Joseph Brown Elementary School
2024-2025 Family Engagement Policy
School Plans for Shared Student Achievement
What is it?
We recognize the crucial role that family involvement plays in a child’s education. This plan outlines how Joseph Brown Elementary School will create opportunities to support and encourage family engagement. Our goal is to enhance student learning and academic achievement through increased family participation. Throughout the year, we will keep families informed about our engagement events and provide ways for them to actively participate, with a focus on supporting student success.
Collaborative Plan of Success
How is it revised?
Families are invited to participate in meetings held in the spring and fall to review and update the parent and family engagement policy, family-school compact, school improvement plan, and family engagement budget. We also welcome input, feedback, and comments on this plan throughout the school year via an online survey. The plan is available on our school website for families and community members to review and provide feedback. All received feedback will be considered for revising the plan for the following year. Additionally, an annual survey will be distributed online and sent home to gather suggestions on the plan and the allocation of funds for family engagement. We encourage feedback at our various events throughout the year
Who is it for?
All families and students are encouraged to take part in the various opportunities outlined in this plan. Joseph Brown Elementary is committed to ensuring that parents and family members, including those with limited English proficiency, disabilities, or who have migratory children, have access to and can fully participate in these opportunities.
What is Title !?
Joseph Brown Elementary School is designated as a Title I school under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). Title I aims to bolster state and local school reform efforts aligned with challenging academic standards to enhance teaching and learning for students. Title I programs are required to focus on effective strategies to improve student achievement and include plans to support family engagement. As part of this, all Title I schools must collaboratively create a written parent and family engagement policy with input from parents and family members
Maury County Public School Goals
The Board of Education establishes the goals for the district. The district goals for the 2024-2025 school year are:
For the 2024-2025 school year, the district aims to improve the percentage of all students (K-12) and student groups who meet or exceed expectations in TCAP Reading and Language Arts across all grade levels.
For grades K-2, increase the percentage of students above the 75th percentile in the national norms on the universal screener.
- For grades 3-5 TN Ready, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 33% to 37.2%
- For grades 6-8 TN Ready, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 23% to 27.8%
- For SWD 3- 8 TN Ready, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 3.8% to 9.6%
- For ED 3- 8 TN Ready, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 15.4% to 20.7%.
- For EL 3- 8 TN Ready, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 8.3% to 14.0%
- For BHN 3- 8 TN Ready, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 15.4% to 26%
For the 2024-2025 school year, the district aims to enhance the percentage of all students (K-12) and student groups who meet or exceed expectations on the TNReady assessments across all grade levels.
Performance Measure
- For grades K-2, increase the percentage of students above the 50th percentile in the national norms on the universal screener.
- For grades 3-5 TNReady, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 32% to 36.3%
- For SWD 3- 8 TNReady, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from from 4.8% to 10%
- For ED 3- 8 TNReady, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 11.2% to 16.8%
- For EL 3- 8 TNReady, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 9.7% to 15.3%
- For BHN 3- 8 TNReady, increase the percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations from 11.4% to 22.5%
Close gaps in out of school suspensions for all students to reduce overall out of school suspensions and decrease missed instruction from 4.5% to 3%.
Data pulled from Student Information System will show an increase in RTI-B placement indicating the implementation of strategies used that promote restorative practices to increase in-class and out-of-class interventions pertaining to major behaviors requiring the school level disposition given by administration pertaining to out of school suspensions; additional data from RTI-B (Response to Intervention) meetings showing positive Tier movement across all grades and subgroups.
2024 - 2025 Joseph Brown Elementary School Goals
Administrators, teachers, and families have contributed their input to the development of the school-level goals.
Reading -
For grades K-2, increase the percentage of students above the 75th percentile in the national norms on the universal screener.
The percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations in ELA as reported on the State Report Card will increase as listed below:
Grades 3-5: 33% to 37.2%
Grades 6-8: 23% to 27.8%
Grades 9-12: 32% to 36.3%
MCPS will increase the percentage of students in identified subgroups who meet and exceed expectations as listed below:
For Students with Disabilities: 3.8% to 9.6%
For English Learners: 8.3% to 14.0%
For Economically Disadvantaged: 15.4% to 20.7%
Increase the percentage of third-grade students who meet and exceed expectations (or at proficiency in ELA) from 37% to 42%.
Maury County will administer three universal reading screening assessments in grades K-8 during the 2024-2025 school year in August, December, and May and benchmark assessment in grades 3-12 two times per year. The results will be used for instruction decision-making and to plan for acceleration. Data analysis will include ALL subgroups including EL, ED, and SWD subgroups. Teachers will collaborate following each assessment administration.
District monitoring of universal reading screening and benchmark assessment completion rates across the district during the 2024-2025 school year to ensure all students participate.
Standards analysis protocol will be utilized after each assessment administration to determine progress towards standards mastery and identify areas for targeted instruction.
Report groups will be utilized to monitor subgroup progress after each assessment administration.
Math -
60% of the students in grades K-2 will score at the 50th percentile on the spring universal screener in mathematics.
The percentage of students who meet and exceed expectations in ELA as reported on the State Report Card will increase as listed below:
Grades 3-5: 32% to 36.3%
Grades 6-8: 24% to 28.8%
Grades 9-12: 11% to 16.6%
MCPS will increase the percentage of students in identified subgroups who meet and exceed expectations as listed below:
For Students with Disabilities: 4.8% to 10.8%
For English Learners: 9.7% to 15.3%
For Economically Disadvantaged: 11.2% to 16.8%
Maury County will administer three universal reading screening assessments in grades K-8 during the 2024-2025 school year in August, December, and May and benchmark assessment in grades 3-12 two times per year. The results will be used for instruction decision-making and to plan for acceleration. Data analysis will include ALL subgroups including EL, ED, and SWD subgroups. Teachers will collaborate following each assessment administration.
District monitoring of universal reading screening and benchmark assessment completion rates across the district during the 2024-2025 school year to ensure all students participate.
Standards analysis protocol will be utilized after each assessment administration to determine progress towards standards mastery and identify areas for targeted instruction.
Report groups will be utilized to monitor subgroup progress after each assessment administration
Close gaps in out of school suspensions for all students to reduce overall out of school suspensions and decrease missed instruction from 4.5% to 3%.
Data pulled from Student Information System will show an increase in RTI-B placement indicating the implementation of strategies used that promote restorative practices to increase in-class and out-of-class interventions pertaining to major behaviors requiring the school level disposition given by administration pertaining to out of school suspensions; additional data from RTI-B (Response to Intervention) meetings showing positive Tier movement across all grades and subgroups.
In addition, our school will implement a new positive restorative practice system called LiveSchool, which focuses on encouraging positive behaviors. This system involves teachers, students, parents, and staff in reinforcing and students practicing good behaviors. We believe that this program will enhance our school culture and contribute to a more supportive and effective learning environment. JBES will closely monitor data from LiveSchool to identify trends and patterns within the school. This analysis will help us address areas for improvement and ensure that the program effectively supports positive behavior and school culture.
Chronic Absenteeism -
JBES recognizes the importance of attendance to instruction. The school will establish clear school-wide expectations of student attendance to families.
Reduce the percentage of students who are chronically absent by 10%
JBES will monitor student attendance through weekly meetings, ensuring all students and parents receive communication and support to promote daily attendance positively. Teachers will utilize digital communication and phone calls to develop partnerships with parents. The attendance team will implement the Maury County Truancy policies to support the school and families with chronic absenteeism concerns.
Parent and Family Engagement
Family Engagement
Joseph Brown Elementary believes that family engagement involves parents and family members participating in regular, two-way, and meaningful communication about their child’s academic learning and other school activities. This includes ensuring:
- That parents play an integral role in assisting their child’s learning.
- That parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education at school.
- That parents are full partners in their child’s education and are included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.
Family Compact - School
At Joseph Brown Elementary, we see ourselves as a community where each person has unique roles and responsibilities. The School-Family Compact is a collaborative agreement that outlines how families, students, and teachers will work together to support every student in reaching their full potential.
JBES Teachers Pledge to...
- Provide a high-quality curriculum that meets state standards, using classroom time effectively, and offering a variety of learning activities and strategies to address the diverse needs of our students
- Ensure that all information related to school and family programs, meetings, and other activities is published in both English and Spanish; posted on the school website; and included in the monthly school newsletter for all families.
- Work with our families to develop relevant training and helpful presentations to educate our staff on the importance of parent and family engagement and how to support student learning.
- Provide necessary materials and handouts for parents at conferences, meetings, and activities to help parents work with their child to improve their child's achievement.
- Partner with early childhood programs, middle and high schools, college and career ready resources or organizations, parent resource centers, or other programs (as applicable) to help prepare parents and their children for successful school transitioning.
JBES Parents Pledge to....
- Be involved in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the education of their child.
- Keep track of their child's progress by reviewing and signing progress reports/report cards. If any academic or behavioral issues arise, parents will seek assistance.
- Engage in their child's education by participating in parent-teacher conferences, maintaining communication with classroom teachers and joining in family engagement events.
- Monitor attendance and ensure that homework is completed in a timely manner so that when students are absent, they will stay on track and succeed academically.
- Communicate with their child's teacher if they have questions or concerns via email, phone call, or face to face meeting.
This compact was developed with input from families, students, and staff at Joseph Brown Elementary. We met with a representative sample of teachers and parents to gather insights on school, community, and student needs. Parents play a key role in our Title/Leadership team, and we value their contributions as we strive for continuous growth. We greatly appreciate the input from families and the community.
The Family-School Compacts are distributed to families at the beginning of each school year, posted on our school website (bres.mauryk12.org), and available in the front office. For any comments, questions, or contributions, please contact Tamela Haislip at thaislip@mauryk12.org.
Joseph Brown is Reaching Out!
Joseph Brown Elementary will implement the following measures to empower and support parents and family members, recognizing their crucial role in strengthening our school and helping us achieve our goals:
We will:
- Ensure that all information related to school and family programs, meetings, and other activities is published in both English and Spanish; posted on the school website; and included in the monthly school newsletter for all families.
- Provide monthly trainings for staff during their planning periods on strategies to improve communication with families and ideas to increase family engagement and/or provide strategies in Reading and Math for our students outside of the classroom. Staff will also share promising practices during regularly scheduled Data meetings.
- Partner with early childhood programs, middle and high schools, college and career ready resources or organizations, parent resource centers, or other programs (as applicable) to help prepare parents and their children for successful school transitioning.
- Share information on the school website and in the school newsletters for families to understand the school’s academic standards and assessments as well as the ways families can monitor their child’s progress and work with educators.
- Communicate with all families and the community on a regular basis regarding schoolwide events and activities, through phone messages, our website, social media, and flyers.
- Work with our families to develop relevant trainings and helpful presentations to educate our staff on the importance of parent and family engagement and how to support student learning.
- Provide necessary materials and handouts for parents at conferences, meetings, and activities to help parents work with their child to improve their child’s achievement.
- Collect feedback from parents and family members at all events and through emails, social media, or in person discussions.
Family Nights!
Joseph Brown Elementary will host the following family engagement events this year. We aim to use these events to offer strategies and opportunities for families and schools to enhance student academic achievement. Please follow our social media, Parent Square, and our website to stay updated on school events and information.
Open House/Annual Title I Meeting
August 1
Fall Festival
October 18
Veterans Day Program
November 11
Literacy Night
November 15
STEAM Night/ Holly Jolly
December 5
Showcase the Specials Night /Math Night
March 4- Showcase the Specials
March 18- Math night
District Family Night
May 1
Kindergarten and 4th Grade Promotion
May 6- Kindergarten Transition
Field Day
May 21
Spring Leadership Meetings
Join Us for Leadership Meetings at Joseph Brown Elementary!
We invite all families and community stakeholders to attend our Leadership Meetings, held on the first Wednesday of every month at 3:30 PM in our school library. If there are any changes to the schedule, families will be notified through ParentSquare.
Your input is incredibly valuable to us, and we encourage you to join us each month to share your insights and ideas. We look forward to hearing from you
Leadership Meeting Dates
January 8th @3:30
February 5th @ 3:30
March 5th @3:30
April 2nd @ 3:30
May 7th @ 3:30
Join Parent Vols
Our Parent Vols organization supports Joseph Brown Elementary in numerous ways. We invite all families to join the Parent Vols to become more involved with the school community. To learn more about the Parent Vols, please contact the school or complete the interest form below and leave it at the front office.
Parent Vols Planned Events
Fall Festival
October 18
Math Relay
March 14
Parent Vols email - jbesparentvols@gmail.com
Joseph Brown Elementary School
Email: thaislip@mauryk12.org
Website: bres.mauryk12.org
Location: 301 Cord Drive, Columbia, TN, USA
Phone: 931-388-3601