Center Community Chat
March 14, 2021
Dear Families and Staff,
Wow, hard to believe it has been a year since we left school maskless on Friday, March 13, 2020, expecting to return to school as normal in no more than two weeks. Little did we know the roller coaster ride we would be on for the next year. Though we have a lot of planning and preparation ahead we look forward to welcoming all students who wish to engage in in-person learning, back to Center.
Thank you to those who attended the Family Q&A on Friday regarding the reopening. We do our best to answer your questions, and your questions assist us with planning as well. We will hold another Q&A tomorrow at 6:30PM. The link is below.
Parent Q&A
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 296-096-869
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
Lunch and Recess Aides Needed
If you are finding you are ready to get out of the house for the remainder of the school year, we are in need of some lunch and recess aides. These positions are 3 hrs a day and you get to hang out with awesome Center students!! Please press this link if you are interested in applying: or reach out to Dianna or Donna if you have questions about these positions.
World Down Syndrome Day
Did you know that 3/21 (Sunday) is World Down Syndrome Day? This global awareness day has been celebrated since 2012. According to the WDSD website, the date was chosen to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down syndrome. On this day people are encouraged to wear yellow and blue to raise awareness and crazy, mismatched or even an extra pair of socks. Wearing long striped socks was initiated to represent chromosomes or an extra sock to represent an extra chromosome. Here is a link to learn more about World Down Syndrome Day
Attention 4th grade parents
All grade 4 students need to select an arts block for grade 5 in April. To support grade 4 students as they prepare to make their arts block selection this April, the middle school music faculty and Dr. Whittlesey will be holding a parent information night on March 25 (incoming McCarthy at 6:00/incoming Parker at 7:00). Please watch this slideshow for more information.
Keep moving in March. The warmer weather appears to be here, get outside to enjoy it and log those points. Center is currently in 2nd place, behind South Row in the movement challenge.
Rotating in-person learning on Wednesdays, beginning March 24th
The addition of Wednesday as a ½ in-person day, rotating cohorts, will still be implemented as planned, beginning Wednesday, March 24, 2021. The first week of implementation will have students in Cohort A in-person on Monday (3/22), Tuesday (3/23), and Wednesday (3/24). Students in Cohort B will attend in-person on Thursday (3/25) and Friday (3/26). The second week, students in Cohort A will attend in-person on Monday (3/29) and Tuesday (3/30). Students in Cohort B will attend in-person on Wednesday (3/31) and Thursday (4/1). There is no school on Good Friday, April 2, 2021.
Center Chirps
- Changes to MCAS dates- The state has changed the MCAS assessment window to May 10- June 11.
Warm Regards,
Dianna & Donna
Let's Get Moving in March!
Upcoming Events
This week...
Monday, March 15: Parent Forum, 6:30 PM
Parent Q&A
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 296-096-869
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
Tuesday, March 16: End of Marking Period (Grades 1-4)
March 15-19th - Spirit week
Monday- Hat or Crazy Hair Day
Tuesday- Totally Chelmsford Day
Wednesday- Wear your green for St. Patrick’s Day
Thursday- Sports Day
Friday- Down Syndrome Awareness Day- Wear blue and yellow and mixed matched socks
And Next
Wednesday, March 24: Cohort A in-person, 8:59-12:45
Friday, March 26: Show your Chelmsford Pride!
Notes from the Nurse
Technical Issues
We kindly ask you to follow this progression which will help us best support and assist our students and families.
- If your student is having difficulty logging into Clever or their Google Classroom, be sure they signing in with their Chelmsford email address that ends in
- Watch & Read instructional videos and directions contained in the Tech Tips document (a link to this is below)
- Submit a request for assistance through IIQ(formerly the helpdesk)
- Your child's teacher will try to assist you but be mindful that they are also trying to provide instruction to about 20 other students, so please try the steps above to limit interruptions to learning.
Center Elementary School
Location: 84 Billerica Road, Chelmsford, MA, United States
Phone: 978-251-5155
Twitter: @Center_CCS