The Bobcat Brief
November 8, 2024
Upcoming Events
Monday, November 11: Veterans Day (No School) & National School Psychology Week Begins
Wednesday, November 13: Fall Individual Make-up Picture Day
Friday, November 15: Annual Career Day - Volunteers Needed (See Information Below) & Quarter 2 Progress Reports emailed to families.
Thursday, November 21: SIC Meeting at 4:30 (in-person)
Thursday, November 21: National Parent Involvement Day
Friday, November 22: College Colors Day
Tuesday, November 26: Coosa's Annual Thanksgiving Luncheon (flyer sent home)
Wednesday, November 27-Friday, November 29: Thanksgiving Break
Thanksgiving Lunch, Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Make-up Picture Day
Students that are participating in make-up pictures on Wednesday, November 13, do not have to be in uniform. All others students should be in uniform. If your child was absent or you prefer a retake, please let the classroom teacher know. Everyone will not take photos on this day.
Students of the Month
This week we recognized the students of the month for the month of October. These students were recognized by their teachers and fellow students for the character traits courage and tolerance. Congratulations to these students!
National Elementary Honor Society
We recently had new members inducted into Coosa's Chapter of the National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS). Check out a photo of the 2024-2025 CES NEHS members.
Our Boosterthon had several nightly challenges and one challenge was a top earner per class pizza party! Wednesday, the students who won this challenge got to enjoy their pizza party on the stage!
Coosa Clubs
Our first Clubs meeting was Friday, November 1st, and we had a blast! Clubs meet this year on December 6, January 10, February 7, March 7, and April 4.
We need our families help. We did not have any classrooms that met either of the attendance incentives for the month of October (incentives listed below). We made sure these incentives excluded excused absences and/or tardies as we do not want to promote coming to school sick. In light of no classes meeting the below goals, we gave all students that were on time to school and had no unexcused absences (excused absences/tardies were eliminated from the criteria) a brag tag. Students that are chronically absent have a greater probability of experiencing academic struggles. The same is true of arriving to school frequently late as core instruction is missed in both of these scenarios. For the past two weeks, we have monitored the car rider line to determine if our line is the issue in regard to students arriving late. Coosa's car rider line is not the cause of chronic tardies for students. If your child exits the car in the car rider line and the announcements are already playing, they most likely will not make it to class. We do not mark students tardy that can make it to class by the close of announcements which typically last 1.5- 2 minutes. At the close of announcements teachers are instructed to close their doors and begin class. Students that have not made it to class by the close of announcements are rerouted to the office for a tardy pass which could take 3-5 minutes, or longer, to issue the tardy pass based on the amount of students receiving passes. I encourage families that are chronically late to school, to arrive in the car rider line 5-10 minutes earlier each day or to consider riding the bus.
1. Each classroom that has 100% of students on time each month will receive a small reward. (Students with excused tardies for doctor's appointments (medical note required) will not count against this percentage.)
2. Each classroom that has 100% of students with no unexcused absences will also receive a reward.
Coosa's Annual Career Fair - We Need Volunteers!
Coosa Career Event will take place this year on Friday, November 15th, 2024, from 8:00-10:00am.
- Please consider participating in our highly anticipated annual event! Each year, our amazing community and family members gather for a few hours to share information about their diverse variety of careers with our students. Through this interactive experience, our students have shared newly sparked interests and a window into future possibilities they had not considered previously!
- Each volunteer is provided table space to display any hands-on items/materials/photos, etc., pertaining to their careers.
- All grade levels will participate in the event.
- If interested or have any questions, please contact Nicole Bossak at Nicole.bossak@beaufort.k12.sc.us or 843-322-6123.
Gifted and Talented Screening for Grades 3-5 Reminder
Do you feel you have a student who would qualify as Gifted and Talented in Arts? BCSD students who are identified as Gifted and Talented in Arts will have many opportunities provided to them, including both school and districtwide activities. This identification will follow the student through Middle and High School.
- Screenings are open to all students grades 3-5 who are interested and are referred by an adult. The form can be completed from September 23–November 25. Screenings will take place on a date to be decided between January 21 – February 13.
- If you are interested and would like the Related Arts teachers to fill out the form, please reach out to the appropriate teacher. Parents/guardians may also fill out the form on behalf of their child.
- Please contact Mrs. Smith (Music) or Mrs. Halopoff (Art) at Rachel.Smith@beaufort.k12.sc.us and Meredith.Halopoff@beaufort.k12.sc.us with any questions you may have about this process.
- Gift and Talented Screening Referral Form – https://form.jotform.com/242283246216150
- GT Audition Materials - https://tinyurl.com/GTAuditionMaterials
Coosa's Business Partners - Thank You!
If you are interested in partnering with Coosa, you can find more information on our website: https://ces.beaufortschools.net/about-us/business-partners
Bobcat Champion
- Randall and Marci Mann
- Harris Pillow Supply
Bobcat Gold
Bobcat Silver
Bobcat Bronze
- The Lane Family
- Erica Sanchez/Jolly Family
- Sea Island Animal Hospital
Bobcat Parent/Family Supporter/Advocate
- The Beulah-Fields Family
- The Muth Family
- The Vaughan Family