond to and recover from a wide range of situations. Please check out available ways to report safety concerns.