Achieve 3000
Achieve 3000: Literacy
All students in grades 3-8 have a free account for this OSP. Log into the OS to request your log in info.
- Empowers all students to easily read articles and stories at their ability level
- Using embedded assessments, it automatically adapts to each student's reading level as they grow in fluency (Students receive the just-right content at the just-right time)
- Addresses language arts standards at grade level while offering texts at a higher or lower reading level
- Social Studies and Science standards are embedded in the highly engaging articles
- Fun and engaging articles were selected for student interest
- Has internal tools for students who struggle with reading or have dyslexia
- The same text can be read at multiple reading levels
- Each lesson teaches reading strategies and has writing connections
- Printable packets available (view samples here)
- It is recommended that Achieve be used a minimum of 2 times a week to see optimal progress.
Achieve 3000 is free to students in grades 3-8 but must still be requested in the OS. Ask your IST if you need help logging in to Achieve after requesting in the OS.
McGraw Hill Achieve3000 Overview
The Video above is an overview of Achieve 3000 and what it offers.
Achieve 3000 Literacy Lessons
This video highlights different types of articles/assignments found in Achieve.
Achieve allows you to search by areas of interest.
Achieve allows you to choose article and activity or 5 step article depending on the level of instruction and challenge wanted.
Once the lesson is complete use the print icon to have a work sample ready for your IST.
Each article clearly lays out steps for completion and reviews tricky vocabulary.
Jennifer Falco
Jennifer is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters