Husky Highlight
February 11, 2024
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Note from Ms. Moulton
Greetings, Hosmer Families,
I am resending this newsletter due to the attention of several items:
- Information about the Finalists for Assistant Superintendent
- Links to sign up for Course for Kids (now open!)
- Pictures from the Winter Warmer
- Information regarding Snow Days and how they are communicated
Assistant Superintendent Search
As you may be aware, Watertown Public Schools is in the process of interviewing candidates for the position of Assistant Superintendent. This week there will be opportunities for families to meet and hear from the three finalists, Emilys Pena, Kristen Anderson, and Courtney Gosselin. Information about them and the times/dates of each meeting can be found in the newsletter sent by Dr. Galdston
Boosterthon Fun Run
The Boosterthon Fun Run is coming up! This is a fun week of in-school activities and classroom level incentives that culminates in a Glow Run in the gym during school time on Friday, Feb. 16th. Our Boosterthon facilitators coordinate this exciting time of music and running for about an hour for each grade level. See the PTO note below to register your child so that they can help in our fundraising efforts. The PTO uses the money raised to fund enrichment activities, field trips, etc.
Valentine's Day in America
Wednesday, February 14th is Valentine's Day. For those of you who are new to the United States, Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love and friendship. It is not only considered a romantic holiday, but also one to celebrate all loved ones. People often wear red or pink. For school-aged children, one tradition is the passing out of small Valentine cards to friends and classmates. These are typically small homemade cards or store bought cards that are sold in boxes for children. Here at Hosmer School, some classes, especially those in younger grades, may celebrate "Friendship Day" with some activities planned. We do not expect families to send anything special into school. That said, if you choose to send in cards, please do so for the whole class. Many free valentine cards that you can print can be found online (here are some examples)
Crisis Preparedness for Staff and Students
On Tuesday, February 13th, Hosmer School will conduct emergency training to familiarize students with different alarms and appropriate responses. This training is part of our comprehensive approach to school safety. Our state-of-the-art schools have complex security systems with alarms programmed for various emergencies. Please note that these drills will not involve any live acting or simulated emergencies, but instead, listen to the alarm and follow the procedures. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Students will NOT be leaving the building or doing any form of practicing. We will be announcing over the loudspeaker that we are going to hear what each announcement sounds like. I will briefly set and turn off the alarm. Classes will then talk with teacher about what we would do in. The teacher will lead this discussion in an age appropriate manner. We will do this for each alarm. If you would like to hear what they sound like, please click the button below for links.
With a grateful heart,
Erin Moulton, Principal
What do the alarms sound like?
The Winter Warmer - What a Great Night!
Important Dates:
- Friday, February 9th - WINTER WARMER 6-8pm
- Tuesday, February 13th - Emergency Training with Students
- Friday, February 16th - Boosterthon Fun Run
- Friday, February 16th - Classroom Smores go home
- Monday, February 19th - Friday, February 23rd - No School - February Vacation
- Wednesday, February 28th - 12:15 Dismissal
- Thursday, February 29th - PTO Family Movie Night in the Caf
- Wednesday, March 6th - Kindergarten Information Night - 6:30 - 7:30
- Thursday, March 7th - Diversity Council
- Thursday, March 14th - Literacy Night - 6:30 - 8:00
- Thursday, March 14th - 12:15 Dismissal - Parent Teacher Conferences - 1:00 - 2:30
- Tuesday, March 19th - 12:15 Dismissal - Parent Teacher Conferences - 1:00 - 2:30
- Wednesday, March 20th - PTO Meeting - 6:30 - 7:30
- Thursday, March 21st - Parent Teacher Conferences - 4:30 - 6:30
- Friday, March 22nd - Classroom Smores go home
- Thursday, March 28st - Parent Teacher Conferences - 5:00 - 7:00
- Friday, March 29th - 12:15 Dismissal
- Tuesday, April 9th - ELA MCAS
- Wednesday, April 10th - 12:15 Dismissal
- Thursday, April 11th - ELA MCAS
- Thursday, April 11th - Diversity Council - Joint Meeting - In Person at Hosmer
- Monday, April 15th - Friday, April 19th - No School - April Vacation
Watertown Announces Free PreK/Preschool!
Watertown Public Schools is pleased to announce that PreKindergarten and Preschool classes will be tuition-free for children who turn 4 by August 31, 2024. Applications for the 2024-2025 school year have already begun, and we are excited to be able to offer up to 40 additional spaces for Watertown children in our prekindergarten and preschool classrooms.
Kindergarten Information Night
When: Wednesday March 6th, 6:30-7:30
Where: Hosmer School Amphitheater
We invite families of children entering Kindergarten in September 2024 to join us at Hosmer School. Come learn about our school, Community Education, and the registration process. All are welcome! Please note that students must be five years old by September 1st to be eligible for enrollment.
Boosterthon Update!
It’s almost the weekend! 🥳 Quick update about the Hosmer fundraiser: we have a BONUS PRIZE OPPORTUNITY for all students! It’s for this weekend only, so time is limited to earn this extra reward.
🚨Click here to log into MYBOOSTER.COM to get more donations!🚨
Reminder: We’re raising $17,000 for student enrichment that will directly impact students and staff here at Hosmer. We can’t do this without your help!
Have a great weekend! We can’t wait for the Hosmer Glow Run happening on 2/16!
Last Nights Nightly Challenge Winners: Second Grade!
Nightly Challenge: The grade with the most new donations over the weekend, will earn a BONUS PRIZE for each student!
PTO Note
Dear Hosmer families,
We have a busy month coming up with our annual Boosterthon fundraiser, our February PTO meeting, and Movie Night at the end of the month! Make sure to subscribe to the PTO newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with all of our events and initiatives!
Our Boosterthon event kickoff will be February 7 - register today to help our school reach our goal of $17,000 to support students and staff!
Log into MYBOOSTER.COM today to get started!
Movie Night
Save the Date for Movie Night! On Thursday, February 29 we'll have our Movie Night event for Hosmer families in the cafeteria. Doors open at 6pm, movie begins at 6:30pm. All children must be accompanied by an adult. More information to come soon!
Thank you for being part of this wonderful school community!
The Hosmer PTO
Spring 2024 Courses For Kids Registration Is Now Open!
Registration is open and will run until Sunday, February 25, 2024. Please use the catalog link below to view an electronic version of flier. Paper fliers will be distributed to students beginning next week.
Courses for the fall session include:
Mondays 2:30-3:30 PM
Minecraft Coding and Design Studio (grades K-5)
Karate (grades 1-5)
Chess Wizards (grades 1-5)
Coding and Game Design wit Scratch, Python, and JavaScript (grades 2-5)
Tuesdays 2:30-3:30 PM
Artemis Yoga (grades K-2)
Lego Challenges (grades K-2)
Buildwave | A Hands-On Building Game (grades K-5)
Acting Out (grades 3-5)
Use the links below to see the full course catalog and to register online. Please note that there is a max capacity for each course and registration does not guarantee confirmed enrollment. Registration is open until Sunday, February 25th. A lottery will be held for spaces in any course that exceeds its maximum capacity prior to the deadline. Please view the catalog link below for more information.
Hosmer CFK Spring ‘24 Catalog
Hosmer CFK Spring ‘24 Online Registration Form
Snow Days & School Closure
We live in New England, and whether we love them or hate them, snow days may be just around the corner. In the case of inclement weather or school closure for emergency reasons, information about school closures will be:
- Posted on the District’s website (www.watertown.k12.ma.us), the WPS Facebook page (@watertownpublicschools) and the WPS X feed (@watertownschool)
- Emailed to parents and staff from the Superintendent’s office via the District’s messaging service
- Broadcast by the following stations:
WBZ Television (Channel 4)
WCVB Television (Channel 5)
WHDH Television (Channel 7)
NBC Boston (Channel 10 and NECN)
WFXT Television (Channel 25)
WBZ Radio (AM 1030)
In most occurrences, the decision to open, delay, or close school is made between 5:30 and 6:00 AM.
Delayed Openings
A delayed opening may be announced to allow the District and/or Department of Public Works to adequately prepare streets, walkways, and parking lots for safe travel. Delayed openings will be for one (1) hour to two (2) hours after the schools’ regular scheduled start times. Before-school programs are canceled on days with delayed openings. Lunch will be served at the regular time and school will close at the regular time.
Preschool classes are canceled on days of school closure. Delayed opening may impact some of the partial-day programs. Please check the closure announcement for more details.
Extended Day
Extended Day programs are canceled on days of school closure. On days with delayed openings, before-school Extended Day programs are canceled and after-school Extended Day programs begin as usual.
On occasion, the District may call for an early release or cancel PM and evening activities including after-school Extended Day programs. Please check the aforementioned television and radio stations for notifications of PM closures.
MCAS Dates
All students in grades 3, 4 and 5 will be taking MCAS on the following dates.
Grades 3, 4 and 5 - ELA Test
- Tuesday, April 9th
- Thursday, April 11th
** Tuesday Instrument Lessons will be on Wednesday, April 10th
Grades 3, 4 and 5 - MATH Test
- Tuesday, May 7th
- Wednesday, May 8th
Grade 5 only - SCIENCE Test
- Tuesday, May 14th
- Thursday, May 16th
** Tuesday Instrument Lessons will be on Wednesday, May 15th
All test sessions begin at 8:20 am.
Please make sure your child is at school on time. Students who arrive late may not be able to participate in the test session with their class. They will take that test session on a make-up test day.
A good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast will positively impact your child’s test experience.
Encourage your child to take their time and do their best.
Community Resources
Friends of Watertown Music invites you to attend our 11th Annual MusicFest, on Friday, March 15,
2024, from 5:30 to 9:00 pm, at the Watertown Middle School.
MusicFest is a fun community event, offering something for everyone with over 40 performances, across 3 stages. The variety of performers often includes student musicians, Watertown Public School teachers, local rock bands, established musicians, a vignette of musical theater, and more. Performances run from 5 to 20 minutes, so attendees have the chance to go around and see as many acts as they wish.
Calling all musicians: registration is open through March 5th!
MusicFest will also feature an ‘instrument petting zoo’ to inspire budding musicians, and for anyone
wanting a snack, pizza and refreshments will be sold throughout the evening. The community is invited to attend all or part of the evening.
All proceeds from this MusicFest fundraiser help the Friends of Watertown Music support the music
programs in the Watertown Public Schools. Suggested donations of $8/person or $25/family will be
accepted at the door.
Community Kingian Training:
A free course on Kingian Nonviolence principles and actions is being offered on March 2 + 9 at the Watertown Police Department Community Room. Use the QR code below or the link bit.ly/kingian2024 for more information and to register.
YardArt 2024:
YardArt is a uniquely Watertown event that celebrates creativity during the entire month of April! Everyone can participate, including families and individuals, by making art for their front yards, porches, or windows. For more information, go to https://www.mosesianarts.org/YardArt
Community Resources for Food
Watertown Food Pantry: 80 Mt. Auburn St. (rear of the Belmont-Watertown United Methodist Church), Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. https://www.watertown-ma.gov/330/Watertown-Food-Pantry, 617-972-6490
Watertown Catholic Collaborative Food Pantry: 770 Mt. Auburn St. (basement), Thursdays from 10 to 11:45 a.m. 617-926-7121
Watertown Community Fridge: 80 Mt. Auburn St. (Front of the Belmont-Watertown United Methodist Church), Open 24/7 https://www.watertowncommunityfridge.org/
Watertown Social Services Resource Specialists: at Wayside Multi-Service Center, 127 North Beacon St. https://www.watertown-ma.gov/673/Watertown-Social-Services-Resource-Speci 617-744-9585
Live Well Watertown/Watertown Farmers Market: City Hall, 149 Main St. 617-972-6446 x8 https://www.livewellwatertown.org/home
Watertown Community Foundation: https://www.watertownfoundation.org/ 617-926-1500
Food Pantry at American Legion Post 440: 295 California St., Newton, 3rd Fridays from 10 to 11 a.m. 617-244-0440
Centre Street Food Pantry: 11 Homer St., Newton, Tuesdays 2:30-6 p.m. & the first Saturday of the month from 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. 617-340-9554
SNAP: (formerly Food Stamps) https://www.mass.gov/snap-benefits-formerly-food-stamps
Project Bread: https://www.projectbread.org/ Food Source Hotline (1-800-645-8333)
Source: Watertown News, December 11, 2023
Reporting Absences from School
This year all student absences should be reported via this online form. Using this form will help to streamline communication and ensure that we are properly tracking excused and unexcused absences. The link to this form will be included in every Husky Highlight.
About Us
Website: www.watertown.k12.ma.us/hosmer
Location: 1 Concord Road, Watertown, MA, USA
Phone: 617-926-7740
Twitter: @HosmerSchool