RAMS Raider's Den for Jan 23, 2025

Thursday, January 23, 2025
Message from RAMS Principal - Heidi George
Dear Roseville Area Middle School Families,
I hope this message finds you staying warm and cozy during these chilly January days! At RAMS, we are keeping our focus strong—both academically and socially—as we continue to grow together this winter.
Tomorrow, our students will engage in Fastbridge testing during STAR class. To accommodate for the extended STAR session, we will follow an alternative schedule throughout the day. We are excited to see the growth our students have made since the fall and celebrate their progress as they work toward their spring goals.
In the coming weeks, students will also take part in goal-setting activities to reflect on their achievements and plan for continued growth as we move into the second half of the school year.
Thank you again for sharing your incredible students with us here at RAMS. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with them and support their growth, both academically and personally.
Stay warm, take care, and as always, feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Learning for ALL,
Heidi George
🎉Raving About RAMS!🎉
Congratulations to Mr. Padden on his nomination for the 2025 MN Teacher of the Year! Mr. Padden teaches health at RAMS and is a hockey coach. Mr. Padden is a compassionate and devoted health educator who brings joy and fun to his classroom, while also having tough conversations. Thank you, Mr. Padden, for all that you bring to your classes at RAMS!
Tomorrow - Friday, January 24 is Fast Reading testing in STAR. Please be sure to send CORDED HEADPHONES with your student. Thank you!
- Friday, January 31 - Asynchronous Learning Day - Grades 7-12 - Teacher Workshop Day
- Monday, February 3 - No School - Teacher Workshop Day K-8 only
- Thursday, February 6 - FTA Meeting in the Team Office (next to Media Center)
- Monday, February 10 - Jazz Night Out - 7:00pm @ RAHS
- Thursday, February 13 - Winter Zoom Conferences - 3:30-7:30pm - see below for more info
- Tuesday, February 18 - Winter Zoom Conferences - 3:30-7:30pm - see below for more info
- Monday, February 17 - No School - President's Day
- Thursday, February 27 - RAMS Theatre Winter One-Acts Performance - 7:30pm
- Friday, February 28 - RAMS Theatre Winter One-Acts Performance - 7:30pm
Friday, January 31 - No In-Person School - Students will have Asynchronous work in Schoology
Monday, February 3 - No School - K-8
DLSI Information Night
Queridas familias de DLSI:
Nos gustaría invitarles a una Noche de Familia que Teresa Chávez y María Cristina Delgado llevaremos a cabo en Little Canada el 28 de febrero, 2025 de 5:00 a 6:00 de la tarde. Estaremos allí para contestar preguntas de las pruebas STAMP, matrícula y el programa de DLSI en RAMS y RAHS.
¡Les esperamos!
DLSI Information Night:
We have our next DLSI information night coming up on Tuesday, January 28. These information nights are open to all families in the DLSI program, who currently have students in LC, RAMS and/or RAHS. The focus of this upcoming information night will be on STAMP assessment, as well as information about programing at RAMS and RAHS. Teresa Chávez (LC DLSI Coordinator) and María Cristina Delgado (Upper schools DLSI Coordinator) will be leading this meeting.
We hope you can join us!
Winter Conferences - Save the Date
📅 Thursday, February 13 and Tuesday, February 18
🕐 3:30-7:30pm
📍 Zoom
Watch here for more information!
Black Student Union
RAMS will be starting a new program called Black Student Union. Students in this group will meet with staff once a week on Monday's after school to share their voice on a variety school related issues. We will also bring in community members to share different perspectives as well as do fun group, team building activities.
🕐 2:45-4:00pm
📍 A116-A118
📅 Monday's after school starting Monday, January 27
If you need further information please reach out Shirleen Christianson or Yusef Davis.
If your student is interested in participation please click HERE to fill out the registration form.
School Supply Spotlight
RAMS Teacher's Amazon Wishlists!
Would you like to support a teacher at RAMS? Below are several Amazon teacher wish lists! Thank you
for supporting our school!
Coach Taylor - English 7 & Academy 7
RAMS Snack Shack (Supports RAMS Raider Pride Parties and Activities!)
Ms. Sturgis - Special Education
Technology Information
Screen Time
Looking for help to guide your student in their screen use? Most mobile devices (phones, iPads, tablets) have a form of screen time monitoring.
Apple devices call this Screen Time, and here are some instructions to set this up on your child's personal device or or school device. If you set a Screen time passcode on a school device, please share the passcode with media center staff so that we can be sure that your student can access what they need while at school.
Family instructions for Setting iPad Restrictions Using Screen Time
Your student’s ISD623 iPad has certain district restrictions already in place.
You can add restrictions by using Screen Time in the iPad settings. Follow these instructions to set the limits you choose, or go to support.apple.com and search “Screen Time” for more information about this tool.
More resources about limiting your student's screen time:
Common sense media has MANY great resources. Here is one article titled "How much screen time is ok for my kids?"
Health Office Information
RAMS Health Office is staffed from 7:30am-3:30pm on student contact days
P: 651-482-5291
F: 651-288-5034
RAMS School Nurse - Joan Tighe: 📨 joan.tighe@isd623.org
RAMS Health Assistant - Linsey Saxon: 📨 linsey.saxton@isd623.org
Athletics & Activities
- Sports Physical Form (Found here in English, Spanish Hmong & Somali)
- Online Registration
- Information on Free Sports Physicals at Twin Cities Orthopedics
- 5:15pm Interactive Activity Bus Maps
- Activity Bus Stops
*7-12th sports in the district are run by the RAHS coaches and activities office. More information can be found at www.rosevilleraiders.org. RAHS fall sports start Monday, August 12th.
RAHS activities office contacts:
📨 Natalie Crosby or 📨 Andrea Schmidt
RAMS Activities Office Contacts: 📨 Tanysha Scott and 📨 Susan Garland or call 651-482-5290
Students 8th grade and younger must be accompanied by an adult AND that adult must stay and monitor those students. Students and parents who don't follow these expectations will be subject to loss of entry to future RAHS events.
RAMS Theatre Needs Paper Bags & Newspapers
RAMS Theatre is doing a few BIG papier mache projects for our upcoming one-acts. Do you have a plethora of paper bags or newspapers that you would be willing to donate to the project?
Drop off in the front office or contact Linsey Owen.
Nutrition Services
RAMS Menus
Menus at the secondary level will no longer be provide for each month in a calendar format. Please click on the grey button below to access the menus online. Make sure you change the school to be Roseville Area Middle School and check that you are in the week you would like to look at the menus.
FTA Information
RAMS 2024-25 FTA Meetings
🕐 7:00pm
📍 RAMS Team Office (next to Media Center)
📅 Thursday, February 6
📅 Thursday, March 6
📅 Thursday, April 3
📅 Thursday, May 8
From the District
Community Flyers
Community Ed Updates
Youth Summer Camps - Register February 3! ⏰ 🗓️
Roseville Community Education offers summer camps, classes, and field trips for youth up through grade 8! Registration for summer 2025 youth opportunities will open on Monday, February 3. Mark your calendars to sign up for these exciting experiences! We recommend registering online at isd623.ce.eleyo.com for the best experience. If you have questions or need to register by phone, please call us at 651-604-3770.
Pre-K 2025 - 2026! 🎒 🧸 📚
Adult Open Pickleball in the Gymnasium! 🌟 😄
It's chilly outside, but we have INDOOR pickleball for adults at Aŋpétu Téča Education Center! Bring your friends to open pickleball this winter. Ages 18+. Balls and nets are provided, just bring your own paddle! Players rotate in and out of games to ensure everyone gets to play. Purchase a $25 pass for 5 sessions.
Current Schedule:
⏰ Mondays/Wednesdays/Fridays, 7:30 - 9:30 p.m.
⏰ Sundays, 9:00 -11:00 a.m.
A Grand Time at the Royal Ball 👑 😊
We had such a grand time at the Roseville Royal Ball this weekend! These young princes and princesses danced, played games, twirled, and sang their hearts out among their favorite famous characters. 🎵✨ Special thank you to all of the families who joined in the fun! 💜💚
Important RAMS Phone Numbers and Email addresses (click on any staff members name below to send an email)
- Main Office - 651-482-5280
- 📨 Attendance Email or leave a message at 651-482-5281
- Principal - 📨 Heidi George - 651-482-5284
- Assoc. Principal Grade 7 - 📨 Garin Bogenholm - 651-482-5287
- Assoc. Principal Grade 8 - 📨 Joseph Bue - 651-482-5297
- Building/Administrative Support Staff - 📨 Linsey Owen - 651-482-5284
- Registrar / Student Records Support Staff - 📨 Rebecca Thompson - 651-482-5288
- Athletics/Activities - 651-482-5290
- 📨 Tanysha Scott - Activities Director
- 📨 Susan Garland - Activities Clerical
- Student Support Services Office - 651-482-5289
- 📨 Julie Gabos - Grade 7 - Counselor
- 📨 Todd Richter - Grade 8 - Counselor
- 📨 Amy Grengs - School Psychologist
- 📨 Lisa Valerius - School Psychologist
- 📨 Angie Feigal - Social Worker
- 📨 Duane Woeste - SEL Teacher
- 📨 Rachael Gandossy - Counselor
- 📨 Melanie Cogan - Student Services Support Staff
- Health Office - 651-482-5291
- 📨 Joan Tighe - School Nurse
- 📨 Linsey Saxton - Health Assistant
- Special Education - 651-288-5000
- 📨 Jodi Walker - Special Education Lead Teacher
- 📨 Nancy Boulay - Special Education Clerical
- Centerline Bus - 651-482-1794
- District Transportation - 📨 Kristen Donaldson - 651-635-1638
- Tech Support - 651-288-5001
- 📨 Kathryn O'Brien - Media Specialist
- 📨 Kaolee Yang - District Tech Integrationist
- School Fax - 651-482-5299
- Spanish Liaison - 📨 Cecilia Martino - 651-235-3426
- American Indian Liaison - 📨 Savannah Rojas - 651-332-6513
- Somali Liaison - 📨 Kowthar Ismail - 651-322-0468
- Karen Liaison - 📨 Hsar Htoo - 651-332-6929
- Bhutanese/Nepali Liaison - 📨 Indira Kharel - 651-307-7471
- Hmong Liaison - 📨 Maider Lee - 651-210-7821
- African American Liaison - 📨 K’Lynn Lewis - 651-239-2826
Pre-order your RAMS 2024-25 yearbook online directly from JOSTENS.
Questions about Yearbook? Reach out to our Yearbook Coordinator Kelly Rogers.
RAMS Back to School Email
RAMS sent out a Back to School email the past two weeks that had a lot of great school information. If you missed those emails please CLICK HERE to find the most recent email.
Change in Information?
Has any of your contact information changed over the summer? Address, phone numbers, emergency contact information, etc? If so, please contact the office by calling 651-482-5288 or email
📨 rebecca.thompson@isd623.org and we will update our records
Roseville Area Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, including in employment, as required by Title IX.