Low Ash Primary
Weekly update - 13.9.24
Autumn term
Firstly, well done to this week's stars of the week who are pictured above. They have all had exceptionally good weeks.
It's definitely felt like the autumn term this week with the colder, wetter weather! A reminder to please send your children to school with coats. A number of pupils did not have coats with them this week and got caught in the downpours. As we try to play out in all weathers, it is really important that pupils have this appropriate outdoor clothing. Please also name them clearly.
This week's school attendance = 97.2%
Key Stage 1 class of the week - 1P
Key Stage 2 classes of the week - 6LH
As always we aim for at least 96% attendance - thank you for your support with this.
Last week, I shared the updates to the National Framework for Penalty Notices . A reminder that we are unable to authorise any holidays. Since returning to school, we have already received 13 holiday request forms. Whilst we sympathise with many of the reasons given for wanting to go away in term time, this is not something we can support.
Once more, here is the link to the attendance page of the school website which has information on the Penalty Notice system.
Attendance | Low Ash Primary School
The table below is a reminder of the amount of learning which is missed when time is taken off.
Asda Cashpot for schools
A reminder, if you have not already done so, to download the Asda rewards app to help raise further funds for school! Each time you shop at Asda and scan the app, a % of the amount you spend will be donated to Low Ash. Please also share this with family and friends as anyone can take part and help us raise some much needed funds!
A plea to please not drive into the school staff car park. Whilst we would love to be able to provide you with parking spaces, the car park is not big enough for all of our staff so we cannot accommodate parents and carers too. Thank you for your support in this.
Forest School sessions
This half term, Year 1, Year 3 and Year 6 are taking part in Forest School sessions during their enrichment afternoons. This week, Year 6 even managed fire lighting! As the weather gets even worse, it is really important that pupils have appropriate clothing for this activity. Please could you make sure your child has wellies/ sturdy footwear in school, a waterproof coat (and ideally waterproof trousers too). We do have a school supply of waterproof suits in a range of sizes but not enough for one per child.
Please could children also be in clothing which covers their legs (we know it is PE days so jogging bottoms or leggings are ideal.)
Year 1 session - Friday
Year 3 session - Tuesday
Year 6 session - Wednesday
Next half term, different year groups will take part in Forest Schools.
Online Safety
It can be daunting to know how to keep your child safe online. To help you get started, Internet Matters has created an ABC online safety checklist. There are different checklists for different ages. As a parent of a 9 year old and 4 year old, I have found them really useful.
Use the ABC online safety checklist for parents | Internet Matters
Dates for your diary
Thursday 26th September - Phonics workshop for parents in YR and Y1 (2.45-3.20)
Friday 27th September - Asda Heroes launch (sustainability project - you will already know if this involves your child)
Tuesday 1st October - Individual Photographs
Friday 4th October - Flu vaccines for YR-Y6
Thursday 10th October - World Mental Health day.
Pupils will be invited to wear yellow to make the world just that little bit brighter on this day. The My Happy Mind mental health curriculum will also be re-launched.
Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October - Consultation evenings
Friday 25th October (3.00-3.25) - end of half -term 'show case' - You are invited into your child's class to look at their work with them
Friday 25th October - Break up for half-term
Tuesday 5th November - School re-opens for pupils
Thursday 7th November - FOLA 'Light' school discos
Friday 29th November - Christmas Fair
Tuesday 10th December - FOLA Christmas travelling gift shop (in school)
Friday 13th December - end of half -term 'show case' - You are invited into your child's class to look at their work with them
Thursday 19th December (evening)- Key Stage 2 Carols by Candlelight
Friday 20th December - School breaks up for Christmas