Trustee Highlights
February 26th, 2024

Students Join in at the Board Meeting
Did You Know?
At the start of the Board meeting, President Art Galimba made the following statement to clarify misinformation regarding overnight science camp: "As the Board President, I want to clarify that the Board has not denied outdoor overnight field trips for our 5th and 6th graders. We understand the value of these experiences and the positive impact they have on our students' growth and learning. In accordance with Board Policy 6153, any requests for such trips must go through the established process for review and approval. We encourage our schools to continue planning meaningful, safe, and educationally enriching trips that align with our Board policies. Thank you to all for your commitment to providing exceptional opportunities for our students."
Welcome New Staff
The Board of Trustees made the following appointments and offers of employment at the Aug. 20 meeting:
Amna Javed as Director of Maintenance, Facilities and Bond Projects.
Martin Gutierrez as Principal of El Gabilan School.
Teresa Morales as Vice Principal of University Park School.
Krysta Bradley as Coordinator for Innovation.
Marty Northrip as Coordinator for Special Education.
Fostering Inclusive Academic Excellence
During the Board meeting, the Trustees received information on the District's Extended Learning programs, including Summer STEAM Camp and the inclusion of Extended School Year, Migrant and Dual Immersion students; nine-hour field trip Saturdays; and intersession experiences. This year the After School program will focus on invention, as part of the larger California Invention Convention.
Maintain Fiscal Solvency
During the Board meeting, the Trustees:
Approved a resolution in Support of Proposition 2, Kindergarten through Grade 12 Schools and Local Community College Public Education Facilities Modernization, Repair and Safety Act of 2024;
Approved the Emergent Bilingual Master Plan;
Approved a new Board Policy regarding District and School websites;
Approved revisions to existing Board Policy 1325 (regarding advertising and promotion);
Approved revisions to Board bylaws and Exhibits regarding Board elections and filling a vacancy.
Strong Relationships as a Community
At the meeting, the Board acknowledged and thanked Compass Church, United Way of Monterey County, Taylor Farms and Family Giving Tree for their generous donations of new backpacks and school supplies to students in the District and the District's Family Resource Center. In all, the organizations donated nearly 4,500 backpacks (stuffed with supplies) to help our students start the year off ready to learn.
Area 1 Trustee and Board President Art Galimba visited with Interim Principal Mary MagaƱa and staffers at El Gabilan on the first day of school.
Area 3 Trustee and Board Clerk Belia Garcia (center) with Loma Vista Principal Susana Vargas (left) and District Director Liz Lopez (right), visited Loma Vista on Aug. 8 to welcome students and families on the first day of school.
Area 4 Trustee Amy Ish visited Mission, Monterey Park and University Park schools at each of their Back to School events
Area 5 Trustee and Board Vice President Jessica Powell stuffed backpacks along with her service organization, the AMT Foundation, so students in Salinas and Marina could start the school year off ready to succeed.
Next Meeting
The next regular Board meeting takes place on Sept 17. All meeting agendas are posted to the District website the Friday before the meeting.
Phone: 831-784-2201
Information about School Board Meetings
The Board of Trustees establishes its meeting schedule for the coming year annually in June. Meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday of each month, with closed session occurring at 5pm and the public portion of the meeting starting at 6:30pm; the schedule is subject to change if the third Thursday of a month occurs during an official school holiday or on a national holiday.