Evergreen Middle School
August 16, 2024
Message from Principal Collins
Hello Evergreen Families,
I hope that you are all busy enjoying your last few days of summer, reconnecting with friends and family, exploring the activities that bring you joy, and enriching your world through both experiences and reading.
We continue to focus our preparation and efforts on student growth and achievement. At Evergreen Middles School, we take pride in fostering a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment that empowers our students to excel academically, socially, and emotionally. Our staff is committed to providing the highest quality education and support to ensure each student will grow academically, socially and emotionally.
For those of you new to our Evergreen Community, you will discover that I love quotes. I use them in our weekly newsletters to capture our shared experiences and journey together... and middle school is certainly a journey. Weekly newsletters are just one way for us to come together as a community, share information and most importantly, a vision for how we are educating and caring for the children of EVG.
Some of our teachers are already back on campus getting their classrooms all set up and preparing for another amazing year at Evergreen Middle School. We are excited to continue to learn and grow together! In a couple of weeks our teachers will be together in trainings to continue to expand our knowledge on how to support all of our scholars.
Developing a positive student-centered environment is of the utmost importance to our administrative and teaching staff. With that in mind, we have begun plans for the upcoming school year that allow our students to have positive experiences during the school day and after school activities. We are proud of our tradition of excellence in the arts and athletics. For new students, we encourage everyone to find something in which to get involved. We truly believe that students who are participating and engaged in these activities will not only build better relationships with their peers, but experience a stronger sense of belonging, perform better in school, and develop skills and passions that might lead to interest in future careers. Of course, all of this can only be accomplished in an environment where school rules are respected and enforced. As the school year begins, our student code of conduct will be reviewed with our students to ensure that behavioral expectations are clear. Expectations for dress code, cell phones, school-appropriate behavior, as well as consequences for violations of policies will be discussed.
The first day of school for all our scholars is September 3, 2024. We have the same start and end time as we did last year 8:00 am-2:30 pm. Every Friday will be an early release day the time on Friday will be 8:00 am-1:15 pm (Fri early release starts September 20th).
As we come back to school I want to put out some reminders for those that are new to Evergreen or may need reminding.
Drive into our parking lot and drop off your scholars. For safety reasons, please do not use the bus loop to drop off your children. There is plenty of parking in our parking lot and the traffic flows through the parking lot rather quickly.
We have a no cell phone policy during school hours. Students have to turn them off and place them in their backpack or pocket.
The goal of this weekly newsletter is to keep parents, guardians, and students informed of our school’s events and other critical information. The content is integral to your child’s success, so please read it regularly and review it with your student. If you have any questions, please contact anyone on our EVG staff. I look forward to partnering with our parents and community to make the 2023-2024 school year a huge success.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of assistance to you. GO GRIZZLIES!.
Thank you for being a part of the Grizzly family.
Your Partner in Education,
Mrs. Collins
lcollins@fwps.org 253 945 5100
Class Schedules
Class schedules will be passed out on the first day of school. Your schedule may have changed since it was posted in June.
Associated Student Body (ASB) Funds
Associated Student Body (ASB) funds are public monies raised on behalf of students, and are used for optional, extra-curricular events of a cultural, athletic, recreational, or social nature.
Scholars participating in sports, and after-school activities must purchase an ASB card. See the link below for possible fee waiver qualifications. Scholars with an ASB card can get a discount on sports admission tickets.
Parents of students eligible to ride the bus to and from school will receive an automated call and email with their child’s specific bus stop location and pickup and drop-off information by August 21, 2024.
During the first few weeks of each new school year, the district’s Transportation Department works to determine where there may be bus overloads or schedule adjustments needed – based on actual student ridership. Traffic flows the first few weeks of school are typically heavier than normal, and multiple construction projects around Federal Way could also impact route timeliness. Our routers are working hard to expedite any adjustments, as safely and efficiently as possible. As the Transportation Department works to streamline routes, we appreciate your patience and understanding.
Bus drivers are provided a list of eligible riders for each bus route to verify students are approved for ridership. We ask that all student-scholars eligible to ride the bus be at their bus stop five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled pick up time. Bus route information can also be found by logging into ParentVue and going to the "Student Info" tab.
More information: https://www.fwps.org/departments/transportation
Sports Information
Evergreens Athletic Director: Dennis Pichette 253-945-5167 or dpichett@fwps.org
Middle school sports season is divided into four seasons
Fall: Sept-Nov- Cross Country, Football & Fast Pitch (softball)
Winter #1: Nov- Feb- Girls Basketball, Boys & Girls Wrestling
Winter #2: Feb-Apr- Boys Basketball, Gymnastics, Intra Soccer
Spring: Apr-June- Baseball, Girls Volleyball, Track & Field
ALL FWPS ATHLETICS INFORMATION: https://www.fwps.org/departments/athletics
1. Turn in a recent sports physical to the school. The physicals are good for 2 years. (link above includes sports physical forms for you and the doctor to complete). Below is information about available clinics to request a physical.
2. Register your child online via FinalForms : Please register at: https://federalway-wa.finalforms.com/
3. Purchase an ASB card from the front office or online. $15
About FinalForms:
All FWPS scholar-athletes will use FinalForms, to complete athletic participation
This service streamlines the paperwork process by allowing you to complete and sign athletic
participation forms for your students online and saving data from season-to-season and year to-year.
This means that you will never need to enter the same information twice! You may review
your child’s data at any time to verify it is current. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and after any update.
Important Dates
08/01 Thur- Annual verification opens online. Log into ParentVue & confirm that all information is up to date. This is a yearly requirement due before school starts. https://www.fwps.org/enrollment
08/30 Fri 9-1pm- 6th Grade Orientation. There will be a quick parent meeting while the 6th graders attend orientation with their mentors.
09/03 Tue- First Day of School! Welcome back to a new school year.
09/03 Tue- First day of sports tryouts. All athletes must have a sports physical turned into the office, register on Final Forms, and pay $15 for an ASB card.
09/10 Tue- School pictures. Picture packets will be sent home with your student
09/16 Mon- Fall Fundraiser Kick Off! Sell cookie dough and win cool prizes! (fundraiser ends 9/30)