Skyview September Family News
Skyview Eagle Families,
Happy September!
Picture Day is Monday, Sept 9th. Order on-line only: https://vernonphoto.com/prepay
Box Tops for Education is a quick easy way to help raise money for our school’s PTA. Click on this link to find out more: https://btfe.smart.link/c2jjdifkw?referral_code=A8EN2I6M
PTA’s Fall Pasta-bilities fundraiser. There are class prizes for the top 3 classes based on orders. The themed pastas are adorable, functional and great ideas for gifts, potlucks, or even just for a fun family night. Some themes to note – dinosaurs, flamingos, every season, music notes, soups, chilis, mac and cheese, sports, dance, and so many more...on-line at https://my.funpastafundraising.com/signup/QWCC
Staff Compliments can be entered at: https://forms.office.com/r/6XkSNAnAfh
Fieldtrip planning is underway...please apply for or update your volunteer status with Mrs. Wheeler in the Front Office if you want to be considered as a chaperone.
Our Café accepts cash or checks at the service line for the Friday treats and for adult meal purchase. You can also add funds through https://myschoolbucks.com
Some events to watch out for:
- Sept 9 - PICTURE DAY
- Sept 16-20 -> Starts with Hello Week
- Sept 26 CONTENT night - starts at 6:00pm
We are on Facebook and have a school website:
~Mrs. Hamm
Skyview - 727-547-7857
my cell phone 727-423-0270
Toys for Tots - apply by Nov 10th click below
***NEW Communication App***
Parent Portal or the PCS app are the best ways to check on attendance, grades, and communication.
If you need help - stop by our Front Office, we are here to help you.
**this FOCUS PCS app is replacing PBIS app and DOJO**
Ways to help your student at home:
Sign up for free books to be mailed to your home
Dreambox Math
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade students are expected to complete 5 Dreambox lessons per week independently.
3rd - 5th Grade students are expected to complete 10 Dreambox lessons per week independently.
I-Station - ELA
Students take a monthly assessment which provides important information about their progress in ELA. They are then provided lessons specific to their needs. It is important that students spend 30 minutes per week on their I-Station pathway.
All student absences should be sent in via the "Report Student Absence" on our school website. You could also call or send an email to Mrs. Diaz at727-547-7857 ext. 2007 or diazl@pcsb.org or upload documentation into FOCUS.
Car Line Safety
Entering either of the car lines should ONLY be done by making a RIGHT turn.
Exiting the Kg-5th grade car line on 86th Ave, you must turn LEFT!!! Please note the traffic signs.
Students should not be getting in or out of cars along 60th St or 86th Ave. Please use the Car Lines or park your vehicle in a spot.
Calendar of Dates / Events
Sept 16-20 - Starts with Hello week
Sept 23 - NO SCHOOL
Sept 26 at 6:00 - Family Content night - come learn mor about math, science, and reading to help us all work together to grow student learning
Lunch with Loved Ones
Fridays on-going **Must bring your Drivers License or other ID** and be listed on your child's FOCUS account.
You may eat lunch outside with your child (and only your child - no friends, sorry) at one of our picnic tables. Media Center is only for use in the event of rain. Please be sure to arrive early to give time for the signing-in process.
- 10:15-10:45 - 3rd Grade
- 11:00-11:25 - 5th Grade
- 11:25-11:50 - 4th Grade
- 11:50-12:20 - 2nd Grade
- 12:20-12:50 - Kindergarten
- 12:50-1:20 - 1st Grade
New information regarding birthday celebrations:
***We no longer can allow families to send in birthday treats/cupcakes/cookies/etc. We must follow the “Smart Snack” compliance which is a part of statute. Two options...you could send in a gift bag of toys/fidgets/party favors for the classmates to take home OR you could put additional funds on their child’s account to allow them to purchase the “Smart Snack” compliant treats through our Café treats for the whole class on that Friday of their birthday week.***
What is your child learning about this month?
PreK 3
This month's theme is: Magnificent Me & My Family
ELA - Recognizing sounds, Pretending to read by looking at pictures
Math -Spatial Relations - on top of, under, next to, over, behind
Science - exploration and discovery
This month's theme is: Me & You; Our Community
ELA - Learning letters through our classmate's names; Comparing students' names
Math - Patterns, shapes, sorting
Science - Physical Science
This month's Learning Topics are...Learning from Characters in the books we read
ELA: Reading familiar stories; Writers add details to pictures and begin adding words to label and tell the story.
Social Studies: Civics - Pledge of Allegiance, Constitution Day, Symbols of the United States
Math: Numbers to 10 - counting, more/less, matching objects to a given number, comparing, identifying and writing the numerals 0-10
Science: Nature of Science - Using our 5 Senses (see, hear, taste, touch, & smell) to observe the world around us
1st Grade
This month's Learning Topics are...Working together for a strong community; Our Families help our Communities
ELA: Using story elements to retell a story (characters, setting, action/events); Writing longer narrative stories about the small moments in their lives.
Social Studies: Civics - Showing respect for our country; Symbols that represent Florida; What is freedom?
Math: Number Patterns - Counting and Skip Counting; Time to the nearest hour; Pennies & Nickels; Addition and Subtraction within 20
Science: Earth Science - How is the sun beneficial and harmful? Water and rocks found on the Earth's surface
2nd Grade
This month's Learning Topics are...How people persevere when faced with challenges
ELA: Reading to learn about America's past; Writing to teach through expository writing.
Social Studies: Civics - What are some symbols of the United States? What is freedom?
Math: Place value to 1,000
Science: Earth Science - Soil types; What makes up soil? Sun - warms the air, land, and water; compare temperatures; harmful/helpful attributes of the sun
3rd Grade
This month's Learning Topics are...How can I relate to characters in books? How do living things respond to their environments?
ELA: Studying literary elements and theme. Writing Personal narratives. Moving mid-month into informational texts and writing expository essays.
Social Studies: Civics - What are some symbols that represent the United States? What are some documents that represent the United States? Celebrate Freedom Week
Math: Add and Subtract multi-digit numbers
Science: Earth Science - overcoming gravity; push and pull; changes in force; Sun emits energy and is the closest star to Earth; stars can be different, are numerous, and magnifiers make things appear larger
4th Grade
This month's Learning Topics are...How do our differences help to create a strong community? How are animals impacted by our environment?
ELA: Reading - Realistic Fiction - elements of stories; Writing - Personal Narratives Moving mid-month into: Reading informational text and writing expository reports
Social Studies: Civics - How do state and local governments work together? Celebrate Freedom Week
Math: Multiplication facts 0-12 (up to 144); Multiplication as a comparison
Science: Earth Science - Sun, moon, and stars - rotation and patterns of them. Revolution / Rotation; Types of rocks; mineral properties
5th Grade
This month's Learning Topics are...How does my uniqueness contribute to my community? From Producers to Consumers
ELA: Reading - Realistic Fiction; Writing - Personal Narratives; Mid-month switch to Relationships, systems and cycles existing within environments; Reading for information and writing to teach/explain/analyze
Social Studies: Civics - Why is civic responsibility important? Celebrate Freedom Week
Math: Place Value and Number Relationships; Add & Subtract multi-digit numbers with Decimals
Science: Earth Science - Galaxy system - objects in our solar system; inner and outer planets; Mineral properties, types of rocks, natural resources, renewable vs. non-renewable resources; weathering and erosion
Resources for Reporting Concerns
Fortify Florida reporting site https://getfortifyfl.com/Tip.html#