Solar Eclipse - April 8
Monday, April 8th
10:08 am - 12:35pm (Peak at 11:20am)
We WILL BE on Rainy Day Schedule from 10:08 - 12:35 on April 8th, to keep students indoors and safe during the eclipse.
Our campus already purchased and gave students solar eclipse glasses back in October so we do NOT have any more to hand out for this one. If parents ask you about our plan to keep students safe during the eclipse please let them know we will be on rainy day schedule during the eclipse times noted above which means students will NOT be outside.
Parents will be notified of our safety plan to keep students safe during the solar eclipse through a Blackboard message on Friday and through the Bobcat Blast on Sunday.
This a link https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Zhp93E7QnMdo8zac6xX6PfpXSrHc416s/view with information about the solar eclipse.
A Rated School - Board Meeting Invite
Copper Creek is being honored at the April 9th Board Meeting. We will be presented with a banner to represent the A Rating we earned from the state. This is an achievement made possible by all of YOU! I would love and greatly appreciate having staff there to accept this banner together at the Board Meeting:) Arrive at 5:45 and the awards start at 6:00! Please let me know if you can attend - it will NOT take long - and you can leave right after!!
24/25 Master Schedule
The 24/25 master schedule is as pictured below based on your votes, we did reach consensus. Once the special area rotation schedule is complete we will send out the link to the entire schedule document.
Volunteer Appreciation Week
Volunteer appreciation week is just around the corner. We have many volunteers who help and serve here at CC that we would like to recognize. We will be honoring them at a small breakfast on Friday, April 19th from 8:45 - 9:15 in the PD room. (Invitation to follow).
Please add all of your volunteer names to the link below. We will send you the attachment for the invitation and further details in a following email.
Golden Tickets
Surprise Drawing!
Keep handing out those golden tickets! We will have another surprise drawing this week!!π
Jumpstart Summer School at CC - REMINDER/Update
Jumpstart teachers have been hired and notified. We have many of our own CC teaching summer school at CC, which is awesome!
As we discussed back in January, we will need to use some classrooms this summer since we are the host site. Additional details are in the copy of the slide below!
You will get an email from me within the next few weeks to let you know if your classroom is being used. Classrooms selected will be based on the teachers that are teaching similar programs (Jumpstart or Boost) and will be located near where our own CC teacher classrooms are. We will also use all vacant classrooms. Please do not stress this, Mrs. Basl (Legend Springs Principal) ensured me that teachers will be respectful of your classrooms. Also, I will give you detailed instructions on how to get your room ready for check out if your classroom is being used for summer school
If you do NOT get an email from me within the next few weeks, this means your room is NOT being used.
- Summer School Dates: June 3- June 21
- Campus start times are still in the works due to transportation logistics across all campuses and programs. All JumpStart campuses will begin between 7:30-8:30AM and end between 11:30-12:30PM.
Thank you for your support of this program for our students. Please contact me directly if you have any questions:)
Jeans!! Wear your jeans any day, anytime, during the month of Aprilπ
Monthly Staff Meeting
Staff Meeting
Please mark your calendar to plan to be at our staff meeting. Our monthly meeting is on Thursday, April 18 at 7:30, in the library. Thank you!βΊοΈ
Behavior Team
Precise Problem Statement:
The number of reported disruptive behavior incidents in the classroom increased from 7 in February to 20 in March in grades K, 2, 4 & 5. By the end of April, we will decrease the amount of reported classroom disruptive behavior incidents to 10 or fewer in all grade levels.
April Important Dates
What's Happening This Month:
- Wednesday, April 3 - AASA - Writing - grades 3-6
- Thursday, April 4 - AASA - ORF - 3rd grade ONLY - District Battle of the Books with winning team
- Monday, April 8 - Solar Eclipse - Rainy Day schedule 10:05AM - 12:35PM
- Tuesday, April 9 - AASA - Reading Part 1 - 3-6th
- Wednesday, April 10 - AASA - Reading Part 2 - 3-6th
- Thursday, April 11 - Guiding Coalition - 7:30 in Conference Room
- Tuesday, April 16 - AASA - Math Part 1 - 3-6th
- Wednesday, April 17 - AASA - Math Part 2 - 3-6th
- Thursday, April 18 - Staff Meeting, 7:30 AM in the Library & Volunteer Appreciation Day
- Friday, April 19 - Volunteer Appreciation breakfast - 8:45 - 9:30 AM - details to follow in an email:)
- Friday, April 26 - Monthly Social Committee breakfast sponsored by: Mans, Crenshaw, Dosh, Hall, Arlienne, Rangel, Dauphinais, Curtis, Cummins, Stylinkski, Janzen
Happy Birthday!
8 - Monica Tejada
10 - Karen Mans
15 - Mya Hamann
26 - Karlie Stylinski
Copper Creek Document Links
Copper Creek Incident Referral Form
K8 District Assessment Calendar
Copper Creek Staff Drive link to the 23/24 folder in the drive
CC Staff Resource Document link
23/24 Copper Creek Master Schedule
Staff meeting dates for the 23/24 school year link
Staff meeting slides - These slides are always available in the CC Staff Drive, click on the 23/24 school year folder, then click on the 23/24 staff meeting slides folder.
23/24 List of Students that cannot be published on website or social media