2023-2024 BLOCKS Talent Recognition
Thank you to all our honorees and retirees.
Thank you to all the honorees and retirees for you dedication to the BLOCKS students. Your endless time and effort to educate, mentor and guide the children is inspirational. You have made a lasting impact on all the lives of our little learners. Thank you also for being wonderful co-workers.
"It takes a big heart to help shape little minds."
Our Retirees
Carol Vinci
Special Education Teacher
Kimberly O'Leary
Preschool Teacher
Michael Fenton
Special Education Teacher
Michelle Sutherland
Preschool Teacher
Our Honorees - 25 years at FPS
Barbara Martino
Assistant Occupational Therapist
Elvira Leandres Chaves
Preschool Teacher
Michael Biundo
School Psychologist
Our Honorees - 20 years at FPS
Ivette Montanez
Special Education Assistant Teacher
Lisa Bolter Martino
Spanish Immersion Preschool Teacher
Our Honorees - 15 years at FPS
Cristina Medeiros`
Speech and Language Pathologist
Kristen Bankuti
Speech and Language Pathologist
Talent Recognition Ceremonny
June 12,2024 at 5pm
Watch on Framingham Public School's Facebook Page
Internally we, at BLOCKS, would also like to acknowlege and thank the following
staff for thier years of service.
Special Acknowlegment to those with 26-29 years at FPS
Beatriz Cordoba
Office Manager
Renee Perry
Special Education Teacher
Special Acknowlegment to those with 21-24 years at FPS
Amy Lilley
Preschool Assistant Teacher
Caryn O'Toole
Spanish Immersion Teacher
Erin McDonald
Special Education Teacher
Jannine Ricchiazzi
Special Education Teacher
Marisette Anastos
Spanish Immersion Assistant Teacher
Mauricio Perea
Special Eduation Assistant Teacher
Melinda Halliday
Special Eduation Assistant Teacher
Sandra Souza
Special Education Assistant Teacher
Tara Klupa
Speech and Language Pathologist
Special Acknowlegment to those with 16-19 years at FPS
Donna Angus
Special Eduation Teacher
Iris Deleon
Special Education Assistant Teacher
Lisa Killam
Speech and Language Pathologist
Mable Su
Special Eduation Assistant Teacher
Martha Montano
Special Education Assistant Teacher
Nora Boucher
Special Eduation Assistant Teacher