Indian Insight
9th Edition
Trimester 2 - Goals
Each student at PHS took time to reflect on last trimester. What went well? What difficult task did you persevere through? What went Wrong? Lastly, set a goal for 2nd trimester. This could be some great dinner table conversation starters!
Calling Future Law Enforcement
Calling Future Teachers - 1 FREE college credit
Nurse Desk
We do not have a standing order to be able to test students or staff onsite, but if you would like a test kit to send home with a student or staff member please see your building nurse.
Reminder of our covid policy if a student or staff member tests positive:
Fever free for 24 hours without the help of over the counter medication fever reducers (Tylenol, Ibuprofen) AND symptoms improving.
There is no masking rule for our district at this time. There is no quarantine for close contacts at this time.
District to Host Parent & Community Interactive Design Meetings
Meramec Valley R-III School District invites all parents, staff, students, & community members to learn more about the initial design for a new 7th & 8th grade Middle School. Meetings hosted by Riverbend Middle School will begin at 6 PM on Oct. 22, Nov. 19, and Dec. 17.
Stakeholder input is an important step in the design process, so please join us as we begin this exciting project! Find out more at bit.ly/MVR3MP.
Power Lunch
Power lunch, first and foremost, is an academic time of day. You don't need to be failing a course to receive assistance! Anyone can go see core content experts during A lunch or any teacher during office hours. IF you are all caught up on your assignments their are other activities students can participate in on power lunch days.
Meal Benefits
Directions to fill out the application: Log in to Infinite Campus, click on more on the left hand side, click on meal benefits, and you can click on the button to fill out the application.
If you haven't already, please download the MVR3 App! Rooms will be coming to the app this year. This will be a district wide two way communication opportunity!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
The Meramec Valley R-III School District is adding two-way communication and classroom announcements to the district’s mobile app. On September 30th, parents will receive an email and text that will invite them to join their child in Rooms and finish setting up their account.
Why Rooms?
Parents shared the need for one communication platform for families to use from PreK to high school.
Rooms simplifies communication by centralizing all updates in the district app.
Accessing Rooms requires a simple toggle within the district app.
Families only need to sign up once, even with multiple children.
That single invite will successfully join parents with all their children in Rooms.
This is a one time sign up that will match parents with their children’s teachers as they change classes or grades.
Communicate with K-4 Art/Music/PE, Special Education, and Title teachers through your student’s homeroom.
Extracurricular/athletic teams will have their own Rooms.
Key Features:
Messages: Communicate securely. Teachers can initiate group conversations, but guardians can only reply to the teacher. Administrators monitor all communications.
Stream: Each course has a Stream for sharing class updates, announcements, photos, and assignments.
Translations: Rooms automatically translates messages based on device language settings, so no need to manually translate communications.
How to Prepare:
Parents and guardians can download the MVR-III app now.
Simply search for Meramec Valley R-III on the App Store for iPhones or the Play Store for Android devices.
“In the past, parents had to juggle different apps like DoJo, Remind, and Band to stay in touch with teachers and coaches. Now, our district app brings everything together in one place—right on your phone. With the Rooms feature, you can have secure conversations and get important updates all within the same app you already use to follow school news and events. Whether you’re a preschool parent or have kids in high school, this app will grow with you throughout your child’s education,” explained Dr. Ketina Armstrong, Assistant Superintendent.
Apptegy, the company that builds and powers the district’s custom app, works with thousands of other school districts across the U.S. to help them provide a cohesive communications experience.
“We want everyone in our school community to download the app and have families use this new set of features to simplify their school communication experience. Best of all, like our website and Infinite Campus app, the mobile app is branded to our school and highlights the incredible moments happening each and every day,” says Dr. Carrie Schwierjohn, Superintendent.
School breakfast & lunch
PHS Activities
Download the activity scheduler app to see the High School calendar and athletic schedule.
Football - 11/15
Please read the guidelines below for the football game at Gateway STEM!
Looking Down the Road
11/25 - 11/29 - Fall Break
Keith Orris
Email: korris@mvr3.k12.mo.us
Website: https://www.mvr3.k12.mo.us/o/phs
Location: 425 Indian Warpath Drive, Pacific, MO, USA
Phone: (636) 271-1414
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PHSINDIANPRIDE/