Step Up: Bednarcik Jr. High School
Welcome Bednarcik Class of 2023!
I will update all of you with new information as it is finalized. Thank you for your patience as we all move through this together.
Prepare for Success: School Supplies and AVID Organization
Click here for the2020-2021 School Supply List
Here are some organizational tips to help manage multiple teachers and classes:
- Each core subject has a specific binder with tabs to help with organization.
- Staff will help set up all students for success with organizational strategies.
- A Utility binder stores the student’s supplies and materials needed for every class.
- Teachers provide time and support in helping keep all binders and lockers organized.
Get Involved: Clubs and Activities - ON HOLD AS OF 7/9/20
We want ALL of our students to get involved with something extra-curricular during their time at Bednarcik. Specific information about clubs and opportunities are shared through AM announcements and weekly communication home through the Bulldog Blast.
Frequently Asked Questions
Get a Head Start: Survival Skills
With us being in Phase 4, we are planning to hold Survival Skills as we have in the past - with a few needed updates. We will send out links for you to sign up for a specific day and time by the end of next week.
With us not meeting in person for Step Up Night, this class is even more important this year. IF you need assistance paying for this class, please let Mr. Francis know and we will make it happen for your child.
This optional class focuses on the transition to 6th grade. Click here for specific information about Survival Skills. Sign up will take place electronically and we will send the link once it is ready. The cost is $10. *This opportunity is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for any incoming 6th grade student.
Below are the dates and times Survival Skills will take place. We will share the sign-up link to all families next week. TIMES HAVE BEEN UPDATED.
August 12
8:00 - 10:00
10:30 - 12:30
1:00 - 3:00
August 13
1:00 - 3:00
3:30 - 5:30
Unanswered Questions?
Take Care of the Paperwork: Health Notes
6th Grade Physical
The state of IL requires all incoming 6th graders to have a complete health physical. Failure to provide a school physical will result in first day exclusion. Physicals WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED without a parent completing the health history for their student - page 2 of the physical, and providing a signature. No scheduled appointment exceptions.
Immunization Record
Immunizations are required prior to the start of the school year. Students who do not receive proper immunizations will be excluded from attending school. Please check with your child’s physician regarding updated Hepatitis B, MMR, Meningococcal, Varicella and Tdap immunizations.
For 6th grade students, the Tdap and Meningitis (Meningococcal) immunizations are required on or after the 11th birthday, and in some cases that is after the start of school. These students still must have a physical on file prior to the first day of school. They will have 30 days after their 11th birthday to complete these immunizations and turn documentation in to school.
Dental Exam
In Jr High - Dental exams are only required for 6th grade. This should be dated between November 15, 2019 to May 15, 2021. State Physical and Dental exam forms will be provided to you by your Physician or Dentist, but forms can be found under the Health Services Tab on the district website:
An Annual Health History will need to be completed by a parent prior to the start of school.
Who do I call in case of a child absence?
A parent or a legal guardian must call 630-636-2501 before 10:00 a.m. A note is not acceptable. Please report the following information:
- Student’s Name and ID Number
- Your Name & Contact Phone Number
- Reason for Absence & Symptoms
*If a call is not received or a reason is not given, the absence will be considered “unexcused”.
If your child needs ANY medication to be given either on a regular basis or just as needed, please have your doctor complete a Medication Authorization Form for each medication. The medication forms and Health plans for: Asthma, Food Allergies, Seizures, and Diabetes are also available under the Health Services Tab. These forms are required to be completed and submitted YEARLY.
Important People to Know
John Francis 630-636-2510
Assistant Principal
Chanel Keyvan 630-636-2512
Lead SPED Teacher
Todd Bowers 630-636-2505
Principal Secretary
Rosa Restivo 630-636-2509
Registrar/Discipline Secretary
Kim Goodall 630-636-2517
Attendance Secretary
Melissa Kiliszewski 630-636-5216
Student Services:
Beth Carlisle 630-636-2523
Students with last names A-K
Steve Haynes 630-636-2514
Students with last names L-Z
Social Worker:
Anna Deal 630-636-2519
Students with last names A-K
Ann Volpentesta 630-636-2504
Students with last names L-Z
Building Nurse:
Laura DeCapua 630-636-2502
Teachers! We have dedicated, supportive teachers throughout Bednarcik. We can't wait to meet the newest members of our family!
Important Resources
Transportation: 630-636-2999
Pushcoin Questions Hotline: 630-636-2404
Tyler Parent Portal login/access questions:
Waiver of Fee questions: Kaitlyn Dolenak 630-636-3662
Free/Reduced Lunch Application Status: Paola Lares Luna: 630-636-3663
Bednarcik Junior High School
Location: 3025 Heggs Road, Aurora, IL, USA
Phone: 630-636-2500