FAMS Family Updates
September 6th, 2024
Upcoming Dates
September 9th 5:30-6:30pm - Open House
September 11th FAMS School Pictures (EVERYONE gets a picture taken)
September 23rd Early Release 1:25pm
FAMS Open House
Monday, September 9th
5:30-6:30 p.m.
OUR GOAL: To help parents/guardians meet their student’s teachers, see their classrooms, gain a better understanding of the teacher’s general expectations for each class, and become more familiar with the middle school building. We believe that this event provides our school and parents/guardians with a crucial initial contact for the school year.
In order to help you become more familiar with your student’s teachers, daily schedule, and school building, we are pleased to invite you to the FAMS Open House from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Monday, September 9th. At the FAMS Open House you will have the opportunity to meet your student’s teachers, pupil services staff, and the building administration.
We encourage you to bring your student(s) and let them show you around their school and meet their teachers. One hope for this event is that students will be able to bring their parents/guardians closer to their learning. As in the past, all teachers will be in their classrooms, feel free to drop by any and all of your student’s classrooms.
This event promises a great opportunity for Fort Atkinson Middle School and parents/guardians to establish the beginnings of a healthy home/school communication. We are looking forward to seeing your students and all parents/guardians. We are anxious to work together in an effort to make your student’s educational experience very productive and meaningful.
2024-25 Yearbook
Get an early jump on ordering your 2024-25 FAMS Yearbook. Orders can be made during Open House in the FAMS main office via cash, check, or online.
Questions about whether or not you have purchased a yearbook, please contact FAMS Yearbook at famsyearbook@fortschools.org.
Pick-up & Drop-off Reminder
Please help by passing this message on to those who may be transporting your student but may not get our emails (grandparents, siblings, etc).
We ask that, for student safety, you do NOT pick-up or drop-off on 4th street between the water tower and the middle school before or after school.
In addition, please do NOT use the staff parkin g lot for pick-up or drop off.
Thank you for your help with this issue.
FAMS Picture Day
Fall picture day will be held on Wednesday, September 11th.
As in the past, when photos are processed, you will be able to view your yearbook image and have the opportunity to order your school photos - all online.
To view and order photos from Picture Day: You’ll receive an email with instructions when your images are ready to view online.
Pictures for the 2024-2025 school year will be taken by our friends at Empire Photography.
Early Release Day - Monday 9/23
We have eight early release days scheduled throughout the school year (see below) to allow for professional learning to take place for staff in our district. Early release Mondays begin at the regular time (7:55 am), but students are dismissed at 1:25 pm.
2024-25 Early Release Dates: September 23, October 14, November 11, January 27, February 17, March 10, April 14, and May 12
FAMS's Pupil Services Website
If you have not had the opportunity to check out our FAMS Pupil Services' website, please take a few minutes to do so. They have pages with community and mental health resources, and a student opportunities page that has some information about how students can get involved in their community.
The Fort Atkinson Middle School Website
Please take some time to explore the information on our school's website. Here you will find all of our up to date information and learn of all the happenings at the middle school.
You can go directly to our site by typing in fortschools.org/ms
In addition, every month we update our family newsletter that we will email out and post on our website. Please take a few minutes to read these as there will be information in there that will not be duplicated in other places.
SDFA 2024-2025 Calendar
Click on picture to open calendar in a separate window.