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West Leyden Student Activities

🦅 November 13, 2023
Celebrating Native American Heritage Month
Since 1990, Congress has authorized an annual presidential proclamation that designates November as National American Indian Heritage Month to encourage all people to learn about the contributions and cultures of the Indigenous peoples of the North American continent. Such recognition, however, dates back further with state and organizational recognition of Indigenous peoples days and commemorations occurring at the turn of the twentieth century. For example, Dr. Arthur C. Parker, a Seneca Indian and co-founder of the Society of American Indians in 1911, organized American Indian Day beginning in 1915. More recently, Columbus Day, which is recognized on the second Monday of October, has been reclaimed in cities across the U.S. as Indigenous People's Day.
World Kindness Day!
The World Kindness Movement was independent from any religious or cultural group and was started by when members gathered in Tokyo in 1997 for a conference on kindness. In 1998, the World Kindness Movement launched World Kindness Day. The mission of the movement is "to inspire individuals and connect nations to create a kinder world." It offers an opportunity to highlight good deeds in the community and the common thread of kindness.
Click on the banner below 👇 to hear ways to spread kindness today!
Orchesis Spring Showcase Auditions
Monday, November 13 & Wednesday, November 15 3:10pm - 4:45pm in the East Auditorium
👈 Click on the image to see how to make new friends, learn new styles of dance, and get on stage!
To find out more, email Ms. Longstreth at LLongstreth@student.leyden212.org.
Follow us on Insta: @LeydenOrchesis212
Website: https://www.leyden212.org/activities-arts/fine-arts/orchesis
Club Spotlight
West Leyden's Pilot Clubs!
Student Activities Webpage
Want to see what clubs West Leyden has, who the club sponsors are, and when the clubs meet? Check out the Student Activities webpage! You can get there from the Leyden website > Activities and Arts > Clubs - West. You can search clubs alphabetically by name or categorically by type. Get involved!
Excellence Award
We Are... Awards
We Are... Awards nominees can qualify to receive Javaccino (students) / Gold and Bold Café (staff members) gift cards. In addition, students may be recognized at Student of the Month breakfasts and staff members may be recognized at staff meetings.
To nominate a student or staff member, you need to fill out this We Are... Awards Google Form.