TPS District Newsletter
Tewksbury Public Schools
October 2022
Message from the Superintendent
Dear TPS Community,
It's hard to believe that it's almost November!
Yet, as we near the end of October, your child's mid-term progress has been updated to your child's Aspen accounts. Please contact your school's secretary if you need assistance in logging on to Aspen. Additionally, parents of students that were in grades 3-10 last school year in Tewksbury, should have received their child's MCAS report in the US postal mail. Please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or Guidance Counselor if you have questions.
We have seen many SUCCESSFUL Trunk or Treat events at our schools this past week and weekend. Thank you to all our staff, students and community members that made these events happen for our students. In the Town of Tewksbury, Halloween is being observed on Monday, October 31st from 6:00 - 8:00 PM.
Finally, in observance of Veterans Day, Friday, November 11th, our schools and administrative offices will be closed. I wish to sincerely THANK our Veterans (past and present) for their service to our country. Our deepest appreciation also goes out to our Veteran's families for sharing your loved ones to serve for all of us.
Please see the additional news and reminders below.
Brenda Theriault-Regan
Visit Tewksbury Memorial High School on Saturday, October 29, 2022
for the 34th Annual Applefest Craft Fair
- 9AM- 3PM FREE ADMISSION ~ Free Parking
- 140 New England Crafters ~ Food ~ Raffles ~ Tewksbury Merch
All Proceeds to Benefit Tewksbury Memorial High School PAC, Scholarships, and
All Night Long Graduation Event
Community Vaccine Clinic Friday, October 28, 2022 3:00pm to 6:00pm
Tewksbury Senior Center, Chandler Street, Tewksbury, MA
*Pfizer New Bivalent Booster *High Dose Flu *Standard Flu
To make an appointment, please call our appointment line at 978-640-4480 ext. 303 to leave your name and contact #. Please bring your vaccination card and health insurance card.
Vaccines are free for everyone!
Please Note: K-4 Early Dismissal is 11:55 am.
The Tewksbury Memorial High School Theater Company will present their fall play, Radium Girls, November 3rd-5th.
“In 1926, radium was a miracle cure, and luminous watches the latest rage – until the girls who made them started to fall ill with a mysterious disease. Inspired by a true story, Radium Girls, traces the efforts of Grace Fryer, a dial painter, as she fights for her day in court.” (Dramatic Publishing)
Show dates and times are:
November 3rd- 7pm ~ November 4th – 7pm
November 5th – 2pm ~ November 5th – 7pm
Tickets are $10 and are on sale at https://www.showtix4u.com/event-details/67276
Email Ms. Pellegrino at cpellegrino@tewksburyk12.ma.us with any questions!
In observance of Veterans Day,
all schools will be closed on Friday, November 11th.
MyView is an easy-to-use mobile app that allows you to check on the location of your student’s school bus. The app allows you to view a real-time, map-based bus locator which can alert you by email or text when the bus enters a specific zone (i.e., a mile from your bus stop).
All parent information is locked down and password protected within the app to prevent unauthorized people from opening the app and viewing the student’s bus information.
To set up Zonar MyView:
Download the Zonar MyView app from the App Store or Google Play.
Enter the School Access Code when prompted - STA9559.
Go to your child's Aspen account: (If you do not remember your access to ASPEN, please contact your student’s school secretary.)
- Enter your child's LASID which can be found in ASPEN.
- Enter your child's bus route you wish to follow
- Create alert zones around drop-off and pick-up points (usually your own address).
It will take 24 hours for your newly created account to become active. If, after 24 hours, you have any questions about the use of this app, please email Tewksbury Transit at tti@tewksburytransit.com.
Tewksbury Public Schools
Website: https://www.tewksbury.k12.ma.us/
Temporary Location: 21 Town Hall Ave, Tewksbury, MA, USA
Phone: (978) 640-7800