Maungatapere School
Newsletter 05 Sep 2024
From our Principal
Kia ora everyone,
Cross County Success
Our school's cross country team has once again demonstrated their exceptional talent and dedication. Their recent performance at the Barge Park Interschool competition is a testament to their hard work and commitment. We are incredibly proud of their achievements and the positive impact they have had on our school community.
We will share our results once we receive them.
Good luck to our Y7/8 athletes!
This weekend and the following week, our Y7/8 students will be competing at the NZ Aims Games 2024 in Tauranga. We wish them all the best as they represent our school in a variety of sports. Individual athletes will be competing in indoor bowls, gymnastics, cross country, and yachting. Additionally, our team sports will include 3v3 basketball, 5v5 basketball, and netball. We are excited to see our students showcase their skills and sportsmanship at this prestigious event. Whaea Kimmy and myself will be the travelling staff in Tauranga from Friday to Friday.
Thank You to Our Parent Volunteers
The success of our school's athletic/sports programs, academic competitions, and extracurricular activities is largely due to the incredible support of our parent volunteers. Their dedication and hard work are essential in making events like Te Horo Cross Country, Barge Park Interschool Cross Country, Mathex, Science Fair, School Trips, Camps, and even the NZ Aims Games possible. We are truly grateful for their time and contributions, which have a positive impact on the lives of our students.
Ag Day
Looking Forward to Agriculture Day
We are excited to announce that our school's Agriculture Day for next term has already received a great deal of parental support. The children are eager to participate in hands-on activities, such as caring for lambs and goats that will be visiting the school's animal daycare. We are particularly impressed with how the older students are mentoring the younger ones in preparing milk for the daily feeds. Behind the scenes, many parents are working diligently to support their children in raising and caring for calves, lambs, goats, and chickens. We are grateful for the enthusiasm and involvement of our parents in making this event a success.
A Dedicated Ag Day Parent Team
The Ag Day Parent team is hard at work planning for the school's Agriculture Day, which will take place on the third weekend of next term. This dedicated group of parents plays a crucial role in ensuring the day runs smoothly, from correctly ordering ribbons to retrieving trophies and providing essential organizational support. Their efforts are invaluable in making Agriculture Day a memorable and successful event for our students.
In summary parental support for our school is alive, strong and appreciated.
Teacher Only Day - Term 4
When: Monday 21st of October, Week 2, Term 4.
No school for students on this day.
What: Curriculum teacher-only day
We will be using this MOE approved Teachers Only Day to work with Ali Booth MOE Curriculum Lead unpacking the new curriculum areas of Mathematics and English. This will help us be more prepared to plan for the very fast paced changes happening in New Zealand Education.
Ngā mihi,
PTA News
Maunga Mayhem 2.0 is back! Save the date – 22nd March 2025 at the Land of the Lotus
In 2024, Maunga Mayhem raised $27,000 for our school, this money will contribute to the new junior playground, we have also brought new activity resources for the junior classrooms, we have allocated $4000 to purchase new sports equipment to be used around the school, sandpit toys, and improved storage for all our new equipment.
For 2025 we will be fundraising to improve sports facilities around the school to potentially include a new multisport turf outside rooms 1, 2 and 3, This will be something that all our children will benefit from, right across the school for many years to come…..
Impressive hey!…… how can I help, I hear you say…..
- Do you have a company that could be a sponsor?
- Would you like to design and have naming rights of a new obstacle
- Would you like to have an input into how the event is run?
- Do you have skills that could be used to make our event even more awesome?
If so then please get in touch, maungataperepta@gmail.com.
There is a dedicated team of parents, most of whom are just like you, working full and part time, running their businesses, volunteering elsewhere, are sports coaches, spend their time running their kids from activity to activity, but also want to give something back to our fabulous school.
We are all busy……. BUT if you can contribute something to our event your contribution would be hugely welcome, and you know we also have fun along the way. Many hands make light work!
We will be having our first planning meeting on Monday 23rd September at 7pm and we would love to have you along…..
Please drop us an email or touch base with one of the current PTA members, we would be happy to chat!
Lucy Firth Room 9 For having a 'make it happen' attitude towards her learning. Keep it up!.
Qinn Wright Room 1 Your outstanding diligent attitude towards your learning is creating dream results!
Licoln Groome Room 12 Showing super effort in class to make his learning happen.
Robert Morgan Room 12 For beginning to show greater independence to make your learning happen.
School Term Dates
7th - 13th September Aims Games
20th September Netball prize giving 3-5.30pm
27th September Last Day of Term 3
14th October First day of Term 4
15th October Out of Zone Ballot closes
21st October TOD
28th October Labour Day - No School
2nd November Ag Day
Linewize Online Safety Hub
ITikTok is a social media app where users can create, share, and view short videos. TikTok hosts all kinds of content and whilst parents are generally familiar with the viral dances and lip syncing challenges, they may be unaware that inappropriate content is rife.
Have a look through this article on Tik Tok. This is particularly interesting around the family sharing, browsing history and the pros and cons.
Maungatapere Medical Centre is now taking on more patients and invite anyone in the local
community wanting to join, to please phone 09 4308 062 for an enrolment form or further
SENIOR opening - Saturday September 21. 10.00 am. Thereafter Saturdays at 1.00 pm
TWILIGHT - starts October 3. 5.30 pm
LADIES DAY - every Wednesday . 9.00 am
JUNIOR OPENING - October 15. 3.15 pm
Queries - Ray or Sue Webb. 09 4346 898 or 027 2743 860
Temporary access to the office
School Hours
Most of our communication is done via our school app, Facebook and email. If you haven't already, follow our Facebook page and download the app (SchoolAppsNZ)
THANK YOU!! To our generous sponsors
About us
Email: office@maungatapere.school.nz
Principal: principal@maungatapere.school.nz
BOT Chair: botchair@manugatapere.school.nz
Website: https://www.maungatapere.school.nz/
Location: Mangakahia Road, Maungatapere, Whangarei, New Zealand
Phone: 09 4346743
Facebook: facebook.com/maungatapereschool