HDG High Important Update
July 31, 2024
*THE NEW* Portable Communication Device Policy
We wanted to share a special communication to all parents/guardians as the new HCPS policy for portable communication devices, listening devices, and wearable devices and implementation is going to be a change for high school students this coming school year. In prior years, each teacher had their own policy for their classroom. This often led to inconsistency and mixed messages for students related to cell phone use in school. We wanted to be proactive in sharing the new policy and how we plan to implement it at HDG High School so you can share and prepare your high school student(s). We plan to begin implementing this on the first day of school, September 3, 2024.
Students who are on PCD's (portable communication devices/cell phones), PLD's (personal listening devices/airpods/headphones), or WCD's (wearable communication devices/smart watches etc.) are more distracted and not fully engaged in the lesson. These distractions can impact the academics of students and overall achievement. Our goal is to preserve the teaching and learning environment fostering focused classrooms for all students.
What is the HCPS policy for High School students?
"PLDs and PCDs are permitted on a student's person but MUST NOT BE VISIBLE and is DEACTIVATED in the Educational Environment, unless otherwise instructed by a teacher or staff member. WCDs are permitted on a student's person but must be DEACTIVATED in the Educational Environment, unless otherwise instructed by a teacher or staff member. High school students may possess and use a PCD, PLD, or WCD on school grounds and buses when authorized to do so pursuant to the students Individualized Education Plan, Section 504 or Nursing Plan."
Deactivated means the device is not able to emit any notifications, which encompasses sound, vibration and visual alerts and includes settings such as the "off" position or "Do Not Disturb" mode.
Educational Environment means all locations where learning takes place, including but not limited to the traditional classroom, libraries, laboratories, assembly halls and online platforms.
Portable Communication Device (PCD) means any electronic or battery powered instrument which transmits or receives voice, text, data, or information in any form including, but not limited to, cell phones, smart phones, tablets, electronic readers, or language translators and which is not owned by Harford County Public Schools (HCPS). Tracking devices that do not send or receive voice or text are excluded from this definition and include pedometers or location trackers, such as Apply Air Tags or Tile.
PCD Policy at a Glance
How will HDG High implement this policy?
Velcro Phone Pouches
In order to help students break the habit of pulling out/looking at their cellphone to look at them, while also allowing students to keep their phone in their possession, all regular classrooms, will have a set of bright blue bubble wrapped velcro pouches. Each classroom will be equipped with a few larger pouches should a student need to put a large cell phone, smartwatch, and airpods in a pouch etc.
Student Requirement:
Each student, as they enter the classroom, will be required to grab a blue pouch and put their PCD (cell phone) in the pouch. The pouch should remain on their desk/in their possession for the duration of the class period. The pouch is not see through to keep students from being distracted from any possible notifications that may pop up on their screen. The bubble insulation is to help protect the phone should a student accidentally drop their pouch. Students should keep the pouch in their possession if they move around the room as HCPS is not responsible for any theft of, loss off or damage to the student's PDC, PLD, or WCD. (HCPS parent student handbook pg. 13).
Students with assigned lockers are always welcome to keep their cell phone in their locker as an option that would ensure there are no classroom temptations/violations being distracted by their phones.
What about P.E.?
Students who choose to take their PCD/cell phone, PLD or WCD should keep the device in their locked assigned P.E. locker.
Example phone pouch
Role of Parents/Guardians- We need your help!
Role of Students- We need students to be prepared!
1. Violation leading to individual distraction
2. Violation that was a learning disruption
Violations categorized as an individual distraction would be considered a student who is distracting themselves with the use of a PCD, PLD, or WCD. This could for example, include the student taking the device out of their pouch during instructional time without the permission of the teacher. Depending on the circumstance, violations in this category will begin with a teacher warning in the classroom, parent communication, behavior referral, after school/Friday detention, in school suspension, PCD/PLD/WCD suspension/loss of privilege for a specified amount of time, or loss of PCD/PLD/WCD privilege for the remainder of the school year.
Violations that would be categorized as a learning disruption include but are not limited to, a student refusing to put away a PCD, PLD, or in the pouch, a student using their device to make/take phone calls, view inappropriate content, unauthorized photography or video recording, bullying/harassment, and academic dishonesty. Depending on the circumstance, consequences for this category of violation would warrant a behavior referral, and consequences ranging from detention to out of school suspension and/or technology suspension or loss of technology privilege's. Please see the HCPS Parent-Student Handbook page 13 for more specifics.
What if I need to contact my child?
In emergency situations should a parent/guardian need to communicate with their child, the parent may call the main office at 410-939-6600 to request the child be permitted to contact the parent.
By adhering to these procedures, we aim to create a focused and respectful learning environment for all students.
Open House- Save the Date!
First day of School
Eligibility for Fall Sports/Extracurriculars
Deadline to apply for an eligibility appeal- August 6th
This is a just a reminder that any student grade 9-12 that earned 1 or more E's on their June 2024 4th quarter report card is ineligible to participate and must submit an eligibility appeal.
*This does not apply to first time 9th graders (rising 8th graders).
Eligibility reminders from the June 24th Newsletter:
Fall Athletic Information
First day of tryouts: Wednesday, August 14th
Please check all attachments below for all FALL ATHLETIC information.
1. Physical Exam on the NEW HCPS form (no exceptions)
2. Athletic Permission Form (Completed on Form RELEAF)
All physicals must be dated after 6/1/2024 in order to be valid for the 24-25 school year. The physical is good for the entire school year and will kept on file.
Sports Schedules:
All fall sports game schedules can be found on County Sports Zone. This is the website you will use to find all athletic schedules for any school/county in Maryland.
Join our REMIND group to get important announcements throughout the summer as well as weekly updates for schedules during the season. Join the group by texting @hdg24-25 to 81010