Youth Services News
January 24, 2020
Kids Reading Across RI 2020
The Kids Reading Across RI Committee is proud to announce that The Changeling by William Ritter is the 2020 selection! This tale about a goblin mix-up and an ancient, dark magic is a perfect complement to this summer's "Imagine Your Story" reading program.
In the next month you will receive information about requesting free copies of The Changeling to use for KRARI book discussions throughout the spring and summer. As always, these books will belong to your library and you may decide how you want to distribute them (give them to book discussion participants to keep, catalog them, etc.). We will begin distributing the books in the early spring through OLIS-LORI delivery.
KRARI book sets are also made available to school librarians. Last year we had great success with public libraries serving as a KRARI set pick-up location for schools that do not receive OLIS-LORI delivery. A big thank you to the libraries and library staff who made this possible! We will once again be asking for public libraries to help facilitate the distribution of KRARI book sets to schools. All this entails is receiving a boxed set of books and holding onto it until a school librarian arrives to pick it up. If you're looking for a way to connect with schools, you may want to consider being a pick-up location for book sets requested by school librarians in your community. (Or you could offer to deliver the set to the school, a definite "in" for stopping by to talk up your summer reading program!) Let us know if you're interested in being a pick-up location and you'll be contacted if a school librarian from your district requests a book set.
Mark you calendar for the kickoff event scheduled for Saturday, May 2nd from 2pm-4pm at the State House. Author William Ritter will join us to sign books and speak to attendees. In the next month the KRARI committee will be inviting libraries and organizations to host a table at the kickoff, so start brainstorming an activity, display, or handout for the event! For more information about the KRARI program, visit the KRARI webpage or LibGuide page.
Children's Services Roundtable: 2020 Census
Did you know that children birth through 4 are among the most undercounted populations in the decennial Census count? In 2010, young children had an especially high undercount of 4.6%, or nearly 1 million. Since programs such as SNAP, Medicaid, school lunches, Head Start, WIC, and Title I use Census data to calculate and distribute federal funds, an undercount of one of our most vulnerable populations impacts the availability of funding for providing resources to the very group that needs it the most.
11th Annual Providence Children's Film Festival
The 11th Annual Providence Children’s Film Festival will return February 14 – 23, 2020. The annual Festival brings the world to our children and community through important films made by extraordinary, often unrecognized filmmakers from all over the globe.
Posters and additional information for display in your library will be arriving via delivery. Also, be sure to check out the PCFF Film Hub for a film directory, film guides, and more. You can also search the OSL catalog for a listing of PCFF selected films that are owned by RI libraries. If your library owns PCFF films, or you have these films on order, be sure to request PCFF DVD/Blu-ray labels from OLIS to help families easily locate them in your collection.
2020 RI Mock Newbery
Each January Rhode Island librarians gather to select a "mock" version of the Newbery award. This year, librarians discussed a total of 25 Newbery eligible books over the course of three months and three meetings. Thanks to everyone who participated!
On January 14, 2020 a group of 10 children's and school librarians selected the following winner and 3 honor books:
2020 RI Mock Newbery Honor
2020 RI Mock Newbery Honor
2020 RI Mock Newbery Honor
RI Youth Book Awards
It's book award season!
RI Children's Book Award (RICBA)
February 3 - March 9
If you are a public library that will have a voting station, please contact Danielle Margarida to have your library listed on the voting web page and in the RICBA newsletter.
RI Teen Book Award (RITBA)
January 21 - February 29
Interested schools and libraries can find an official ballot under Official Election Ballot to download and print. Ballots can be accepted at the participating schools and libraries from January 21, 2020 through February 29, 2020. Voting results should be emailed to by Monday, March 2, 2020.
We are once again offering free books as prizes and incentives for both teen voters and voting stations in public and school libraries across Rhode Island. For more information and to get your voting station involved, click here for 2020 Voting Incentives
Please direct any questions to
RI Middle School Book Award (RIMSBA) voting to be announced, March 1st-March 31st.
Upcoming OLIS CE
Summer Reading Program Planning: Performer Discussion
Snow date: January 30
Learn about available resources for discovering and contacting performers for your Summer Reading Program. We'll discuss how to book performers and arrange block booking/group rates among neighboring libraries. 90 minutes will be reserved for participants to recommend and discuss performers and arrange potential block booking opportunities.
Tuesday, Jan 28, 2020, 01:30 PM
West Warwick Public Library, Main Street, West Warwick, RI, USA
Children's Services Roundtable: 2020 Census
Libraries will play a critical role in the 2020 Census, which is the first census that will be conducted online. Join us for a discussion about how youth services librarians can help children and families be counted. We'll discuss programming ideas and brainstorm ways to embed Census information into the services you are already providing. The last 30 minutes of the meeting will be reserved for open discussion and networking.
Tuesday, Feb 4, 2020, 01:30 PM
Woonsocket Public Library, Clinton Street, Woonsocket, RI, USA
EDI Book Club: So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
Join the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Book Club to discuss So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo with other interested members of the RI library community. Racism is a difficult subject to talk about. How do you tell your roommate her jokes are racist? Why did your sister-in-law take umbrage when you asked to touch her hair–and how do you make it right? How do you explain white privilege to your white, privileged friend? In So You Want to Talk About Race, Ijeoma Oluo guides readers of all races through subjects ranging from intersectionality and affirmative action to “model minorities” in an attempt to make the seemingly impossible possible: honest conversations about race and racism, and how they infect almost every aspect of American life.
Wednesday, Feb 12, 2020, 01:30 PM
West Warwick Public Library
Summer Reading Program: Planning for "Imagine Your Story"
Youth services library staff are invited to “Imagine Your Story” in preparation for Summer Reading Program 2020. We’ll cover program planning nuts and bolts, partnership/outreach opportunities, thematic resources, and highlight hidden gems from the Collaborative Summer Library Program manual. Time will be reserved for group discussion and idea sharing. This workshop will highlight activities and resources for youth pre-k through high school and will be repeated Thursday, February 27 at 1pm at the Barrington Public Library.
Tuesday, Feb 25, 2020, 09:30 AM
North Kingstown Free Library, Boone Street, North Kingstown, RI, USA
Summer Reading Program: Planning for "Imagine Your Story"
Youth services library staff are invited to “Imagine Your Story” in preparation for Summer Reading Program 2020. We’ll cover program planning nuts and bolts, partnership/outreach opportunities, thematic resources, and highlight hidden gems from the Collaborative Summer Library Program manual. Time will be reserved for group discussion and idea sharing. This workshop will highlight activities and resources for youth pre-k through high school and is repeated from Tuesday, February 25 at 9:30am at the North Kingstown Free Library.
Thursday, Feb 27, 2020, 01:00 PM
Barrington Public Library, County Road, Barrington, RI, USA
Grant and Award Opportunities
Real Skills for Youth (1/31)
PLA Inclusive Internship Initiative (2/3)
Penguin Random House Library Award for Innovation (2/3)
Libraries Transform Communities Engagement Grants (2/3)
El Día de Los Niños/El Día de Los Libros Programming Grant (3/2)
National Network of Libraries of Medicine Funding Opportunities (3/20)
Ezra Jack Keats Mini-Grant (3/31)
New England Foundation for the Arts Grants (various deadlines)
Professional Development Opportunities
RI Foundation Racial Equity Trainings (various dates, January - April)
ALA Midwinter / Symposium for the Future of Libraries (Philadelphia, PA, January 24 - 28)
Call for Program Proposals for RILA 2020 Conference (February 7)
Call for Program Proposals for 2020 YA Services Symposium (February 15)
PLA 2020 Conference (Nashville, TN, February 25 - 29)
LJ & SLJ Public Library Youth Services Leadership Summit (March 12-13)
Call for Program Proposals for NELA/NHLA 2020 Conference (March 31)
Save the Date: RILA 2020 Conference (Bryant University, May 28 - 29)
Upcoming Events and Celebrations
Take Your Child to the Library Day (February 1)
World Read Aloud Day (February 5)
Read Across America Day (March 2), Read about the program's recent rebranding
Money Smart Week (April 4-11))
National Library Week (April 19-25)
School Library Month
National Poetry Month
Drop Everything and Read (D.E.A.R.) Month
Kids Reading Across RI (May 2)
Free Comic Book Day (May 2)
Children's Book Week (May 4-10)
Star Wars Day (May 4)
RI Latino Books Month
National Foster Care Month
Location: 1 Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9309
Twitter: @olisri