Gator Bites
December 12, 2024
Principal's Corner
Art at LA is the best! I was totally blown away by the quality of the art work our students in grade 4-8 produced with Mrs Baxter. She always brings creative ideas for our students to learn about the different art styles. We had over 300 people come to our Art Show this semester!
It has become a tradition to decorate our classroom doors for the Art Show and we are happy to announce that our “family favorite” door winners (yes, they tied) are Ms Iracheta in 5th grade and Mrs Jeppesen in Middle School ELA! Our “staff favorites” were Mrs Baxter, First Grade (Mrs Weeber, Ms. Allen and Mrs. Stephens), and the joint doors of Mrs Peterson and Ms. Weinberg. We give each winner a little extra money for their classroom budget!
I hope you all had a few extra minutes of rest this week due to our 2 hour weather delay. Please remember to drive safely on winter roads and watch for our walkers and bikers as you leave the area. As you are turning on to Mineral, stop before the crosswalk so students can safely walk in the crosswalk as they leave at the end of the day.
We want to give a BIG shout out to our lunch volunteer parents. Many come at regular intervals and are quickly becoming our dear friends. Help at lunch is so important to our day both inside and outside and our students love seeing their parents during the day. All our parents are automatically a member of LASA and our volunteer team. You support us in so many ways with your time, talents, and donations. Thank You!
Upcoming Events
Deck the Halls
Best Overall Door: (Tied) Ms. Baxter and 1st Grade (Mrs. Weeber/Mrs. Stephens/Ms. Allen)
Best Thematic Door: Ms. Weinberg/Mrs. Peterson
Family Favorite: (Tied) Ms. Iracheta and Mrs. Jeppesen
The Magic Flute with Ms. Anderson
Thank you to all the wonderful Gator families who attended Mozart's "The Magic Flute" with Ms. Anderson last Saturday! Looking forward to "Aida" in January! Please reach out to Ms. Anderson with any questions you have about our partnership with The Met HD Live in Schools.
Volunteer Shout Out
A very special THANK YOU to Mrs. and Mr. Moot, Littleton Academy grandparents, who have logged over 70 hours of volunteer time this year! Mrs. and Mr. Moot volunteer weekly, rain or shine, to help serve lunch and supervise our students on the playground during lunch. Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Moot!
Need a Gift?
Check out the Littleton Academy Spirit Store! There are tons of new designs and fun spirit wear for the whole family! Students may wear these shirts and sweatshirts for Friday Spirit Days throughout the entire school year.
MS Tubing Trip
Only 50 spots are available, so sign up today!
Tubing Day is Monday, January 6th
Arrive at the LA parking lot
at 8am to check in.
Deadline for Payment, permission slips, and waivers is MONDAY, December 16th, unless we sell out sooner!
Questions - email cpertelesi@icloud.com
I Ski/Ride With LA Day!
After School Art Club for Grades K-5
Join us for a new after school art class hosted by the Createry Workshop Highlands Ranch!
Students will discover different art mediums each week! Each project will be adjusted to fit different age groups and artistic skills. This class is centered around a chosen base project where children will learn art concepts and design elements, learn how to use different materials, and have fun while creating!
8 Classes:
January 13, 27
February 3, 10, 24,
March 3, 10, 17
in the Art Room at Littleton Academy