The Bonneville Buzz
September 2023

May 2024
Our May Value is Peace
Bonneville Priorities
- To ensure our children are happy and we explain things well
- To ensure no child leaves our school unable to read
- To ensure children learn a broad vocabulary to access the world around them
- To enhance the educational experiences of diagnosed and undiagnosed children with SEND
a message from Ms Parker...
This term we enjoy a quieter month of activities in our lead up to warmer weather.
Please be reminded of the two school closure days Friday 3rd and Monday 6th May.
Following a successful round of recruitment, after half term we will be welcoming our new receptionist, Jasmine Negroni, into our Bonneville family.
Jasmine will be working alongside Shobnom as your first point of contact.
Please use the link below to meet our newest staff member.
Extreme Reading Competition
Thank you so much for everyone who entered the 'Extreme Reading Competition'. We had so many different entries for 'Extreme Reading'. We had reading on bridges over a river in Bulgaria, reading at the swimming pool, ice rink, on roller coasters, at the grocery store plus many more. It's been wonderful to see so many children show such a love for their reading. The staff have voted and winners will be announced next week.
Here are just a few of the photos that we received.
Support the return of our cooking curriculum
Topics this term...
To find out more detail about the curriculum for your year group/s this term visit the schools website to access the knowledge organisers.
Top questions to ask your child this month!
What Spanish vocabulary is your child/ren learning?
Early Years- Los animales (learning animal names)
Year 1- Los animales (naming animals)
Year 2- Los animales (counting animals)
Year 3- Los animales (describing animals and their pets)
Year 4- Mi colegio (describing the school)
Year 5- Mis asignaturas (describing their favourite subjects)
Year 6- Los trabajos (jobs they would like to have in the future)
Please rienforce the learning by asking your child/ren what it means.
Curriculum Spotlight!
This month we shine a light on Spanish
Spanish is taught as a discrete subject. Each class has a weekly timetabled slot with our specialist Spanish tutor who delivers a bespoke language curriculum to the children. Our language curriculum is designed to develop the skills of the children and repetition is planned for in order to support with language acquisition.
The children begin their journey as language learners in Nursery and this journey continues up to Year 6. They begin by learning Spanish in a fun and engaging way, through songs and games. This continues to be developed and by the time they reach Year 6, they are using their knowledge to speak and write in sentences with a focus on grammar.
At Bonneville, we feel it is important to create opportunities to learn about the culture of Spanish speaking countries and by writing letters to children in Spain, we can learn about the similarities and differences in the world around them. We also feel it is important to monitor the progress made by the children. We have created an assessment tool in order to assess the language skills acquired by the children, we use this to inform our planning and to ensure that the children are successful language learners.
Additionally, we feel it is important to celebrate the languages in our communities and as such, we have a Language of the Month. This provides the children with information about different countries around the world as well as learning greetings that we then use to take the register.
Please help support your child with their spellings by looking at the spelling rules, sounds and patterns in each word. Practicing spellings daily (or as much as possible) will help your children to learn and remember each word.
In KS1, children will need to choose five spelling words to put into sentences.
In KS2, children will need to write a sentence for each word, using neat, joined handwriting.
This will give the children the opportunity to understand the meaning of each word, put the word into context and allow them to practice their handwriting.
All spelling books must be given the Class Teacher every Wednesday. This will ensure that your teacher has enough time to get the new spellings stuck in. Children will be doing a weekly spelling test in the back of their homework books so you will be able to see how well they are doing.
Sport at Bonneville
Lambeth Football League Update
Congratulations to our mixed football team who came 7th place in the Lambeth league. Well done for representing our school so well. We are very proud of you.
FAB Update
FAB- Please get involved, more hands make light work!
FAB stands for Friends Association Bonneville.
Many, many parents are involved in enabling fundraising for our school. Thanks again to the FAB Office Team, for galvanising the community and keeping everyone updated through their wonderful Newsletters.
It is great to see new faces getting involved. A donation of 1 hour per term (that’s only 3 hours per year), of your time, is all that we ask. Whether it be class rep, planning/hosting an event or standing on a stall. Some parents very generously agree to host an event like our amazing wreath making workshop, or the gathering of donations for our incredible raffles. We always need more help and support. Every parent is a member of FAB. I ask that everyone gets involved.
Don't miss out on the next FAB event...
May 2024- Value 'Peace'
Thursday 2nd - Yr4 Local Trip to Clapham Common
Friday 3rd - INSET DAY School is closed
Monday 6th - BANK HOLIDAY School is closed
Thursday 9th - 9am Autism Voice Coffee morning for parents all are welcome
Monday 13th to Friday 17th - Yr6 SATs Week
Monday 20th to Friday 31st - FAB Half Term Challenge (more information below)
Wednesday 22nd - Open morning @ 9.30am
Thursday 23rd - International Evening
Friday 24th - Last day of half term, school ends at the usual time 3.15pm all after school arrangements are in place
Supportive Services
Food Bank Vouchers
In these difficult times any of us can find ourselves in challenging situations. Should you need support, please contact Mr Connelly who can support with food vouchers discretely.
Better Start Outreach Support
We are delighted to welcome Alex from the Better Start Team who will be working with families at Bonneville going forward. Alex will be in school every Wednesday morning and will be happy to meet parents and carers to give help, advice and support relating to the following issues:
Citizens Advice
Benefits advice
Food bank vouchers
Disability Living Allowance applications
Cost of Living information
Training and employment advice
Activities for children during half-term breaks
Advice on support available within Lambeth
Alex has a great deal of knowledge and expertise and will be a fantastic asset to have working with us at Bonneville. If you would like to arrange an appointment with Alex to have a chat and a cup of coffee on a Wednesday morning, please contact Mr Connelly and he can book in an appointment for you.
Our May Value is Peace
Central to raising standards in all schools and ensuring all pupils can fulfil their potential, is the need for children to attend school regularly to benefit from their education.
There is a strong link between good learning, high achievement, rapid progress and developing good social skills with excellent attendance.
We want to take this opportunity to outline our expectations for school attendance this academic year.
If your child arrives at school from 9.01am they will be marked as LATE, if they arrive after 9.30am they will be classed as “late after the register is closed” and their attendance is classed as absent for the morning session. As the registers would have already been returned to the Department for Education.
Regular poor punctuality can also have a negative effect on your child’s attendance as well as their academic learning. Being 6 minutes late each day equals 30 minutes of missed learning every week.
If your child’s attendance drops below 90%, we will need to share our concerns with the Local Authority Education Welfare Officer at Lambeth Council.
Is my child to ill for school?
How to seek support with attendance challenges?
Pupil Attendance
Congratulations to our latest attendance winners.
Key Stage One
KS1 and overall Winners!
Key Stage Two
KS2 and overall Winners!
Click below to view the most recent Nursery and Reception Learning Updates
Click below to view the most recentYears 1 and 2 Learning Updates
Do you have the skills to help?
When we need particular support from our parent community, we post for help on our 'Call to Action' page on the schools website, and send the direct page link in an email to our parent community. So signing up is really easy!
Perhaps you would like to be a secret reader (reading a story to your child’s class), or would like to support us in maximising children’s opportunity to practice their reading skills, we need you.
Press the title to find out more.
Click below to view the most recent Years 3 and 4 Learning Updates
Our May Value is Peace
Raising a Concern
It is important to us that any concerns or questions you may have are dealt with as efficiently as possible. The structure we have in place is designed to do just that.
The structure
1) Your first port of call is -Your child’s class teacher
(email via the admin team to request a meeting)
2) You may contact the leader of your child’s phase (see below)
This includes issues regarding communication and organisation
(email via the admin team to request a meeting)
Should you be dissatisfied with the handling or outcome...
3) You may raise your concerns with Ms Parker
(email via the admin team to request a meeting outlining the nature for the purpose of the meeting)
Leaders are required to share items (as appropriate) with Ms Parker on a weekly basis, even if the matter is being handled by them.
We request that you do not field your concerns to FAB but instead work directly with the school staff as outlined above.
Assistant Headteacher Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2
Assistant Headteacher Year 3 and Year 4
Assistant Headteacher Year 5 and Year 6
Click below to view the most recent Years 5 and 6 Learning Updates
Quote of the month...
Rooms and spaces are available for hire at Bonneville. Use the link to check out our website and find out more.
On site at Bonneville
Clubs run by external partners weekday evenings and at the weekend.
Tuesdays 6pm -7.15pm
Tuesdays 7.15pm - 8.45pm
Use this link to connect to the website and access community resources.
Local Community Events
Consultation for a new Zebra Crossing
Consultation on the installation of a new Zebra crossing, near the junction of Abbeville Road and Bonneville gardens has begun. To share your views, email Councillor Ben Curtis.
Lambeth’s support services for families and students
The Gaia Centre provides support for Lambeth residents affected by gender-based violence, including domestic abuse. An out-of-hours on-call service: 07725245779. Normal hours are 8am-6pm Monday – Friday. It also offers services for young people and advice for practitioners. Tel: 020 7733 8724, E: lambethvawg@refuge.org.uk.
Helpline support is available:
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline, 24/7
- Women’s Aid live chat, daily 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
- Men’s Advice Line, weekdays, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
- Samaritans Helpline, 24/7
- Childline 24/7
- In emergencies, call 999
Additional resources are available on the Lambeth VAWG webpage and through Operation Encompass, a national initiative for children exposed to domestic abuse. For questions, contact: PS Laura Bennetts - laura.bennetts@met.police.uk or PC Rachel - Rachel.Dennison@met.police.uk or PC Nicola Smalldridge - Nicola.Smalldridge2@met.police.uk
How we keep you in the loop!
Weekly- News Summary Video
Bi weekly- Year group learning updates on the school website
Monthly- Newsletter 'The Bonneville Buzz'
Monthly- Federation SEND Newsletter: https://www.smore.com/3ahfv
Termly- Annual Calendar of dates
Termly- Federation Newsletter
Keep Up To Date
For more information on any of the above and more, press below to visit the schools website and follow us on Twitter!