Pella Middle School
News from March, 2020
Important Dates
- 3/23-4/10 - School Closure due to Covid-19
- 4/3 - Final Day of Quarter 3
- 4/6 - First Day of Quarter 4
- 4/13 - Hopeful return to school!
Here's to Missing Our Kids!
In the meantime, ask yourself daily - am I bringing joy or negativity to my family? Speak kindly to your family members and make a commitment to being patient and granting grace to one another. Learn something new about each other. Maybe you could listen to your parents' music, or you could convince them to listen to your music. Help your parents keep your house in order - help with dishes, laundry, and meal prep,. Get outside, read, exercise, create new habits, and take up a hobby you've been considering.
Use this time to cherish one another, and maybe we can all be better in the end because of it. All that said, please take advantage of the learning opportunities being offered by your teachers, and make lemonade out of lemons! We will get through this!
Mr. Manning
Pella Schools Respond to Covid-19
This unprecedented situation has changed the landscape tremendously for all of us, but Pella Community School District plans to continue to provide the very best learning opportunities for our students. Please know your children, our staff, and our community members' safety and well-being is our priority, and it will continue to be as we march through this unique journey.
We will be trying some new and innovative methods for delivering learning opportunities for our students, and we thank you in advance for being patient with us as we navigate this learning journey for students, our staff, and you as teachers from a distance.
What do I do if I left an Instrument, Laptop, or Medicine at Pella Middle School?
- Please stay along the curb and in your car; we will have someone at the main entrance. Please state the name of the student and what is needed.
- No one will be allowed in the building.
- If this time doesn't work, please email me, and we will make arrangements.
What if I Don't Have WiFi?
Online Learning Opportunities (OLO) for MS Students
Pella Community Schools will begin posting online learning opportunities for all students beginning Monday, March 30.
To access the online learning opportunities, visit the learning hub at:
When this site goes live, it will allow you to quickly navigate to a grade or building level and link to a variety of online learning opportunities for your students.
None of these lessons are required nor will they be graded. They are offered as a way to help students continue to grow during this time away from school.
Teachers will be available electronically to help your students if they have questions. This varies by building so please check the learning hub for details.
Lessons will be posted one week at a time for however long we need to do so. New lessons will go live each Monday.
Grades for Second Semester (3rd & 4th Quarter)
Online Learning Etiquette for Students
Etiquette 4 Online Learning Opportunities
JI/MS Student Computer Operating Time: 6:00 AM - 9:00 PM
Online Learning Etiquette for students LINK
Honor the Pella CSD Acceptable Use Policy you signed when you received the device.
If you have anything in your home you prefer not to be seen, please turn off your video conferencing option.
Be Respectful:
Respect privacy, diversity, and opinions that differ from your’s.
Avoid sharing other’s personal and professional information.
Be Responsible:
Practice good digital citizenship.
Be Polite:
Speak and interact similarly to how you would in person.
Be Scholarly:
Use proper language, grammar, and spelling, and avoid misinforming others when you do not have the answer.
*Please remember, to ensure your online safety, the school district's monitoring software will continue to run 24-7 for anyone using school provided devices.
Meals for Anyone & Everyone!
Pella Middle School Student Council Spring Dance
The Counselor Connection
As you and your students adjust to being home together, please know that I am available to help support you in this time of transition. If various situations arise and you or your student would like to consult with a school counselor, please do not hesitate to contact me. I miss seeing your students smiles, high fives, and positive energy and hope to be back together again soon!
I can best be reached via email
Below are some resources offering guidance on how to talk to your children about COVID-19 and taking care of your mental health during this time.
CDC-"Talking with children about the coronavirus disease "
Pella Middle School
Location: 613 East 13th Street, Pella, IA, USA
Phone: 6416284784
Twitter: @pellamidschool