SCCS Home Bulletin
January 29, 2025
The mission of Sioux Center Christian School is to disciple God’s children by equipping them with a knowledge and understanding of Christ and His creation so that they can obediently serve God and others as they work and play.
Every Student TREASURED, Every Student TRAINED, Every Student TRANSFORMED
Progress Continues on the Blazer Center
View from Southwest Corner of the Gym
View from East End of the Gym
View from the Southeast Corner of the Gym
Common Space near the SE Corner
North/South Hall from the Lobby
Common Areas at SW Corner
The calendar for the 2025-2026 school year is attached. Some notes:
- We will host parent/teacher conferences again before school begins so that teachers and parents can start building relationships. This year, that will be on August 14, 2025.
- The first day of school is August 25, 2025. By law, schools are to start on or after August 23.
- We will continue to release at 2:05 PM every Wednesday for professional development. Please note that the public school has chosen to also have early dismissals one Friday a month. We will not be following that in our calendar in order to provide time for other breaks and to be as consistent with instructional time as possible.
- We continue to have the day before Thanksgiving off and 2 weeks (10 school days) at Christmas break to respect family time. We've been strategic about planning breaks when they work best for student learning.
- We continue to include professional development time next to vacation breaks as much as possible, rather than days off here and there, which we have heard is helpful for family schedules.
- The last day of school is May 20, 2026 with graduation that evening.
Note that the grading periods are called grading periods and not trimesters. To have a good rhythm with report cards and conferences, the trimesters are not equal in length. It really isn’t that big of a deal in an elementary school/middle school to have equal lengths for grading periods, and we’ve chosen to prioritize the rhythms of report cards and parent teacher conferences and school breaks over equal trimesters.
- We have nearly 27 "extra" built in hours of school than what we are required to have by the State of Iowa should we need to use them for snow days, late starts, etc.
We look forward to 25-26 at SCCS!
- On Friday, January 31, Sioux Center Community will not have school so the public school buses will not be running the morning or afternoon routes. If you regularly ride Bus 2014 or 2020, they will run as usual in the morning and afternoon. All other students will need transportation to and from school.
- Due to the public school having an early dismissal on some Fridays, we will be running the alternate bus route in the afternoon on the following Fridays: Feb. 28, Apr. 4, May 16.
We continue to prioritize keeping our students safe and ask that you work with everyone else to keep our drop-off/pick-up lines as safe as possible.
1st Ave.
It is preferred that you use the pick-up/drop-off lanes on campus. (At some point in the spring Hwy 75 will be closed again, and parking will be prohibited along 1st Ave.) If you do pick-up your student(s) along 1st Ave, we ask that you remind your child(ren) to use the crosswalks to cross the street. We will insist that they do.
2nd Ave & 6th St Intersection
Also be mindful of the No Parking areas at the corner of 2nd Ave & 6th St. Please do not drop off your child(ren) in those areas. We need the entire width of the street for buses and drop-off/pick-up traffic.
Thank you!
We’ve got an exciting week coming up next week – just in time to chase away the winter doldrums and to give a boost to the winter months: Trailblazer Days!
Our Deep Hope: SCCS students, faculty, and staff will celebrate Sioux Center Christian School.
Learning Target: I can enjoy and celebrate being a part of our school community.
From February 3-7, students, faculty, and staff are invited to participate in fun dress-up days and activities:
Monday, February 3
TK-4: Pajama/Comfy Day
5-8: Pajama/Comfy Day
Tuesday, February 4
TK-4: Blue & Gold (Trailblazer colors and gear)
5-8: Fictional Character Day
Wednesday, February 5
TK-4: Chapel Shirts
5-8: Anything but a Water Bottle (along with chapel shirts)
Thursday, February 6
TK-4: Hat and Sock Day
5-8: Zoom Meeting Day
Friday, February 7
TK-4: Fan Friday (team gear)
5-8: Jersey/Favorite Team Day
It’s time to show that Trailblazer spirit!
We value the partnership between our parents and school! We want to invite you into the school so you can experience what’s happening in the classroom. Each grade level will be hosting a Parent Visit Day again this year. You are invited to join us for some time in the classroom and a pizza lunch on us!
5th Grade visit day will be on Friday, Jan. 31. Join us at 11:00 in the band room followed by a classroom visit and pizza for lunch. Looking forward to seeing you then!
Below are the dates for the remaining Parent Visit Days this school year. Dates are subject to change depending on circumstances. More information will be sent out later.
- February 28 - 7th grade
- March 7 - 3rd grade
- March 14 - 2nd grade
- March 28 - 4th grade
- April 3 - Kindergarten
- May 1 - TK
Do you have a child who is ready to start TK or Kindergarten this fall? Make plans to attend our TK/K Round Up Parent Information meeting on Thursday, February 20, and reserve your child’s Round Up spot for Thursday, March 27, or Friday, March 28, on our website: https://www.siouxcenterchristian.com/connectwithus/tkkroundup.cfm.
If you know of any families who might be interested in sending their child to SCCS next year, please share this information with them!
- Please check the online calendar for upcoming events (http://www.siouxcenterchristian.com/calendar.cfm)
Storyline chapels are the first Wednesday of each month at 1:35pm in the gym. Students are expected to wear their Storyline shirts! Parents and guests are WELCOME to attend! You can also watch the livestream/recording here (siouxcenterchristian.com > Current Families > Livestream Links)...
Sioux Center Christian School invites you to consider the opportunity to work with a dedicated faculty and staff, passionate parents, and fantastic students through the following position openings:
- Paraprofessional (one-to-one support for a 5th grader) - immediate opening
- 5th-8th Grade Band/Choir Teacher (Full-Time)
For more information on these positions and details on how to apply, go to
Are you interested in working on the summer crew at SCCS? Looking for hardworking people that love to clean and can work together as a team. You must be 14 years of age and have completed 8th grade but will also take adult applicants. We are flexible with summer sports schedules. Hours are Monday -Thursday 8-4:30 and Friday 8-12. First day of summer cleaning is May 27, last day is approximately Aug 8. Job applications can be found on the school website under Connect With Us…Employment…Part-time Custodial Work Application for high school or college students
Have you checked the lost and found table located by the office? Lots of stuff waiting to go back to it's owner!
We will be using Bloomz Alert to notify families of any weather related announcements (early outs/late starts/no school). Weather notifications will also be posted on Facebook, our website, KTIV and KSOU.
Bloomz Alerts are automatically sent through the Bloomz app and the email you have attached to Bloomz. If you would like to receive text notifications, please add your phone number to Bloomz using the instructions below.
Optional SMS/Text Notification:
- If you are using a mobile app, make sure to click the three lines in the top left corner of the screen to expand the left navigation menu.
- Click your profile picture icon.
- Select Account Settings.
- Click Edit Phone Info.
- Update the phone number, enter your current Bloomz password, and click Add Primary Phone to save this information.
- Thanks to everyone who signed up to help with dishwashing this year! If you would like to help out you can sign up here. If you have questions, contact Ashley Keith (akeith@siouxcenterchristian.com).
- You can find the lunch and dishwashing schedule here.
- If you would like to eat lunch with your child, please contact the school 24 hours in advance of when you would like to eat. The cost for a lunch is $5.00 and can be charged to your family's lunch account as you go through the line. Thank you!
We believe all our faculty and staff are amazing and encourage you to take the time to nominate one (or more) of your children’s teachers!
Complete the nomination form (printed copies are available by the TRIP window) and return to our school office or mail to/drop off at Pella Corp. by the 25th of each month during the school year.
Each month a winner is chosen from our local schools and receives a $500 gift from Sioux Center Pella Corp, which can be used in their classroom to impact learning!
We are extremely grateful to Pella Corp for this program that serves to encourage and bless our faculty and staff!
- American State Bank Sports Complex Offerings
- Hull PRCS 3-on3 Basketball Tournament for 4th-8th Grade Boys and Girls
- Sioux Center Arts - After School Art Club
- Destiny Youth Ranch Camps
- ISU STEAM Fest for Grades 4-8
- Drivers Ed Options
- Dordt Youth Dance Camp
- Western Christian Kids Dance Camp for Girls in Grades K-5
- Unity AAU Knights Volleyball - 4th grade
- Jr. Wolfpack Registration Link
Email: sccsoffice@siouxcenterchristian.com
Website: siouxcenterchristian.com
Location: 630 1st Ave. SE, Sioux Center, IA
Phone: 712-722-0777
Facebook: facebook.com/siouxcenterchristian