Section School Newsletter
October 2024
Dear Section Families,
As we embrace the crisp fall air and the excitement that October brings, I am thrilled to share the many wonderful events happening in our school community this month. From learning opportunities to fun celebrations, October is sure to be a memorable month for all!
- Section 60 - September 30th and October 1st Section 60 is a long standing tradition that all students look forward to. Please consider volunteering to support the students in 60 minutes of play!
- VIP Lunch and Book Fair - October 7th - 11th Enjoy lunch with your favorite Section Hawks and join them at the book fair for shopping fun!
- Parent-Teacher Conferences – October 17th, 23rd & 24th Our Parent-Teacher Conferences are a vital part of fostering a strong home-school partnership. This is a wonderful opportunity to discuss your child's progress, celebrate achievements, and set goals for the remainder of the school year.
- Red Ribbon Week – October 28th-November 1st Our school is proud to participate in Red Ribbon Week, a national campaign to raise awareness about the importance of making healthy and responsible choices. Throughout the week, we’ll have themed days and activities that promote a positive school culture and healthy lifestyles.
October promises to be a month filled with excitement, learning, and community spirit. I encourage you to participate in these events, and I look forward to seeing many of you throughout the month. Thank you for your ongoing support and involvement in making Section a wonderful place to learn and grow.
Rachel Crockford
September Hawks of the Month
Congratulations to the September Hawks of the Month. These students were nominated by the Section staff for exemplifying the Hawk's Habits Responsible, Respectful, Safe and Kind during the month of September.
Congratulations to the following students:
Cayden B., Eloise B., Scout D., Taylor F., Jaxson G., Will J., Abby K., Emma K., Tenley K., Penelope K., Mason K., Cash L., Penelope L., Charlotte M., Amelia M., Michael M., Lexi N., Sloane P., Gabe S., Amelia S., Sydney S., Noel T., Harper T., Emily W. and Leah Z.
The PBIS theme for the month of October is Leadership and Community.
Coming Soon - Parent/Teacher Conferences!
On Friday, October 4th a document with links to sign-up for K-5 conferences will be sent via shoutpoint. If you have a student in 6th grade, please see the conference communication previously sent by the 6th grade teachers.
Important, Morning Drop-off Procedures
Please review the car drop-off traffic flow map below. All vehicles should enter the parking lot from the Section Road entrance, not Hwy EE. Students should not exit cars outside of the designated drop-off zone. Staff will be directing traffic through the drop-off line. Please follow their directions to help the process run smoothly.
In order to ensure student safety, the parking spaces at the south end of the lot are not to be used for daily drop-off or to bypass the car rider line. These spaces are for students who need additional assistance due to medical needs or help carrying a project, etc. Should you need to utilize the parking spaces, please use the spaces on the west side of the lot to avoid walking students across traffic. Thank you for your support and understanding - student safety is ALWAYS our #1 priority!
Important October Dates
1st - Section 60
3rd - 1st B4 School Choir Practice
8th - 1st Walking Club for 24-25 during student lunch recess (click here to read more)
8th - 5K Field Trip to Mukwonago Family Dentistry
7th - 11th - Sandwiches with Someone Special and Book Fair Week
8th - PTG Meeting in the Library at 6pm
11th - K-2 Fire Safety Presentation in Library
15th-18th - Playworks Week
17th - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-7pm
23rd - Parent/Teacher Conferences 4-7pm
24th - Parent/Teacher Conferences 8am -11am
24th-25th - No School
28th-31st - Red Ribbon Week
29th - Picture Retake Day
31st - Halloween Parade and Classroom Parties
Reporting Your Students Absence
Attendance Requests through IC There is a new feature in IC that allows parents to enter their students absences through their parent portal, rather than calling the school attendance line. Click here for step by step information on how to do this.
Section School Attendance Line offers 24 hour voice mail messaging. Please call the main office numbers 262-363-6260 and listen for the prompts. All absences and tardies should be called in by 8:30 a.m. on the day of the absence or tardy. When calling in, please state clearly your child's name, grade, homeroom teacher, reason for absence and if you want to leave a homework request. If it is a late arrival, please leave your lunch choice if taking hot lunch and an approximate arrival time if known. It is important that you call in your child by 8:30 a.m. as the number of lunches needs to be called into the central kitchen by 9:00 a.m. for delivery to our school and we will start making calls to parents for absences not called in. We appreciate your help with this process.
Lunch Menus will be only digital going forward
Please use the updated October Menu - more new items have been added since we last printed in September. This menu can also be found online at October Lunch Menu. Please note that due to availability and/or staff shortages, some menu items may change throughout the month (rare, but could occur). Please use the online version for the most up to date information.
Section School Book Fair October 7th-11th
NEW Shopping Times
Shopping at the book fair is exciting and you don’t want to miss it! New this year, all students, except 4th grade, have recess before they eat lunch. If you plan to shop the book fair with your student(s) please come during the new recess time, which is before the students eat, to shop.
Attendance at Daytime Events
In order to maintain a high level of safety within our schools, guests and visitors must RSVP to school events that take place during school hours. Parents will be asked to list all the names of the people who will attend these events as they arise. Please keep in mind, on the day of the event, people who have RSVP’d will be admitted into the event with limited waiting time. Those who have not RSVP’d will need to bring an ID such as a state issued driver's license to be checked in through the main office using the Raptor system.
Please note there may be a line for checking in on the day of the event.
Picture Retake Day at Section, October 29th 8:30am-9:30am
October 29th will be picture retake day for those students who did not have their picture taken on September 24th, and/or those who wish to have photos retaken. If your child is having their picture retaken, please send the original picture package back to school with them to return.
Late Bus Shoutpoints
When a bus is going to be 10 minutes later than expected, the school will send out a Shoutpoint email to parents to communicate the delay.
Christmas Clearing Council
Parents struggling financially may apply now to receive 2024 Christmas gift assistance.
Visit https://www.christmasclearingcouncil.org/application for program information and application links.
Deadline to apply is Nov. 15, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.
To qualify, a family must:
- Live in Waukesha County, WI or be caring for a Waukesha County foster child.
- Have custody of the children they are applying for.
- Provide proof of financial hardship (such as qualifying for free/reduced lunch).
- Have children ages 0-18 (will accept older if still enrolled in high school.)
PTG News
We hope everyone has had a great start to the new school year! Section 60 is in full swing! Students are participating in 60 minutes of physical activity, while being pledged by family and friends to raise money for enrichment opportunities for students, classroom updates, and saving for a new playmod to replace the older one. We also made a video highlighting how important the funds are that we raise. If you haven’t sent your fundraising envelope in, you have until this Friday 10/4 for your child to be eligible for prizes. Prizes include: -Highest earner in each grade wins reserved front row concert seating for our music concerts. -2 Highest AVG per student by homeroom wins a kickball game with Mrs. Neumann. -For every $25 dollars raised, students receive an entry into a chromebook raffle. -Class with the highest percentage of students registered on mybooster.com gets an extra recess. -If we meet our $20k fundraising goal, the whole school gets ice pops after lunch. The Section Spiritwear sale was a huge success and items will be sent home soon. October 7-11 we will welcome in hundreds of visitors for Sandwiches with Someone Special and the Book Fair. We are still looking for a few volunteers and you can sign up here: bit.ly/sectionvolunteer
Internet Safety
Mukwonago Area School District has various options available to Parents/Guardians related to Internet Safety and monitoring student activity. Parental controls for Chromebooks are also available via Aristotle Internet Referee. For more information on how parents/guardians can take advantage of available options, please click this link.