October 7 - October 11, 2024
January 17, 2025
Greetings to All of our Spur Families,
It has been a great week here in the land of the Spurs! Below we have some key information.
We were just informed of the following:
Several road closures are scheduled to begin next week that will impact travel times and routes within our community:
East Bailey Boswell Road between Comanche Springs Drive and Sassafras Street is scheduled to be closed from January 19 through January 22. This a project of BNSF Railroad to repair areas around the railroad tracks.
Cromwell Marine Creek Road between Bowman Roberts Road and Cascade Canyon Trail is scheduled to be closed from January 21 through January 29. This is a City of Fort Worth project for road expansion and improvements.
Our Transportation Department is working on alternative bus routes to minimize delays caused by these closures. However, please be aware that there could still be some additional delays due to detours and increased traffic along alternative routes. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
We also encourage families to make note of these closures so you can plan alternate routes and allow for extra time to ensure timely arrivals and departures.
A thank you to all of you who came out to our annual EMS ISD Reading Festival! It was a great success!
The CSES Spelling Bee was held on Thursday of this week, and we are excited to share the outcome.
We are so proud of every child who was part of our spelling bee this year. The winner of this year's bee is Soloman MacGregor, 5th grade; and Chloe Morgan, 5th grade, was runner-up. A shout out goes to Christie Renteria, ELA Interventionist, for organizing this event. She stated, "It was amazing! In 9 years, we have never completed the amount of rounds we had this year! Our students were amazing!" The competition went 22 rounds, and the winning word spelled was "stylistic." A special thank you goes to Jakob Firestone, spelling bee pronouncer, Kelly Taylor, Cynthia Dowell and Wendy Trott, spelling bee judges.
We have also completed our MAP testing for the middle of the year data. Our students worked hard on their assessments, and we will be sharing the growth data once it is returned to us. With the data, we also determine appropriate interventions and extensions for our students. We are excited about the focus of our students and can't wait to share the information on growth.
If you have any questions or needs, please feel free to reach out to our administration team. We are here to serve!
Spur Proud,
Mrs. Liz Hatley and Dr. Linda Parker, Interim Principals, and Mrs. Destiny Womack, Assistant Principal
Dates to Remember: January and February
Friday, January 17: 4th & 5th MAP Middle of Year testing for Math
Monday, January 20--Holiday
Tuesday, January 21--Science Night--5:30-7:00 pm
Thursday, January 23:
- Hat and PJ Day Fundraiser--Pay $1 to wear hat or pjs to school (students and staff)
- Kinder Field Trip to Sea Life in Grapevine
- 4th Grade Field Trip to Stockyards
Friday, January 24: House Rally
Monday, January 27-Friday, January 31--Kindness Week Dress-up Days--See below.
Wednesday, January 29--Picture Retakes and for New Students to CSES
Thursday, January 30--
- Hat and PJ Day Fundraiser--Pay $1 to wear hat or pjs to school (students and staff)
Looking to February
Monday, February 3--Prairie Vista Middle School Open House for 5th Graders and Parents (see flyer).
Tuesday, Feb. 4--Math Family Night--5:30-7:00
Tuesday, Feb. 11--Reading Interim for 3-5 grades (Practice Test for STAAR)--No visitors on
Friday, Feb. 14--Early Release Day
House Rally--8:00 AM
Valentine Day's Parties -- 10:45
Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 19 and 20: TELPAS Testing for 3rd-5th Graders
The Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) is an English language proficiency assessment aligned to the Texas English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS). This assessment is designed to assess the progress that emergent bilingual (EB) students make in learning the English language. TELPAS fulfills ESSA requirements for assessing EB students in kindergarten through grade 12 in four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Thursday, February 27--EMS ISD STEM Showcase (More information to come.)
Mrs. Taylor's Counseling Corner
Kindness Week January 27-31
SPUR Staff Shout Outs
House Chants
We encourage every child and staff member to dress in their house colors every Friday.
Students can practice their house chants at home! Please click on your student's house crest below:
From Your PTA
Hello Parents and Teachers!
Do you shop at Kroger? Did you know that everytime you shop at Kroger a percentage of your total could be given back to Comanche Springs Elementary? This allows us to bring in the special programs for the students and plan events for our school community.
If you have not selected Comanche Springs for your Community Rewards, it is simple to do. Follow the steps below to get signed up! Also, please share! Anyone can choose our school (from teachers and parents to aunts/uncles, grandparents and friends)! Once our school is selected there is nothing else that needs to be done! Every time you shop, we will earn a %.
In the Kroger app:
1. Click on the 3 lines in the top right corner.
2. Click on Rewards (in the My Info section).
3. Click on Community Rewards.
4. Search for Comanche Springs Elementary.
Every little bit helps and it definitely adds up! If you have selected Comanche Springs for your Kroger Community rewards send us a picture at (spurspta@gmail.com) and get an extra entry into the next fast pass drawing! As of our last quarterly report we had 44 households giving back to our school. Can we double that number? Feel free to reach out to me with any questions!
Thank you
Theresa Laffey
VP of Fundraising
Menu of the Week
Last Minute Changes in Dismissal/Transportation
Please call the office before 2pm for last minute changes to your child's dismissal.
A Note from Coach Gadberry
Coach Gadberry is asking that students please wear tennis shoes on their scheduled PE day. Please see the teacher’s PE dates below:
YMCA Afterschool/School's Out Care
Bus Transportation
Comanche Springs Elementary is a Title 1 School
Comanche Springs Elementary
Interim Principal: Liz Hatley and Dr. Linda ParkerAsst. Principal: Destiny Womack
Main Office: Anel Cruz
Attendance: Please see Tabatha Stevenson or Anel Cruz for your needs.
Website: https://www.emsisd.com/comanchespringselem
Location: 8100 Comanche Springs Drive
Phone: (817) 847-8700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/comanchespringselem