The Bulldog 12.12.24
December 12, 2024

Principal's Message
Note from Mrs. Lockwood
Another great week of teaching and learning! It’s hard to believe the first semester is coming to a close already. Time flies when you’re having fun! Our PBIS initiative has been widely successful. Students are demonstrating CREW characteristics throughout the day. Families, you can support this work by reminding your student(s) that at Clairemont we are Compassionate, Respectful, Engaged & We show Respect!
Next Thursday, December 19, is Early Release and the last day of first semester for students.
Our annual Marketplace is this weekend! Please come out and shop with our amazing vendors. It’s going to be a fantastic two days of shopping, food, & fun!
Families, as we prepare for our two-week holiday break, I understand it’s a time of relaxation, connection, and fun with loved ones. It can also be a time for students to practice and enhance academic skills through Freckle & Lalilo. Freckle & Lalilo are web based, fun activities aligned to every student’s achievement level based on Star Math & Early Literacy. To access Freckle & Lalilo you will need your student(s) email address and password. We will provide a copy of this information before break so please check the red communication folder.
Events at a glance:
- Friday, December 13 - Saturday, December 14: Decatur Holiday Marketplace
- Wednesday, December 18; 5:30: PTA Meeting
- Thursday, December 19; 9:30: 1st Grade Celebration of Learning
- Thursday, December 19: Early Release Day
- Friday, December 20: Teacher Work Day
- Friday, December 20 - Monday, January 6: Semester break
- Tuesday, January 7: Students return to school
CSD Seeking Student Applications for 2025 MLK/CSK Awards, Deadline December 18
CSS has a long history of honoring the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King by celebrating many of our students who embody the values of freedom, justice, democracy and service. Through an annual program, we highlight their dedication to using these values to impact our community positively. This year, the award will be presented to two students from each upper elementary school, four from middle school, and four from high school.
Click here to learn more about the application guidelines. Application deadline: December 18.
Holiday Marketplace THIS WEEKEND!
Decatur Holiday Marketplace & Cafe
Established in 1972, this market is the perfect place to load up on handcrafted paintings, pottery, jewelry, bath products, gourmet food and so much more! Try the treats from the Mad Greek, Operation Mini Donuts and Super Taco! food trucks. This community endeavor supports Clairemont Elementary students through learning initiatives, teacher grants and more.
Location: Clairemont Elementary School
Website: decaturholidaymarketplace.com
Date: Dec. 13-14
Time: Friday - 5:30-9 p.m., Saturday - 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Admission: Free
We need YOU!
Grab a friend and join us! We need all sorts of volunteers (parents, family, neighbors, teachers and students) to make this event happen. Clairemont students can take photos, be greeters, be concierge, help decorate, or sell beverages in the café!
Parents are a critical set of volunteers, and you can pick what you want to do – Sell raffle tickets? Help decorate the café? Be a troubleshooter or concierge for artists? We have a spot just for you!
We’re also looking for Clairemont Crew to help unload our classrooms, setup, load in artists and transform our little school into an amazing artists marketplace, then help with breakdown, load-out and put the classrooms back together.
Just a few hours of effort on Friday afternoon or Saturday evening ensures a WONDERFUL event. Sign up to volunteer here!
Check out @decaturholidaymarketplace on Instagram for a preview of some of the amazing vendors!
School Climate Survey
CSD Wants Your Feedback!
Note from Ms. Castillo
2nd grade families, please send in or email a family photo for your student to label and add to our classroom collage. Multiple photos are welcome to include different households/family members.
Due: 12/17
Email : stephanie.castillo@csdecatur.net
Family Literacy Tip of the Week
Before your next trip to the grocery store, have your child help you with writing the shopping list. They don’t need to be able to write everything, but drawing pictures or writing even a few letters are a great way for younger children to participate. At the store, they can also help identify the foods on the list. Keep this going and have your child help read and cook a recipe with you too!
PTA News
Get social with us!
Stay up-to-date with all the Clairemont PTA news and see pictures of our fun events by following the PTA on Facebook and Instagram. You can find all things Clairemont PTA, as well as the form to join, at the Clairemont PTA website.
Save on holiday cards and help PTA!
DEF News
Decatur Farm to School Committee
Do you have plans for a new garden or class project for spring? Are you full of fantastic ideas for incorporating farm-to-school principles into a teaching unit? Need funds for a "green" field trip?
The Wylde Center Decatur Farm to School Committee invites you to apply for a grant for 2024/25. Teachers, administrators, PTA members, and parent volunteers can apply on behalf of their CSD school. Please get your applications in before December 13, 2024.