Cardinal Elementary News
January 10, 2025
January 13th- January 17th
Monday, January 13th
Early Release @ 1:45 for Students
4:30 PTO Meeting
Tuesday, January 14th:
3:00-4:00 DI Team Meeting
Wednesday, January 15th:
6:00 Talent Show
Thursday, January 16th:
Friday, January 17th:
Detroit Lions Pride Day! Wear Lions gear or dress in blue, white, gray silver or black.
Upcoming Important Dates:
January 20th- No School
January 22nd 5:30-7:00 Lego Night
January 23-24 Early Release
January 24th End of First Marking Period
February 6th Social Emotional Learning Family Night
February 7th Kids Heart Challenge Begins/SOAR Assembly
February 11th GOTR Practice Begins on Tuesdays and Thursdays
February 14-18th Mid Winter Break
February 27th 5:30-7:00 MIRM Kick Off Party
December Students of the Month
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Information for Families
PTO Meeting
We will be holding a PTO meet on Monday, January 13th at 4:30. We would love to see you there!!!
Parking Lot Safety
The parking lots become quite slippery which can cause falls or cars sliding. On Friday, we saw quite a few people parking in the front lot and walking across to pick up. The front lot is for drive through pick ups only. There is no crossing guard. If you want to park and pick up students, please use the west lot and use the crossing guard to safely cross. There were also cars that were driving way too fast in the parking lots.
We have recently seen some cars passing the line and pulling up to the front. Please be courteous and wait your turn in the line.
Please observe the parking lot rules for the safety of the students, visitors, and staff.
Worlds Finest Chocolate Fundraiser Money Past Due Now
World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser money is due. Please be sure to turn this in next week. If you have questions, please contact the office at 231-760-1700.
Winter Weather!
Winter weather is here!
Please be sure to send your students dressed for the winter weather. Students will be outside for recess unless it is raining or the "feels like" temperature is less than 10 degrees.
Students should wear winter coats, snowpants, boots, mittens, and hats. We recommend labeling winter items so if they are lost they are easy to identify ad return to the owner.
If your family needs assistance with winter gear, please contact the office at 231-760-1700.
Please complete the Orchard View Education Benefits Form!
We currently have 165 students who have not had a Education Benefits Form completed for the school year. There was a link to this in the forms for the school year and forms were available at the Back to School Block Party.
Not having these forms completed could impact our ability to provide free breakfast and lunch in the future. This report is critical in determining money that our district receives from State and Federal grant programs like Title 1A, At-risk, and Title IIA, etc. It is also necessary to determine families' Summer EBT eligibility.
Please click this link to complete the form if you have not already done so.
Volunteers Needed!!
Upcoming Events
OV Spectator Guidelines
Please review our Spectator Guidelines with your children before attending sporting events and other special events.
Conduct on School Property
Please review the poster below.
We are here to work collaboratively to provide a safe, nurturing school for your children. We are happy to meet with you regarding any concerns you may have. We do ask that you follow the expectations outlined below, or you will be asked to leave and schedule a time to meet with us later.
Thank you for your assistance with this.
The Cardinal Elementary Office, Teachers, and Staff
Cardinal Elementary Webpage
On the "Parents" page, there are updates about upcoming activities and other important information for parents.
PBIS Updates!
December Behavior Data
Attendance- Top 5 Classrooms
January 6th- January 10th
Cardinal Weekly Attendance: 93.1% A great way to start the new year!
Top 5:
#1 Mrs. Hilton's 2nd Grade Classroom 96.1%
#2 Ms.Caves' 5th Grade Classroom 96.0%
#3 Ms. Roesler's 3rd Grade Classroom 95.0%
#4 Mrs. Newmyer's 2nd Grade Classroom 93.7%
#5 Mrs. Arends' 3rd Grade Classroom 93.6%
Perfect Attendance August-December!
Staff Shout Outs!
If you would like to recognize a Cardinal Elementary staff member, please use the QR code to complete a Cardinal Staff Shout Out.