Glacier Middle School
Student Handbook
240 North C Street, Buckley, WA, 98321
School Phone: (360) 829-3395 /School Fax: 360-829-3391
White River School District
240 North A Street, Buckley, WA 98321
PO Box 2050
Phone: (360) 829-0600/ Fax: (360) 829-3368
2024 School Profile Page
The Grizzly Way:
At Glacier Middle School, we recognize students for their positive contributions to our school and community. We ask students to reflect The Grizzly Way regularly in their daily lives by being safe, responsible, and respectful in everything they do, which we refer to as “being a Grizzly.” GMS staff and students can recognize each other for displaying these attributes by filling out a Positive Referral. Students are recognized regularly for demonstrating the Grizzly Way.
District Values:
Equity: Achieved by ensuring a guaranteed and viable curriculum for all students, high-quality instruction in every classroom, a balanced assessment system, additional time and support, and fair and accurate grading systems.
Collaboration: The mission of ensuring high levels of learning for all students requires the work of high-performing teams operating as a professional learning community at work.
Relationships: Strong, respectful, supportive, and trusting relationships are the foundation of our work.
District Focus Areas:
The White River School Board and Superintendent set annual goals for the district. The goals for the school year are very focused on learning and are as follows:
Focus Area 1: Effective and rigorous academic and social-emotional Tier 1 instruction in every classroom
Focus Area 2: A culture of collective staff efficacy
Focus Area 3: Close student learning gaps through data
Student Enrollment:
Sixth grade: 326
Seventh grade: 324
Eighth grade: 312
Total Students: 962
School Statistics:
Students: 962
Certificated Teachers: 53
National Board Certified Teachers: 4 Administrators: 4
Counselors: 2
Student to Teacher Ratio: 18:1
District Calendar
Grizzlies Code of Conduct - PBIS
In our efforts to establish Glacier Middle School as a safe, welcoming and purposeful learning environment, we have implemented Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). Unlike how schools have typically responded in the past – discipline in response to student misbehavior – PBIS teaches behavioral expectations and recognizes students for following them. The goal is to establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm. PBIS actively encourages students to achieve their academic potential while also behaving with good character. The goal is to design the most effective learning community possible with the best outcomes for all students.
At GMS the focus is on teaching and encouraging expected behavior in all areas of the school, concentrating on the instruction of The Grizzly Way: Be Safe, Be Responsible, and Be Respectful. Students who are safe, responsible and respectful act appropriately so they maximize their learning opportunities and do not detract or interfere with the learning opportunities of their classmates. Students are actively involved in learning what The Grizzly Way means and looks like in all areas of our school through activities, lessons, demonstrations, videos and role playing.
Recognizing Positive Behavior
In addition to learning the Grizzly Way, teachers and staff will recognize and celebrate students for modeling appropriate behavior. Along with classroom-based recognition, staff can award PBIS Rewards points when they observe students in the act of Grizzly Way behavior. These points can be used to purchase entries to raffles from the Grizzly Store (online), privileges from teachers and the library, and access to special PBIS activities. Students may also receive a Positive Recognition Certificate that will explain how the students displayed positive behavior. Students who receive a Positive Recognition Certificate will be recognized at school.
PBIS in the Classroom
The key to a positive and effective learning environment is sound classroom management that addresses all aspects of the classroom and is aligned to the Grizzly Way. Routines will be clearly stated, posted, and taught to students at the beginning of the school year and revisited until it is clear that all students understand the routines and are able to perform them. Areas that may be addressed include getting the teacher’s attention, using the restroom, sharpening a pencil, turning in work, and any other routines that take place on a daily basis. These procedures should be in writing so they may be utilized in the event that a guest teacher is needed in the classroom.
The techniques used by educators for addressing when a student fails to abide by classroom expectations are administered as consistently as possible. Although it is impossible to anticipate all potential situations, general plans will be in place for responding to any behaviors that detract from the learning environment and will be used consistently. This will be the initial way we address inappropriate behaviors that are considered to be minor.
What if the routines and procedures are not effective?
Routines and procedures are implemented to address behavior in a proactive manner. At times this is not enough or not effective. When all attempts to redirect a behavior using the staff member’s classroom management plan have been ineffective and the behavior is still disrupting learning in the classroom, the student will be asked to participate in a restorative process
Major Incidents
Some behaviors and incidents require more immediate solutions and/or the attention of an administrator. Behavior Incident Forms must be completed by the referring staff and submitted to an administrator. The student will be removed from the learning environment to process the behavior and formulate a plan to productively reenter the learning environment. A variety of factors are considered while processing a major report, therefore, the consequences or outcomes that arise will vary from student to student.
PBIS and Behavior Incidents
In order to create an environment conducive to learning we must remember that discipline procedures are not the answer to problematic behavior – it is the positive relationships we build as a learning community between students, families and staff that makes a difference. Punitive measures have little effect on student behavior and in some cases increase instances of inappropriate behavior. The Glacier Middle School staff strives to create a positive environment by making connections with our students and families. Children learn best in the context of positive relationships and a safe, comfortable atmosphere. Our staff will explain appropriate behavior and procedures throughout the year. They detail why it is important and encourage all students to be safe, respectful, and responsible. By teaching students the necessary social skills for future success, we set our students on a course to be lifelong learners and successful citizens. It is our job to ensure that students learn the skills needed to survive and thrive in society.
Middle School Grading
Grades, Progress Reports and Report Cards
Students at GMS will be assessed using the four-point scale for grading, which communicates students’ level of understanding on assignments and assessments connected to the standards. The four-point grading scale is included below. All grades entered into Skyward are based on level of understanding and not just completion of the assignments or assessments. Our goal is to have all students reach Proficiency or higher on all assessments. We understand that it may take some students longer to learn. Because of this, we do not penalize students’ grades for retakes or late work.
Guiding Principles: For sound grading and reporting practices that support student achievement, the following principles will be applied:
Students will have multiple opportunities to demonstrate proficiency. Our focus must be on ensuring high levels of learning for students through re-teaching and re-assessing until students demonstrate proficiency.
Test retakes can be done without penalty by the end of the next unit (summative to summative)
Grades will be consistent between teachers of the same subject or course. In addition, grading practices should be consistent across each building in the district.
Grades will reflect individual student achievement only; group scores will not be used. Teach cooperatively, but assess individually.
Grading and reporting should be clear and meaningful to all stakeholders.
No less than 85% of a students’ grade will come from Summative assessments. No more than 15% of a students’ grade will come from formative assessments.
It is important that we prepare students for High School and life beyond graduation, so we will be communicating students’ behavior to families and students. This will include their Effort, Participation, and Respect for the Learning Environment. Teachers will have late work procedures that students must follow for late work and retaking assessments.
Progress reports will be emailed for students and families weekly. The report cards will be available online. Additionally, we encourage parents and teachers to engage in phone calls and conferences as necessary.
School Supplies
Standard student and classroom supplies (pencils, crayons, notebooks, paper, glue, scissors, etc.) will be provided for all students. The only items that you may want to consider purchasing for your child are:
Backpack (school-issued backpack available upon request)
Water bottle (school-issued water bottle available upon request)
Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions or needs.
Glacier Middle School Fees
- ASB (Associated Student Body) cards support student activities and allow individuals to participate in activities for a lower cost. ANY student who is in extracurricular clubs/sports must purchase an ASB card (one per year) and athletes must pay the sport athletic fee (one per sport season).
Yearbooks provide students a snapshot of the school year. We need an accurate count when ordering student yearbooks so we encourage early purchase by offering a reduced price earlier in the school year. Students actually receive yearbooks at the end of the year. Cost is $24.00 prior to November, and $26.00 if purchased after April.
The High School Pass allows students to attend all HS games free when used with GMS ASB card.
Athletic User Fees are required for each sport. A $55 (per sport, all sports except football) athletic user fee for JV, Varsity and AIMS will be charged to each participant in order to help cover the costs of officials, transportation, equipment, and uniforms. Because of recent changes in safety laws requiring football equipment to be inspected yearly, the football user fee is $70. Please note that user fees are not refundable after the first week of practice. The $15 ASB card is required for all athletes, regardless of the team.
Replacement fees are charged to students for lost or damaged books, materials, or equipment issued to a student. This includes texts issued to students to keep at home. Book covers are suggested. It is expected that any materials assigned to students will receive usual and expected wear.
After-school dances/open gyms, and field trips are not able to be attended if there are fines on the student's account
Arrival and Dismissal
The official school day is 7:55 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Buses will unload at school at 7:40 a.m. Staff supervision begins at 7:40 a.m. Students are expected to be in their classrooms when the late bell rings (7:55 a.m.) and leave promptly when school ends (2:30 p.m.) unless taking part in a school sponsored activity. Students that do not have prior approval to be on campus before or after these start and end times are not supervised. Students on campus before or after school hours are expected to comply with all school-wide expectations and will be asked to leave campus if they choose to not comply. **Each Monday, school will begin one hour late at 8:55am to provide staff time to collaborate in Professional Learning Communities.
Students who ride their bicycles, skateboards or non-motorized scooter to school will need to follow the expectations below.
Bicycles/Skateboards/Non-Motorized Scooters
NOTE: It is the law in Pierce County that cyclists are to wear helmets.
All bike riders, skateboarders and scooter riders must enter and exit campus via Main and C St entrance. Please proceed directly to the bike/scooter rack with your bicycle, skateboard or scooter.
Please lock your bike/skateboard/scooter for your own protection.
Bicycles, skateboards, or scooters are NOT to be ridden at any time except to and from school. You need to walk your bicycles/skateboards/scooters on campus.
The school is not responsible for damage or theft of bicycle/skateboards/scooters.
Students who ride the bus will be taught the bus rules and will be expected to demonstrate the Grizzly Way; the bus driver is responsible for student safety. If you have questions or concerns regarding your child’s transportation to or from school please contact the bus garage.
Students who are picked up after school may wait in front of the school for their ride. Students who stay after school must have parent permission, and be with a supervising teacher, parent or coach at all times. Students who are on campus after school with their parents are released to the supervision of their parents and asked to please honor the school as a community location.
Breakfast and lunch are offered at middle school. Students may use cash, pay online in parent family access or use their student ID number for prepaid accounts. *prices subject to change for 24-25 school year*
Breakfast is served between 7:40 a.m. and 7:50 a.m. Students are allowed to enter the cafeteria starting at 7:40 a.m. Students are expected in their first class before the tardy bell at 7:55 a.m.
Lunch times at the middle school are assigned based on grade level. Students may bring a lunch or purchase one from our cafeteria. In addition to the daily menu item, students have a choice of entrée lines. All entrées include fruit and vegetable options and milk. There is also an a la carte line where students can choose snacks and various drinks. Lunches cost $3.50. Reduced lunch ($.40) and free lunch are also available for students who qualify. Please contact the front office for more information regarding free and reduced lunch. Students may pay with cash or have money applied to their personal lunch account by cash, check or internet payment. All students receive 30 minutes of lunch/recreation time.
Your child(ren) may qualify for FREE or REDUCED MEALS. To find out if they do, please complete a Free and Reduced Meal application. These applications can be found on our website, at each school office, or at the Child Nutrition office. Please only complete one application per family. Charge Policy The Child Nutrition Department has a charge policy for student meal service. Elementary Students are allowed 3 charges (or -$8.25) in negative balances and after that, only an emergency meal will be offered. Middle School Students and High School Students are not allowed to charge. Please check your student’s meal account balances through your Family Access (password and pin required) regularly to ensure that they have enough money in their account.
We contract with RevTrak, to provide a secure site for making online payments. Parents are able to make payments to their student's food service meal accounts, view account balances, and see transaction history online. You may use Visa or MasterCard debit or credit card and your Skyward Family Access Login and Password. Online payments will immediately be posted to your student's food service account. To make your first payment, click on the Skyward Family Access link below. Parents will be charged a small fee for the convenience of making an online payment.
Health Room Information
Medications at School - Board Policy 3416
Under normal circumstances, all student medications, both prescribed and over-the-counter medication should be dispensed before and/or after school hours under the supervision of a parent or guardian.
When it is necessary for a student to receive prescription or over-the-counter oral medication, topical medication, eye drops, ear drops, or nasal spray at school or at school-sponsored events, the parent or guardian must submit a written parental request and a written authorization form from a Licensed Health Care practitioner prescribing within the scope of his or her authority.
An Authorization for Medication form must be completed by both a parent and a licensed health care provider. This form may be obtained from the school or downloaded from the district website and must be completed each and every school year for each prescription and non-prescription medication. Medication must be transported to and from school by an adult.
Medications must be in their original container, labeled with the child’s name, name of the medication, dosage, and the time the medication is to be taken.
Over-the-counter medications and remedies such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, cough drops, and medicated lip balms require a completed, signed, written medication order form.
Until the above steps have been completed, parents are welcome to come to school to administer their child’s required medication themselves.
Health Screenings
Students are screened annually in the fall for vision and hearing. If you have a concern about your child’s vision or hearing, please contact the school nurse.
Life-Threatening Conditions - Board Policy 3413
Prior to attendance at school, each child with a life-threatening health condition will present a medication or treatment order from a Licensed Healthcare Provider (LHP) addressing the condition. A life-threatening health condition means a condition that will put the child in danger of death during the school day if a medication or treatment order providing authority to a registered nurse and nursing plan are not in place. This includes conditions such as severe allergies (e.g. food, insect, etc.), asthma, insulin-dependent diabetes, seizure disorder, certain heart conditions, as well as other medical diagnoses. Following submission of the medication or treatment order, the registered nurse will develop the nursing care plan.
Sick or Injured Children
Please keep your child home if he/she is sick. This includes a temperature of 100.4° or above, vomiting, or diarrhea within the last 24 hours. If your child has a medical condition or injury that requires modification of his/her day, please bring written guidelines from your licensed healthcare provider to school.
When a child becomes ill or injured at school, he/she is cared for by district staff. If parents need to be contacted, it is important to have current phone numbers. Please notify the office when emergency contact numbers change.
Medical Emergencies
In case of an emergency, school personnel will call 911 and notify parents. If the emergency responders determine your child needs further evaluation or treatment, transport to a hospital by ambulance may be necessary.
Student use of the health room is limited to health/first aid issues that occur during school hours. When children become ill or suffer more than a minor injury at school, a member of the school staff will call the parent/guardian. If your child has an injury that prohibits any activity at school, it is critical that you send a detailed note with specific instructions. Children who have contagious conditions will be sent home from school immediately to keep our school healthy. For example, chickenpox.
Washington State law states all students must provide proof that they have been immunized for the required vaccine-preventable diseases before school entry. A current completed Washington State Certificate of Immunization Status (CIS) or Certificate of Exemption signed by a doctor and parent must be on file before students begin school.
School Phones
Student use of school phones will be allowed for emergencies only. Please let a staff member know of your emergency needs, and they will assess the situation and respond accordingly. Students are encouraged to make arrangements before or after school. To contact your child during the day please call the front office directly.
Textbooks - Student/Parent Responsibility
Glacier Middle School supplies each of its students with textbooks in order to support and enhance learning. Each book has an individual barcode and is tracked in a centralized database. Students are expected to use textbooks, care for them and return them in good condition. Students have sole responsibility for his/her textbooks. Students should not store their textbooks in teachers’ classrooms. The cost of textbooks is high, with prices ranging from $20.00 to $175.00.
Tips to ensure you do not receive a fine
- Do not give library/textbooks to friends or teachers to return
- Textbooks left in a classroom have not been scanned by the library system and are not considered returned.
- Make sure your textbook has a visible WRSD white labeled barcode. If it does not, take the book to the library to receive a replacement barcode.
- Write your name/date in front cover of textbook
- Return book to library, in person, not via book return slot, or setting it in a pile.
- Go online and check your account to see what books are listed as checked out to you.
Note: Even if you return a book that is not yours, you are still responsible for the EXACT one you were issued!
Students who destroy or do not return textbooks will not be allowed to participate in extra- curricular activities until such time as the textbooks are returned or Glacier Middle School is reimbursed for any lost or damaged books. Extra-curricular activities are defined as, but not limited to: athletic activities, non-academic field trips, class day ceremonies, graduation ceremony, assemblies, dances, competitions, and clubs. If a student loses or fails to return a book, the parent/guardian is responsible to reimburse Glacier Middle School for the replacement cost of the book. Replacement value is reviewed on an annual basis by the curriculum department. Please allow 24 hours for the fine/returned book to be processed through the system. The ASB office accepts cash, or checks payable to: Glacier Middle School. Please write the student name and/or ID number on checks. Receipts are given at time of payment. Please keep the receipt for REFUND purposes. If a lost book is found in usable condition, a refund will be issued. The appropriate receipt is needed for a refund. Library and/or Textbooks can be returned to any White River School District library.
Lost and Found
Please be sure to put your name on your property. All unclaimed articles should be brought to the office. Found items are placed in a box in the activity room. Items found in the gym area will be kept in the PE offices.
Closed Campus/Release of Students
Our campus is closed during the instructional day (7:55a.m.-2:30 p.m.). Once students arrive on campus they are expected to remain all day unless a student has permission from the office to leave. Students need to be signed out with the attendance office by a parent or guardian before leaving the campus. Students not involved in a supervised activity must leave the campus at 2:30pm.
Annually at the start of the school year, we ask you to review your child’s emergency contacts, giving permission to those who can pick up your child from school. We do not release students to an adult who is not authorized in our student database. Please be prepared to show identification and sign student out in person.
There have been recent questions about having a child picked up using a rideshare service such as Uber or Lyft. We understand the convenience of this, but our primary responsibility is to ensure student safety and we cannot release students to an unknown driver. In addition, we do not have a contract with Uber or Lyft, which would mandate background screening for drivers for potential crimes against children, driving convictions, and maintaining the proper insurance. Additionally, Uber’s current rider age limits state that “a rider must be at least 18 years of age to have an Uber account and request rides. Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by someone 18 years of age or older on any ride”. Board Policy 3124-Removal/Release of Student during School Hours has no provision for an unnamed driver to provide this service.
In light of these concerns, we want to notify you that school administrators have been directed to not release children under the age of 18 to an Uber or Lyft driver.
We encourage guests to visit our school. It is helpful if parents or guardians make an appointment prior to their visit by calling 360-829-3395. In the interest of student security, we ask that all visitors observe the following:
All visitors on campus must check in through the main office and obtain a visitor pass.
Parents who wish to schedule a conference with a teacher or visit a classroom should make an appointment through the teacher or office.
Student visitors are not permitted at any time during school hours or at student activities, dances or field trips.
Students may not bring guests to school.
Non-students who remain on our campus after being asked to leave may be charged with criminal trespassing on school property.
Family Access
Parents can look at their child’s grades, assignments, and learn about any missing assignments by logging on to Family Access. Log-in and password information will be provided in September. If students are not online at home, they may also access this site from any other location.
White River School District uses Remind as the 2-way communication tool to keep things consistent for families. Remind is a classroom messaging tool. Remind allows WR staff members to communicate through texting, emailing, and built-in voice calling. It has some great features, such as automatic language translation when texting, the ability for teachers to set office hours, SMS texting, and masked voice calling. The masked voice calling is designed to protect the privacy of both students and teachers. Unlike standard cell phone messaging applications, no one sees each other's phone numbers.
NOTE: The school and district will still use School Messenger for Emergency Messaging.
Parents are welcomed and encouraged to visit and become actively involved at the Early Learning Center. Volunteer Procedures have been updated. Please read and follow the directions below:
Fill out a Volunteer Application in the school district application system Frontline, (https://www.applitrack.com/whiteriver/onlineapp/) and create an External Account, if you have NOT already done so. DO NOT CREATE AN ADDITIONAL ACCOUNT. Click on "Volunteer" in the Position Desired section. Fill out all required documents and submit.
NOTE: If you cannot submit the application, it will tell you what you have missed in order to submit.
Read the WRSD Code of Conduct
Read and understand the Volunteer Handbook - See Link Below
Your application will be reviewed and a background check will be completed.
Once approved, the Office Manager of the school will be notified.
You will sign in at the Front Office and receive a Volunteer badge. When your time is complete, please return the badge to the Front Office and sign out.
Student Support
Middle school offers a wide range of support for students. If students don’t know whom to contact about an issue, feel free to call the office. They will direct the call to a counselor, teacher, nurse, or administrator as appropriate.
School counselors are here to help support the social, emotional, academic and career needs of all students. Counselors help students with a variety of topics including academic struggles, friendship issues, conflict resolution, managing stress, personal issues and career and college exploration. A referral to outside counseling may be necessary.
Students can request a counselor visit by completing an online Request to See Counselor form available in their Google account.
Class Changes
Class change requests will be submitted via an online course request form. Class change requests will only be open 5 days prior and 3 days after the start of the school year or semester.
Computer/Email Accounts and Network Use
At the start of 6th grade each student is issued an email account through Google mail. The account looks something like this 12345678student@whiteriver.wednet.edu. This account allows the school district to assign online textbooks and support to each student. The email account also connects students to the Google classroom platform. While students may access this account from any computer it is important to note that all activity on the student issued account is monitored by the WRSD. Students may access the district computer network and internet for the purpose of conducting research, completing written assignments, and preparing presentations. This use is limited to school appropriate educational purposes. Students using school computers are expected to comply with the district’s Network and Computer Use Policy, which is available on the district website. Any questions or requests for guidance in monitoring your student’s email use can be directed to your child’s counselor who can connect you with the correct support.
Computer Ethics
Outlined below are network and computer use rules for “the system” which includes, but is not limited to: computers and their accessories, software programs, passwords, login accounts, files, use of the network and use of the internet.
- All use of the system must be in support of education and research. Use of the network has been provided for educational purposes. All created work (not limited to webpages, blogs, podcasts) should be for a school-related purposes.
- Users are prohibited from using the computer resources for any illegal activity. Accessing, uploading, downloading, viewing, storing, distributing/sharing non-school related information on computers and communication equipment such as flash drives is prohibited.
- No use of the system shall serve to disrupt the operation of the system by others. System components including hardware and software shall not be modified, damaged, deleted, or abused in any way. Disabling software including but not limited to Orchestrator Relay is prohibited.
- Downloading, copying, or installing without special permission from the Technology Department is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to the installation or copying of games, programs, music, and graphics.
- Downloading, copying, duplicating and distributing software, music, sound files, movies, images or other copyrighted materials without the specific written permission of the copyright owner is generally prohibited.
- Users are responsible for the appropriateness and content of material they store, transmit, or publish on the system. Hate mail, discriminatory remarks, pornographic material, and other antisocial behaviors are prohibited.
- Accessing websites with any material that is illegal, obscene, and pornographic, involves gambling, or is not school related is prohibited. Users are expected to use reasonable judgment while using computers and the Internet. If unsure that your actions may be a violation you are expected to ask for permission before proceeding.
- For security and administrative purposes, the district reserves the right for authorized personnel to review network use and content and lock or remove a user account on the system to prevent further unauthorized activity.
- System logins or accounts are to be used only by the authorized owner of the account for the authorized purpose. Users may not share their account number or password with another person or leave an open file or session unattended or unsupervised. Account owners are ultimately responsible for all activity under their account. Intentionally using another person’s account or intentionally logging into another account can result in disciplinary action.
- Violation of any one or more of these conditions of use may be cause for disciplinary actions including disabling the student account, detention, suspension, and law enforcement authorities may be notified.
PURPOSE: White River School District may issue students a one-to-one (1:1) technology device (Chromebook for use at school and at home) as a means to promote achievement and provide flexible learning opportunities. This agreement provides guidelines about expectations for students and families who are being issued these 1:1 devices. In addition to this agreement, the use of district-provided technology requires students to abide by the WRSD Technology Use Guidelines as stated in the Student Handbook.
3245 – Electronic Devices: The district acknowledges that telecommunication devices are prevalent in our culture. Therefore, while on school property or attending school-sponsored or school-related activities the students may possess personal telecommunication and/or electronic devices, including headphones, provided that such devices do not pose a threat to academic integrity, disrupt the learning environment, or violate the privacy rights of others. Students in possession of telecommunication devices and other related electronic devices must observe the following conditions: Electronic devices shall be put away and out of sight during class time.
A. Students shall comply with any additional rules developed by the school concerning the appropriate use of electronic devices.
B. Students who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include losing the privilege of bringing the device onto school property. In addition, an administrator may confiscate the device, which shall only be returned to the student’s parent/guardian.
C. Students are responsible for devices they bring to school. The District shall not be responsible for loss, theft or destruction of devices brought onto school property.
D. The device cannot interfere with other students’ right to learn, or a student or teacher’s right to privacy and integrity (i.e. camera phones, text messaging, etc).
Our expectation is that students will appropriately use district technology and that they understand the responsible use of both the technology and district network resources.
We also expect that students will make a good faith effort to keep their 1:1 devices safe, secure and in good working order. This agreement includes the following specific responsibilities and restrictions.
We expect students to:
- Charge their 1:1 device at home nightly, bringing it to school each day with a full charge.
- Communicate Responsibly! Electronic communication should be conducted in a polite manner, using appropriate language and avoiding profanity and offensive or inflammatory speech. Cyber bullying, including personal attacks or threats toward anyone made while using district owned or personally owned technology, should be reported to responsible school personnel.
- All work on this device should be saved to the school student Google Education account.
- Use technology for school-related purposes at all times. Use for personal, commercial or political purposes is prohibited.
- Follow copyright laws and fair use guidelines and only download/save music, video or other content that are related to specific assignments. District technology is not provided to house personal music or video libraries.
- Make the 1:1 device available for inspection by any administrator or teacher upon request. All electronic communication, activities and files accessed on district technology are not private and may be viewed, monitored or archived by the district at any time.
- Immediately report damaged or lost devices to the library clerk. If stolen, a police report must be submitted and case number provided to school.
We expect students to NOT:
- Mark, deface, or place stickers on the Chromebook, or district-issued cases.
- Reveal or post identifying personal information, files or communications to unknown persons through email or other means.
- Attempt to override, bypass or otherwise change the security settings, Internet filtering, network settings, or other device settings. All student 1:1 computing devices are configured so that Internet content and communications are filtered both at school and when on any other network.
- Attempt access to networks and other technologies beyond their authorized access. This includes attempts to use another person’s account and/or password or access secured wireless networks.
- Share passwords or attempt to discover passwords. Sharing a password is not permitted and could make you subject to disciplinary action and liable for the actions of others if problems arise with unauthorized use.
- Download or install any unauthorized programs, files, or games from the Internet or other sources onto any district-owned technology. This includes the intentional introduction of computer viruses and other malicious software.
- Loan your 1:1 device to anyone else, leave the 1:1 device in a vehicle, leave it unattended at any time, or eat/drink while using the 1:1 device.
- Tamper with computer hardware or software, attempt unauthorized entry into computers, and/or vandalize or destroy the computer or computer files. Intentional or negligent damage to computers or software may result in criminal charges.
- Attempt to locate, view, share, or store any materials that are unacceptable in a school setting. This includes but is not limited to pornographic, obscene, graphically violent, or vulgar content in all forms, including images, sounds, music, language, video or other materials. The criteria for acceptability is demonstrated in the types of material made available to students by staff and the school media center.
Please note that while district 1:1 devices are actively filtered and managed to restrict access to inappropriate or non-educational content, the district cannot guarantee that students will not intentionally or unintentionally access content that may be deemed unacceptable.
As a student at GMS, you agree to abide by the conditions listed above and assume responsibility for the care and proper use of WRSD issued technology. You understand that should you fail to honor all the terms of this agreement, access to 1:1 technology, the Internet, and other digital content or services may be denied in the future. Furthermore, students may be subject to disciplinary action outlined in the GMS Student Handbook.
Attendance Policy Information
Attendance Policy
Glacier Middle School believes that regular school attendance is essential for an effective and productive learning experience. The sequential presentation of school learning requires a continuity of instruction. The maximum benefits for each individual child can be achieved only from participation and interaction in daily activity. Regular school attendance is both encouraged and mandated. The primary responsibility for adherence to regular attendance rests with the student’s parents/guardians and the individual student.
Absences from school shall be classified as either excused absences or an unexcused absence. Four or more absences from our seven-period day (Grizz Time included) constitute a full-day absence.
Board Policy 3122 – Excused and Unexcused Absences Definition of Absence WAC 392-401-015A states that the definition of an absence: 1. A student is absent when they are: a. Not physically present on school grounds; and b. Not participating in the following activities at an approved location: i. Instruction; ii. Any instruction-related activity; or iii. And other district or school approved activity that is regulated by an instructional/academic accountability system, such as participation in district-sponsored sports.
For every absence, the parent/guardian must phone or send a written note of clearance within 48 hours to the main office that indicates the date and reason of the absence. If a parent/guardian does not phone or send a written note of clearance within 48 hours, the absence is considered unexcused.
Excused Absences
Regular school attendance is necessary for mastery of the educational program provided to students of the district. At times, students may be appropriately absent from class or not able to participate remotely. School staff will keep a record of absence and tardiness, including a record of excuse statements submitted by a parent/guardian, or in certain cases, students, to document a student’s excused absences. The following principles will govern the development and administration of attendance procedures within the district:
Unexcused Absences
An unexcused absence is when a student is absent from school and the parent or guardian has not called to inform the school of the reason for the absence. An excused absence is when a student is absent from school and you communicate with the office. Our procedure for handling unexcused absences is as follows:
- One unexcused absence in a month – The school will notify a student’s parent or guardian in writing or by telephone whenever the student has failed to attend school after one unexcused absence within any month during the current school year. The notification will include the potential consequences of additional unexcused absences. The school will make reasonable efforts to provide this information in a language the parent understands.
- Three unexcused absences in a month - The school will hold a conference with the parent or guardian after three unexcused absences within any month during the current school year. The conference will analyze the causes of the student’s absences and develop a plan that identifies student, school, and family commitments to reduce the student’s absences from school. If the parent does not attend the conference, the school official may still hold the conference with the student. However, the school will notify the parent of the steps the district has decided to take to eliminate or reduce the student’s absences.
- Seven unexcused absences in a month – Not later than the student’s seventh unexcused absence in a month the district will enter into an agreement with the student and parents that establishes school attendance requirements, refer the student to a community truancy board or file a petition and affidavit with the juvenile court alleging a violation of RCW 28A.225.010.
- Fifteen unexcused absences in a school year – If such action is not successful, the district will file a petition and affidavit with the juvenile court alleging a violation of RCW 28A.225.010 by the parent, student or parent and student no later than the seventh unexcused absence within any month during the current school year or upon the fifteenth unexcused absence during the current school year.
BECCA Bill (RCW 28.A225.010)
Not later than the student’s seventh unexcused absence in a month the district will enter into an agreement with the student and parents that establishes school attendance requirements, refer the student to a community truancy board or file a petition and affidavit with the juvenile court alleging a violation of RCW 28A.225.010. 6. If such action is not successful, the district will file a petition and affidavit with the juvenile court alleging a violation of RCW 28A.225.010 by the parent, student or parent and student no later than the seventh unexcused absence within any month during the current school year or upon the fifteenth unexcused absence during the current school year.
Tardies/Late Arrivals
Students are expected to be on time to school and class. A student will be considered tardy if they are not physically in the classroom by the completion of the bell. Students that demonstrate a pattern of truancy are subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the “refusal to cease prohibited behavior” section of the student handbook.
Planned Absences
Any absence, which has been pre-approved through the appropriate school procedure, is classified as a “planned absence.” To request a prearranged absence, obtain and complete the planned absence form at least three days before the absence. If the planned absence is declined, administration will contact parents/guardians. Planned absences must be approved; otherwise, the absence will be considered unexcused. Students must meet the following criteria in order to request a planned absence:
Student must be in good academic standing.
Student has no unexcused absences or truancies and planned absences may not exceed 5 per semester.
Student must then obtain the signature of a parent/guardian.
The completed form must be submitted to the main office 3 days in advance of the planned absence.
Assignments During Illness
Students who need to collect available assignments due to short-term absence should contact the student’s teachers using Family Access and request work. If absent more than 3 or more days students/parents may contact the main office to request available homework. Those assignments can be picked up in the Main Office before 3:30 PM, the next school day. Work that requires classroom instruction or teacher access time can be arranged upon the student's return to school. If a student becomes seriously ill, the parent/guardian should contact his/her counselor. Students should not rely on Grizzly Time to complete make up work resulting from absences.
Emergency Procedures
Emergency Procedures
Teachers will review with students the procedures for fire drill, earthquake drill, lockdown, shelter in place and emergency evacuation. During any drill or emergency situation students are to remain with their teachers as they evacuate the building and when they are on the evacuation field. Students may reenter the building only after the reentry bell or direction from staff or administration is given.
School Late Start & Closure
During weather emergencies, changes may occur in the school schedule. Watch for official alerts via phone, text or website. The following descriptions may be used:
2-Hour Late Start
School starts two hours later than the usual posted time. Students will be picked up at bus stops 2 hours later than the usual posted time. Busses may run on inclement weather routes.
School Closed
NO SCHOOL – watch for updated information for the next day or visit our website at www.whiteriver.wednet.edu, or www.schoolreport.org.
School Activities / Athletics
Students attending an after-school activity should make arrangements to be picked up immediately afterward.
Participation in activities such as after school sports and events, spirit assemblies, dances, field trips, year-end activities, etc. are a privilege. Issues resulting from poor student choices may result in a loss of these honors.
Athletic Attendance
The athlete must attend all periods on the day of the sporting event. Only exceptions granted by an administrator will be honored. Students who have been absent during any portion of the day will not be allowed to participate/attend without written authorization from an administrator.
Athletes who have missed school and/or were seen by physician, dentist, or other medical personnel for any reason must receive a written note from the medical provider indicating the athlete is medically able to compete during the day.
Athletes understand that their participation on a day in which they have missed one or more class periods without proper written authorization will result in their suspension from the next contest at the level in which they participated.
Athletes must be in attendance the complete school day before being allowed to attend practice unless they have administrative approval or a doctor note cleared through the main office.
Athletic Medical Clearance
When an athlete is seen by any medical services provider, the school will need a clearance from the medical personnel who treated the athlete. The clearance should indicate that the student is cleared for practice/competition, and that he/she is not taking any medication that would impact his/her participation. If there is limited participation approved, the limitations need to be specifically indicated.
We have athletic opportunities for students in grades 6th, 7th and 8th grade. Clubs and other activities are available for all students. Glacier Middle school has a no-cut sports policy. To turn out, students need to provide evidence of permission, insurance, and a physical. The main office has these forms. Only one physical is needed, even if the student participates in more than one sport. Physicals are good for two years.
Every student who wishes to participate in a sport must meet several requirements. To be eligible for middle school sports, each student must:
- Purchase an ASB card and pay the athletic fee relative to their chosen sport(s) (Non-refundable after the first week of practice for each sport).
- Have current completed athletic participation forms on file which include athletic eligibility info, statement of current medical/dental insurance coverage, assumption of risk, a current physical exam signed by your medical doctor prior to turnout and throughout the sport, and emergency information.
- Be in school all day in order to be eligible to compete.
- Athletes must be in good academic standing in order to be eligible to participate in competition. This means: GMS student athletes must be passing all classes, and have no incomplete grades in order to participate in interscholastic activities. Those not meeting this requirement will be placed on academic probation. Athletes will be allowed to practice but not compete in a competition during the probation period.
- Make arrangements to be picked-up in the front parking lot immediately after practices/events; students who are picked up more than 30 minutes late on more than one occasion may lose the opportunity to participate in sports for that season.
- Athletes must ride the provided bus home from away games and/or the athlete has written permission from a parent signed by administration at the beginning of the school day to ride with family or friends. The signed note then is given to the coach.
- Additionally, students serving a full day of in-school suspension or out-of-school suspensions are not permitted to attend or participate in afterschool activities including practices and athletic events for the duration of their suspension.
- All sports typically have Varsity and JV traveling teams. Most sports will offer C-Teams. C-Teams are based on the number of participants signed up for the sport and availability of practice facilities.
Student Infractions & Procedures
It is the responsibility of each student to pursue and comply with the written rules of the building and of the White River School District. Rules are provided to students and parents at the beginning of each school year or upon arrival to the school and are posted throughout the school for students.
Students who violate school rules are subject to disciplinary action. Before such action is taken the team and/or administrator will investigate and diagnose the situation, seeking clarification as needed from students and staff familiar with the violation. Consequences will be assigned according to the following:
Type and severity of the infraction
Principles of progressive discipline
Student’s cumulative discipline record
Teacher and/or administrative discretion
Search & Seizure
In accordance with Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 28A6000.230 and in the interest of maintaining student safety, students in a schoolhouse are subject to search and seizure of possessions when a school administrator or an appointed designee has reasonable suspicion to believe that the student is in possession of illegal, dangerous, unauthorized items or contraband. Under these conditions, a student’s personal effects, purse, book bag, etc., may be searched in the presence of two or more school officials. Items that may trigger the search and seizure law include the following: contraband, substances, illegal or dangerous objects, or any material or objects which violate a school rule or pose a hazard to the safety and good order of the school. A student who refuses to submit to a reasonable search by the administration or an appointed designee will be subject to disciplinary action. The administration or the appointed designee may detain the student pending the arrival of the student’s parent/ guardian and/or law enforcement officials as appropriate.
Behavior Expectations & Student Discipline
Students are held accountable for proper conduct and courtesy at all times. Any student who willfully performs any act that substantially interferes with the orderly operation of the school, a school-sponsored activity, or any other aspect of the educational process within the district shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion by authorized school personnel. Any student who Sees Something or Hears Something, is required to Say Something. If a student hears, sees, or is otherwise informed of potential harm to the school or school officials they need to tell a trusted adult on campus as soon as possible. Students may report in writing or in person to administration, office staff and/or school counselors. This section includes a summary of the rules of conduct. These rules apply to all GMS students. Any infraction not explicitly covered in this section will be subject to review by an administrator. The administrator will make a recommendation on the violation and its penalty.
Abusive Language to Staff/Students*
Incidents of insult or abuse between students will result in discipline which could include suspension. Students are required to show respect for authority. Any verbal abuse of staff will result in discipline which could include suspension. Swearing, profanity or indecent gestures will not be tolerated on the GMS campus and will be subject to disciplinary action ranging from detention to long term suspension.
Any student who sets a fire on school premises will be suspended or expelled and law enforcement authorities will be contacted. Arson is a felony.
Bus Rider Safety Expectations
Students are held accountable for proper conduct and courtesy at all times on the bus. Any student who willfully performs any act that substantially interferes with the orderly operation of the bus, or safety of themselves, the driver or other students may result in disciplinary action including removal from the bus.
The following are possible consequences for misbehavior while on a bus:
A bus referral will be filed by the driver, given to administration and the parent will be notified.
1st Offense- a verbal warning and/or an assigned seat will be given and a copy of the referral will be sent home.
2nd Offense- Parent conference with student present.
3rd Offense-student’s bus privilege can be suspended for up to 5 days; parent contact is made and documentation of such is done via written letter to the child’s parent.
4th Offense- student’s bus privilege can be suspended for up to 10 days; parent contact and documentation of such is done via written letter to the child’s parent.
Suspension of bus privileges requires parents/guardians to provide alternative transportation.
Fighting on the bus will result in appropriate and immediate action.
If it is deemed for the safety of all students riding the bus, an immediate bus suspension may be imposed without a previously reported offense.
If your child has a concern about an incident on the bus, please ask them to share the concern with the bus driver immediately and with school staff. This information should be provided before getting off of the bus. The bus drivers are expected to investigate appropriately and if justified complete a referral form. A student with concerns should work with his/her bus drivers. Referrals will be given to administration and appropriate intervention at the discretion of the administrator will apply.
Cheating, Lying & Plagiarism*
Plagiarism is the taking of language, ideas, or thoughts from another person or source and representing them as original work. Students who use plagiarized papers or projects or are involved in any other form of cheating will be subject to disciplinary action. GMS expects all students to do their own work.
Controlled Substances, Prescription Drugs or Medicines or Alcohol*
GMS is a drug-free zone. It is a criminal offense for a student to possess, use, transport, be under the influence of or show evidence of having used alcoholic beverages, prohibited substances, or intoxicants. Students may not be in possession of drug paraphernalia or medication not authorized for the student’s personal use by a medical prescription. In addition, a student may not knowingly remain in any area where there is alcohol or drug activity taking place.
Regarding the possession of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs or prescribed medicines see Medication below. Consequences for these offenses are as follows:
Use, possession, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages or controlled substances, or possession of drug paraphernalia, on or adjacent to school premises or at a school-sponsored activity are subject to the following:
Consequences: Appropriate disciplinary action up to and including out of school suspension, the duration of which to be determined based upon mitigating and/or aggravating factors. Participating in recommended alcohol/drug assessment and subsequent recommendations may result in suspension days held in abeyance. The students will be readmitted to school only after a re-engagement meeting involving student and parents. If illegal drugs are involved, law enforcement authorities may be notified.
Sale and/or distribution of alcohol, marijuana, dangerous drugs, or narcotics (or substances purported to be such) on or adjacent to the premises, or at a school-sponsored activity constitute criminal acts and shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary/legal action: See below.
Students participating in WIAA activities may be subject to additional penalties.
Criminal Acts
Students who are suspected, charged with, or convicted of a crime, may be disciplined, suspended or expelled. Legal authorities may be contacted. Law enforcement authorities may interview a student at the school with permission of building administration (RCW 13.40.140). Representatives of the Department of Social and Health Services, upon receiving reports of abuse or neglect, shall be allowed to interview students on school premises with permission of the building administration. School officials will be present for the interview.
Dangerous Weapons, Firearms, & Explosive Devices*
Any item which may reasonably be considered to be used or is used with intent to intimidate, threaten, or potentially cause harm to another. (WRSD Board Policy #4315.) Firearms/weapons, explosives, or items that could be used as weapons are not allowed in school, at school sponsored activities, on school grounds, facilities, or school provided transportation. Dangerous Weapons (RCW 9.41.280) include: knives, firearms, slingshots, sand clubs, metal knuckles, throwing stars, explosives, as well as any other object that can be considered a dangerous weapon, is used to threaten or intimidate, can cause bodily harm, or looks like a weapon.
Students who possess, traffic in, or detonate any explosive device or incendiary components (such as explosive materials, blasting caps, fireworks, gasoline, other flammable liquids, ammunition or any combination of these items – generally referred to as a bomb or look-a-like explosive device), which by themselves or in conjunction with other items can result in an explosion or fire on school property or at school sponsored activities, will be subject to suspension or expulsion. Students who are involved with or threaten to use a look-a-like explosive device will be subject to suspension or expulsion. Law enforcement agencies may be notified.
In accordance with RCW 28A.600.420, a school district must expel a student for no less than one year if the district has determined that the student has carried or possessed a firearm on school premises, school-provided transportation, or areas of facilities while being used exclusively by public schools. The Superintendent may modify the expulsion on a case-by-case basis. In addition, law enforcement will be contacted and a police report filed.
A school district may also suspend or expel a student for up to one year if the student acts with malice (as defined under RCW 9A.04.110) and displays an instrument that appears to be a firearm on school premises, school-provided transportation, or areas of facilities while being used exclusively by public schools. These provisions do not apply to students while engaged in a district authorized military education; a district authorized firearms convention or safety course; or district authorized rifle competition.
In cases involving other weapons, the principal/designee will assign appropriate discipline up to and including placing the student on long-term suspension, unless expulsion is warranted under the circumstances.
Displays of Affection
Students are expected to exercise self-control, proper judgment, and respect for the reputation of others. Inappropriate public displays of affection can be embarrassing and disrespectful to adults and other students. The school building, school grounds, or school activities are inappropriate places for public displays of affection. Some examples are (but not limited to) hand holding, any form of lips coming in contact with another person, any embrace longer than one second, any grasping or groping of another person, etc. Students who fail to conduct themselves appropriately are subject to disciplinary action.
Disruption to the Educational Process*
Disruptive or abusive conduct that deprives other students of their right to learn or participate in school functions is prohibited. Profane or abusive language, excessive horseplay, excessive teasing, harassment, or hazing of a student by one or more students can be cause for disciplinary action.
Dress Code
Student dress will be regulated to preserve a beneficial learning environment and to assure the safety and well-being of all students. Therefore, dress that could be considered revealing, distracting, derogatory, offensive, intimidating, or that could interfere with the educational process is prohibited. Students will wear appropriate school attire, including shoes. Appropriate attire shall exclude any type of dress or manner of grooming which school officials reasonably believe would disrupt or interfere with the school environment, activities, and/or educational process. The following are not permitted on school property or school-sponsored activities:
Clothing that advertises or shows logos of alcohol, tobacco or drugs, drug paraphernalia, profanity, weapons, pornography, sexually related material, or gangs.
No blankets may be worn in the building.
Head apparel (except for hoods) is allowed to be worn as long as face and ears are clearly visible and it does not disrupt the learning environment. Students may not cover their face at any time unless they cover their nose and mouth for health reasons.
Apparel and accessories including blankets, flags, capes, costumes, etc. are not to be worn at any time on campus as they have created a disruption to learning.
No sunglasses may be worn in the building. Must see eyes.
Spirit weeks – exceptions may be made by administration.
Students who violate the dress code may be asked to turn their shirt inside out, cover up with a jacket or other clothing, and/or call home for a change of clothes. If arrangements cannot be made, students will remain in in-school suspension through the end of the day.
False Alarms
Pursuant to the 1991 Uniform Fire Code Section 13.203, false alarms shall not be given, signaled, transmitted, caused or permitted to be given, signaled or transmitted in any manner. Under the law, false alarms are misdemeanors subject to a maximum fine of $250. Such action or involvement by a student will result in disciplinary action and law enforcement authorities will be contacted. Return to school may be contingent on a satisfactory conference with the Fire Marshall.
Fighting/Inciting a Fight*
Fighting will be defined as a physical altercation causing a disruption of the educational process. A student shall not intentionally cause or attempt to cause physical injury or intentionally behave in such a way as could reasonably cause physical injury to any person. Any student involved in fighting or promoting fights shall be subject to disciplinary action. Fights are cumulative throughout the student's secondary school years. Students will be suspended for fighting. Fighting may constitute a crime and legal authorities may be notified. Filming a fight and sharing it to social media can be considered promoting a fight. Students can be subject to disciplinary action, including exclusionary discipline, for having knowledge of an imminent fight and/or willfully attending a fight and not making an attempt to notify a school official.
Gambling is forbidden on school premises or at any school-related activities, and is subject to disciplinary action.
Personal Electronic Devices
The district acknowledges that electronic devices are prevalent in our culture. Therefore, while on school property or attending school-sponsored or school-related activities students may possess personal communication and/or electronic devices, including headphones, provided that such devices do not pose a threat to academic integrity, disrupt the learning environment or violate the privacy rights of others. Personal electronic devices include, but are not limited to iPods, cell phones, etc.
A. Electronic devices shall be put away and out of site during class time. Students shall comply with any additional rules developed by the school concerning the appropriate use of electronic devices (see Glacier Middle School Classroom Policy).
B. Students who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include losing the privilege of bringing the device onto school property. In addition, a staff member may confiscate the device, which will result in progressive discipline.
C. Students are responsible for devices they bring to school. The District shall not be responsible for loss, theft or destruction of devices brought onto school property.
D. The device cannot interfere with other students’ right to learn, or a student or teacher’s right to privacy and integrity (i.e. camera phones, text messaging, etc).
E. Recording Devices - Students may NOT use personal recording devices such as digital cameras, cell phone cameras, or iPod-type devices to photograph, videotape, or audio record teachers or students in the classroom, in the building, or at any time during school time. Any disruption to classroom activities due to these devices will result in confiscation of the device and progressive discipline.
Glacier Middle School Classroom Personal Electronic Device Policy
Classroom Expectations:
Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) will not be used in classrooms and students will have the option to put their PEDs the pocket chart or in their backpack during class time. We cannot force students to put the PED in the pocket chart, but the phone cannot be on their person upon entering classroom. Each teacher can determine the process of how they want to establish this new routine in their classroom. Consistency, regular clear communication of expectations and building a trusting relationship with students will help eliminate distractions.
Students can only use their PEDs in the commons and outside. PEDs to be put away in bathrooms, locker rooms, hallways, gyms and all learning areas.
Steps to follow if a student cannot comply with the Personal Electronic Device Policy:
**At the beginning of each period, each day remind students of the expectation by saying the following:
As a reminder, please ensure your Personal Electronic Device is off and put in your backpack or in the pocket chart in the front of the room to reduce distractions for you and others and allow you to fully engage in the learning for the next 50 minutes.
Each Day/Each Period:
1st Offense: Give the student a reminder if you see the phone to put in backpack or pocket chart.
Private & Drive-by (not public)
2nd Offense: Take the phone until the end of period
The teacher will take the phone for the remainder of the period. Prior to giving the phone back at the end of the period, the teacher will have a conversation with the student about expectations. The teacher will also call home to communicate with family about cell phone expectations and fill out an ODR (data only).
1st Time-Admin will take the phone for the rest of the day
2nd Time-Admin will take the phone and parent/guardian will need to get the phone.
3rd Time-This will lead to a cell phone plan where the student must leave their phone at home or check in at the office.
Physical Contact
Aggressive or reckless behavior, including horseplay, which jeopardizes the health, safety, or welfare of other students or staff members, will be subject to discipline.
Physical or Verbal Aggression/Assault*
A violent physical or verbal attack or a violent attempt or implied threat of using force or violence with intention to do harm to the staff or student is unacceptable. A student shall not intentionally cause or attempt to cause physical injury or intentionally behave in such a way that could reasonably cause physical or emotional injury to any person. Any student involved in an assault will be subject to long-term suspension or expulsion. Assault may constitute a crime and legal authorities may be notified.
Property Damage/Vandalism*
All students are expected to respect and care for all property of the school, including building facilities, desks, chalkboards, books, lavatories, etc. Any student or students found damaging or defacing school, student or staff property will be responsible for restitution.
Refusal to Cease Prohibited Behavior*
Students are expected to comply with school rules and regard all staff members and students with respect. Students are expected to comply with all staff member requests in the enforcement of school rules. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action.
Refusal to Identify Oneself
Students must correctly identify themselves upon the request of any White River School District staff member. Failure to correctly identify themselves to a school employee may result in disciplinary action.
Theft *
Students who steal items from the school, staff, or students or damage items belonging to the school or another student will face disciplinary action.
Threats to Safety or Security*
Glacier Middle School takes all threats of violence seriously and they will not be tolerated, this can include: arson, false emergency calls, or threats to the security of the building and/or individuals. This includes any actions, written, verbal or physical, which indicate any intention to do harm to the staff, student body or facility. Death threats and “hit lists” are included in this category. There is a zero-tolerance stance on “hit lists” and assaults that involve threats to kill another person. Such threats will be considered assaults. Threats of violence will result in emergency expulsion and can include: suspension, expulsion, police referrals, parental conference, student contract or restitution.
Tobacco Possession/Use*
Glacier Middle School is a tobacco-free and smoke free zone. In accordance with RCW 70.155.080 and RCW 28.A.210.310, the possession and/or use of tobacco in any form including e-cigarettes and vape pens is prohibited on or adjacent to school property or at school-sponsored activities. Any tobacco product or paraphernalia found in the possession of a student on school premises or at a school-related activity will be confiscated and subject to appropriate disciplinary action up to and including suspension. Students using products resembling tobacco products are in violation of this tobacco policy. Students participating in WIAA activities may be subject to additional penalties.
Uncontrolled Substances*
Over the counter drugs, medications, and stimulants are not allowed at school. (Under certain circumstances prescribed medicines are allowed – see Medication). Possession, use, distribution or sale of uncontrolled substances will result in disciplinary action.
Definitions of Disciplinary Actions
Glacier Middle School uses disciplinary sanctions to educate students for social and emotional maturity. Disciplinary sanctions may include verbal warning, formal written warning, seizure of property or materials, suspension of services, referral for professional assessment, restitution, fine, educational program, suspension of records, suspension of group membership, specific probation, disciplinary work program, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, expulsion, or a combination of the above. Discipline means all forms of corrective action or punishment other than suspension and expulsion, and shall include the exclusion of a student from a class or activity by a teacher or administrator for a period of time not exceeding the balance of the immediate class, subject, or activity period. The student shall be under the supervision of a school district employee for the remainder of such period and may be placed in a semi-private, alternative space that can be observed by staff. Discipline shall also include the exclusion of a student from any 14 other activity conducted by or on behalf of the District, such as athletics or other non-credit programs (WAC 392- 400). Suspension means a denial of attendance (other than for the balance of the immediate class, subject or activity period for discipline purposes) at any single subject or class, or full schedule of classes or subjects, or at any other type of activity conducted by or in behalf of the school district and any combination of the foregoing for a stated period of time. The building administrator may elect to suspend a student "in school." In such cases, the student shall be placed in a semi-private, alternative space that can be observed by staff. Suspension also may include a denial of admission to or entry upon real and personal property that is owned, leased, rented, or controlled by the school district (WAC 392-400). Assistant Principals, Dean of Students, and Campus Security Officer impose most disciplinary actions. Parents are encouraged to meet with a building administrator to informally discuss disciplinary action. If necessary, students and parents can obtain further clarification and information from the District Office. In all matters involving student discipline, school personnel, as indicated by District policy, employ due process. The procedures are designed to ensure that any corrective action is imposed only after a thorough examination of the facts. The nature of the corrective action must be reasonably related to the nature of the circumstances of the violations. The discipline imposed is related to the seriousness and frequency of the violation. The following list describes the escalating forms of disciplinary action.
Lunch Detention
Students may be assigned to lunch detention. This detention will be served during the student’s regularly scheduled lunch. If a student is assigned lunch detention, parents will be notified and the student must serve the detention on the specified date. It is the student’s responsibility to bring lunch and class work for completion during lunch detention. Failure to serve a detention will result in further discipline.
In-School Suspension
Students may be assigned to in-school suspension (ISS). When a student is assigned ISS, he/she is removed from class for one or more periods and is expected to work in a study hall environment. Parents/guardians will be notified by mail or telephone if the student has been assigned ISS. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain class work for completion during ISS. Inappropriate behavior in ISS or failure to serve ISS may result in an out-of school suspension.
Short-Term Suspension
A short-term suspension means a temporary denial of the right to attend classes, is the penalty for serious rule violations, and is not exceeding 10 consecutive school days at one time, for an accumulation of no more than 15 school days during a single semester. Students are allowed to make up work they missed while suspended if the work would materially affect the student’s grade. Students who are suspended are not allowed on school premises at any time. This includes a denial of admission to, or entry upon real and personal property that is owned, leased, rented or controlled by the school district. Parents/guardians will be notified by mail and telephone if the student has been assigned STS. Students and their parents have the right to appeal an OSS by holding an informal conference with an assistant principal for the purpose of resolving the grievance through discussion and negotiation, pursuant to WAC 392- 400.
Short-Term Suspension Appeal Procedures
You have the right to an informal conference with the building principal. At this informal conference, you have the right to tell your side of the story. Prior to this conference, you should know what the alleged behavior was, what rule you broke and the punishment that the school is imposing. If the suspension is for more than one day, you have the right to notice in your predominant language specifying the reason for the suspension, and explaining the right to appeal. If you are still dissatisfied with the result after the informal conference, upon two school business days, you can file a written grievance with the superintendent or designee. The superintendent (or designee) will hold an informal conference to try to resolve the grievance. If you continue to be unhappy with the outcome, another grievance can be filed with the school board. The grievance will not be heard until the next regular school board meeting. You have the right to an opportunity to make up work and exams missed during a short-term suspension if the suspension will have a substantial impact on grades or prevent a student from receiving credit for a course. References: WAC 392-400-245 WAC 392-400-250 WAC 392-400-255 White River School District Board Policy #3240 03/23/03 White River School District Board Policy #3241 03/10/04
Long-Term Suspension
A long-term suspension (LTS) is a suspension that exceeds a short-term suspension as defined above. A long-term suspension lasts between 11 and 90 school days. Students on long-term suspension are not allowed on school premises at any time. This includes a denial of admission to or entry upon real and personal property that is owned, leased, rented or controlled by the school district. Under a long-term suspension, a student is removed from a class or all classes for the remainder of the semester, will not be allowed to make up work for the classes, and can receive a failing grade. Parents/guardians will be notified by mail and telephone if the student has been assigned LTS. This notice specifies the misconduct and the rule that has been violated, and informs the parent of the right to a formal hearing. If the student or parent is not satisfied with the results of the formal hearing, they can appeal to the Board of Directors. During an appeal of a long-term suspension, the student can continue to attend school. This is pursuant to WAC 392-400 16
Long-Term Suspension Appeal Procedures
You may request a conference with the principal or assistant principal to discuss this suspension. If you have no resolution, you have the right to a formal hearing before an impartial hearing officer. You must request the hearing on or before three (3) school business days of receipt of this written notice. The request for a formal hearing must be in writing and must be delivered to the School District’s Superintendent’s Office. If you do not request a hearing within the specified time (three school business days), you will have waived your right to a hearing and the proposed suspension will take effect. If you request a hearing, it will be scheduled to commence within three (3) school business days after the day upon which your request is received and you will have the right to:
Request to inspect in advance of the hearing any documentary and other physical evidence which the school district intends to introduce at the hearing.
Be represented by legal counsel (Inform the District if you intend to bring legal counsel).
Question and confront witnesses.
Present your explanation of the alleged misconduct.
Make such relevant showings by way of witnesses and the introduction of documentary and other physical evidence as you desire.
Further, the person assigned to present the school district’s case shall have the right to inspect in advance of the hearing any documentary and other physical evidence which you intend to introduce at the hearing. The person hearing the case shall not be a witness and the guilt or innocence of the pupil shall be determined solely on the basis of the evidence presented at the hearing. A recorded record of the hearing will be made. A written decision setting forth the findings of fact, conclusion, and the nature and duration of the suspension or lesser form of corrective action or punishment, if any, shall be provided to you. Students on suspension are not allowed on any school district property and may not participate in any school district activity. Readmission Application Process: Any student who has been suspended shall be allowed to make application for readmission at any time. If a student desires to be readmitted to the school from which he/she has been suspended, the student shall submit a written application to the principal, who shall recommend admission or non-admission to the Superintendent. The application shall include 1. Reasons the student wants to return and why the request should be considered 2. Evidence which supports the request. 3. A supporting statement from the parent or others who may have assisted the student. References: WAC 392-400-260 WAC 392-400-265 WAC 392-400-270 White River School District Board Policy #3240 03/23/03 White River School District Board Policy #3241 03/10/04 17
An expulsion is the denial of attendance of any single subject or class or any full schedule of subjects or classes for an indefinite period of time. An expulsion also may include a denial of admission to or entry upon real and personal property that is owned, leased, rented, or controlled by the school district and is the penalty for the most serious rule violations. Expelled students are not allowed on school premises at any time, will not be allowed to make up work for the classes, and can receive a failing grade. Parents/guardians will be notified by mail and telephone if the student has been assigned expulsion. This notice specifies the misconduct and the rule that has been violated, and informs the parent of the right to a formal hearing. If the student or parent is not satisfied with the results of the formal hearing, they can appeal to the Board of Directors. During an appeal of a regular (not emergency) expulsion, the student can continue to attend school. This is pursuant to WAC 392-400.
Expulsion Appeal Procedures
You may request a conference with the principal or assistant principal to discuss this expulsion. If you have no resolution, you have the right to a formal hearing before an impartial hearing officer. You must request the hearing on or before three (3) school business days of receipt of this written notice. The request for a formal hearing must be in writing and must be delivered to the School District’s Superintendent’s Office. If you do not request a hearing within the specified time (three school business days), you will have waived your right to a hearing and the proposed expulsion will take effect. If you request a hearing, it will be scheduled to commence within three (3) school business days after the day upon which your request is received and you will have the right to:
Request to inspect in advance of the hearing any documentary and other physical evidence which the school district intends to introduce at the hearing.
Be represented by legal counsel (inform the District if you intend to bring legal counsel).
Question and confront witnesses.
Present your explanation of the alleged misconduct.
Make sure relevant showings by way of witnesses and the introduction of documentary and other physical evidence.
Further, the person assigned to present the school district’s case shall have the right to inspect in advance of the hearing any documentary and other physical evidence which you intend to introduce at the hearing. The person hearing the case shall not be a witness and the guilt or innocence of the pupil shall be determined solely on the basis of the evidence presented at the hearing. A tape-recorded record of the hearing will be made. A written decision setting forth the findings of fact, conclusions and the expulsion or lesser form of corrective action or punishment, if any, shall be provided to you. Students on expulsion are not allowed on any school district property and may not participate in any school district activity 18 Readmission Application Process: Any student who has been expelled shall be allowed to make application for readmission at any time. If a student desires to be readmitted to the school from which he/she has been expelled, the student shall submit a written application to the principal, who shall recommend admission or non-admission to the Superintendent. The application shall include:
Reasons the student wants to return and why the request should be considered.
Evidence which supports the request.
A supporting statement from the parent or others who may have assisted the student.
References: WAC 392-400-275 WAC 392-400-280 WAC 392-400-285 White River School District Board Policy #3240 03/23/03 White River School District Board Policy #3241 03/10/04
Emergency Removal
An emergency removal is the immediate removal of a student from a class, subject, activity, or educational process of the school. Such action can be taken when a student’s presence poses an immediate and continuing danger to the student, other students or staff, or immediate or continuing threat of substantial disruption to the class, subject, activity, or educational process. This removal may continue until the threat ceases or the administrator takes appropriate disciplinary action. The emergency removal continues until rescinded or modified by the superintendent or building administrator, pursuant to WAC 392-400.
Emergency Removal Appeal Procedures
You may request a conference with the principal or assistant principal to discuss the emergency removal. If your concerns cannot be resolved in this conference, you may, on or before ten school business days of receipt of this written notice, request a formal hearing with an impartial hearing officer to appeal the emergency removal. The request for a formal hearing must be in writing and must be delivered to the Superintendent’s Office. If you do not request a hearing within the specified time (ten school business days), you will have waived your right to a hearing and the proposed emergency removal will continue in force, as deemed necessary by the school district without any further opportunity to contest the matter. If you request a hearing, it will be scheduled to commence within three (3) school business days after the day upon which your request is received and you will have the right to:
Request to inspect in advance of the hearing any documentary and other physical evidence which the school district intends to introduce at the hearing.
Be represented by legal counsel (inform the District legal counsel will represent you).
Question and confront witnesses.
Present your explanation of the alleged misconduct.
Make sure relevant showings by way of witnesses and the introduction of documentary and other physical evidence as you desire.
Further, the person assigned to present the school district’s case shall have the right to inspect in advance of the hearing any documentary and other physical evidence which you intend to introduce at the hearing. The person hearing the case shall not be a witness and the guilt or innocence of the pupil shall be determined solely on the basis of the evidence presented at the hearing. A tape-recorded record of the hearing will be made 19 within one school business day after the date upon which the hearing concludes, a decision as to whether or not the emergency removal shall be continued shall be rendered. The student’s legal counsel, or if none, the student and parent/guardian shall be notified by certified letter. The decision shall set forth the findings of fact, the conclusions (including a conclusion as to whether or not the emergency situation giving rise to the conclusions (including a conclusion as to whether or not the emergency situation giving rise to the emergency removal continues), and whether or not a different form of corrective action is to be imposed. Students on emergency removal are not allowed on any school district property and may not participate in any school district activity. Readmission Application Process: Any student who has been expelled shall be allowed to make application for readmission at any time. If a student desires to be readmitted to the school from which he/she has been expelled, the student shall submit a written application to the principal, who shall recommend admission or non-admission to the Superintendent. The application shall include: 1. Reasons the student wants to return and why the request should be considered. 2. Evidence which supports the request. 3. A supporting statement from the parent or others who may have assisted the student References: WAC 392-400-295 WAC 392-400-300 WAC 392-400-305 White River School District Board Policy #3240 03/23/03 White River School District Board Policy #3241 03/10/04
Our Schools Protect Students from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
OSPI Model Student Handbook Language
House Bill 1207, now codified as RCW 28A.300.286, requires the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop model handbook language related to HIB, discrimination, sexual harassment, and gender-inclusive schools. The statute requires that each school district include model student handbook language, created by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, in any student, parent, employee, and volunteer handbook that it publishes, beginning with the 2024–25 school year.
Schools are meant to be safe and inclusive environments where all students are protected from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB), including in the classroom, on the school bus, in school sports, and during other school activities. This section defines HIB, explains what to do when you see or experience it, and our school’s process for responding to it.
What is HIB?
HIB is any intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act of a student that:
Physically harms another student or damages their property;
Has the effect of greatly interfering with another student’s education; or,
Is so severe, persistent, or significant that it creates an intimidating or threatening education environment for other students.
HIB generally involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated. HIB is not allowed, by law, in our schools.
How can I make a report or complaint about HIB?
Talk to any school staff member (consider starting with whoever you are most comfortable with!). You may use our district’s reporting form to share concerns about HIB (link to form) but reports about HIB can be made in writing or verbally. Your report can made anonymously, if you are uncomfortable revealing your identity, or confidentially if you prefer it not be shared with other students involved with the report. No disciplinary action will be taken against another student based solely on an anonymous or confidential report. If a staff member is notified of, observes, overhears, or otherwise witnesses HIB, they must take prompt and appropriate action to stop the HIB behavior and to prevent it from happening again. Our district also has a HIB Compliance Officer that supports prevention and response to HIB.
HIB Reporting Form:
Contact Information:
HIB Coordinator & Gender Inclusive Schools Coordinator
Dr. Heather McMullen
PO Box 2050
Buckley, WA 98321
(360) 829-3817
What happens after I make a report about HIB?
If you report HIB, school staff must attempt to resolve the concerns. If the concerns are resolved, then no further action may be necessary. However, if you feel that you or someone you know is the victim of unresolved, severe, or persistent HIB that requires further investigation and action, then you should request an official HIB investigation.
Also, the school must take actions to ensure that those who report HIB don’t experience retaliation.
What is the investigation process?
When you report a complaint, the HIB Compliance Officer or staff member leading the investigation must notify the families of the students involved with the complaint and must make sure a prompt and thorough investigation takes place. The investigation must be completed within 5 school days, unless you agree on a different timeline. If your complaint involves circumstances that require a longer investigation, the district will notify you with the anticipated date for their response.
When the investigation is complete, the HIB Compliance Officer or the staff member leading the investigation must provide you with the outcomes of the investigation within 2 school days. This response should include:
A summary of the results of the investigation
A determination of whether the HIB is substantiated
Any corrective measures or remedies needed
Clear information about how you can appeal the decision
What are the next steps if I disagree with the outcome?
For the student designated as the “targeted student” in a complaint:
If you do not agree with the school district’s decision, you may appeal the decision and include any additional information regarding the complaint to the superintendent, or the person assigned to lead the appeal, and then to the school board.
For the student designated as the “aggressor” in a complaint: A student found to be an “aggressor” in a HIB complaint may not appeal the decision of a HIB investigation. They can, however, appeal corrective actions that result from the findings of the HIB investigation.
For more information about the HIB complaint process, including important timelines, please see the district’s HIB webpage or the district’s HIB Policy and Procedure.
Policy 3207 - Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Procedure 3207P - Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying
Our School Stands Against Discrimination
Discrimination can happen when someone is treated differently or unfairly because they are part of a protected class, including their race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, creed, disability, use of a service animal, or veteran or military status.
What is discriminatory harassment?
Discriminatory harassment can include teasing and name-calling; graphic and written statements; or other conduct that may be physically threatening, harmful, or humiliating. Discriminatory harassment happens when the conduct is based on a student’s protected class and is serious enough to create a hostile environment. A hostile environment is created when conduct is so severe, pervasive, or persistent that it limits a student’s ability to participate in, or benefit from, the school’s services, activities, or opportunities.
The district is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer encouraging application of qualified minorities, women, and disabled persons for employment and other opportunities. White River School District is committed to providing access to all District programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
Policy 3210 - Nondiscrimination
Procedure 3210P - Nondiscrimination
Policy 5010 - Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action
Procedure 5010P - Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action
What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is any unwelcome conduct or communication that is sexual in nature and substantially interferes with a student's educational performance or creates an intimidating or hostile environment. Sexual harassment can also occur when a student is led to believe they must submit to unwelcome sexual conduct or communication to gain something in return, such as a grade or a place on a sports team.
Examples of sexual harassment can include pressuring a person for sexual actions or favors; unwelcome touching of a sexual nature; graphic or written statements of a sexual nature; distributing sexually explicit texts, e-mails, or pictures; making sexual jokes, rumors, or suggestive remarks; and physical violence, including rape and sexual assault.
Students and staff in the White River School District are protected against sexual harassment by anyone in any school program or activity, including on the school campus, on the school bus, or off-campus during a school-sponsored activity.
Policy 3205 - Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited
Procedure 3205P - Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited
Policy 5011 - Sexual Harassment of District Staff Prohibited
Procedure 5011P - Procedure- Sexual Harassment of District Staff Prohibited
You can report sexual harassment to any school staff member or to the district's Title IX Officer, who is listed below. You also have the right to file a complaint with the district Title IX Officer.
Training Materials:
The following training materials were used to train the District's Title IX personnel.
Title IX Coordinator Training Materials
Title IX Investigator Training Materials
What should my school do about discriminatory and sexual harassment?
When a school becomes aware of possible discriminatory or sexual harassment, it must investigate and stop the harassment. The school must address any effects the harassment had on the student at school, including eliminating the hostile environment, and make sure that the harassment does not happen again.
What can I do if I’m concerned about discrimination or harassment?
Talk to a Coordinator or submit a written complaint. You may contact the following school district staff members to report your concerns, ask questions, or learn more about how to resolve your concerns.
Contact Information:
District Title IX & Civil Rights Coordinator:
Dr. Sunday Ferris
PO Box 2050
Buckley, WA 98321
(360) 829-3821
Section 504/ADA Coordinator:
Molly Lutz
PO Box 2050
Buckley, WA 98321
(360) 829-3957
HIB Coordinator & Gender Inclusive Schools Coordinator:
Dr. Heather McMullen
PO Box 2050
Buckley, WA 98321
(360) 829-3817
To submit a written complaint, describe the conduct or incident that may be discriminatory and send it by mail, fax, email, or hand delivery to the school principal, district superintendent, or civil rights coordinator. Submit the complaint as soon as possible for a prompt investigation, and within one year of the conduct or incident.
What happens after I file a discrimination complaint?
The Civil Rights Coordinator will give you a copy of the school district’s discrimination complaint procedure. The Civil Rights Coordinator must make sure a prompt and thorough investigation takes place. The investigation must be completed within 30 calendar days unless you agree to a different timeline. If your complaint involves exceptional circumstances that require a longer investigation, the Civil Rights Coordinator will notify you in writing with the anticipated date for their response.
When the investigation is complete, the school district superintendent or the staff member leading the investigation will send you a written response. This response will include:
A summary of the results of the investigation
A determination of whether the school district failed to comply with civil rights laws
Any corrective measures or remedies needed
Notice about how you can appeal the decision
What are the next steps if I disagree with the outcome?
If you do not agree with the outcome of your complaint, you may appeal the decision to the school district’s board of directors and then to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). More information about this process, including important timelines, is included in the district’s Nondiscrimination Procedure (3210P) and Sexual Harassment Procedure (3205P).
I already submitted an HIB complaint – what will my school do?
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying (HIB) can also be discrimination if it's related to a protected class. If you give your school a written report of HIB that involves discrimination or sexual harassment, your school will notify the Civil Rights Coordinator. The school district will investigate the complaint using both the Nondiscrimination Procedure (3210P) and the HIB Procedure (3207P) to fully resolve your complaint.
Who else can help with HIB or Discrimination Concerns?
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
All reports must start locally at the school or district level. However, OSPI can assist students, families, communities, and school staff with questions about state law, the HIB complaint process, and the discrimination and sexual harassment complaint processes.
OSPI School Safety Center (For questions about harassment, intimidation, and bullying)
Website: ospi.k12.wa.us/student-success/health-safety/school-safety-center
Email: schoolsafety@k12.wa.us
Phone: 360-725-6068
OSPI Equity and Civil Rights Office (For questions about discrimination and sexual harassment)
Website: ospi.k12.wa.us/policy-funding/equity-and-civil-rights
Email: equity@k12.wa.us
Phone: 360-725-6162
Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO)
The Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds works with families, communities, and schools to address problems together so every student can fully participate and thrive in Washington’s K12 public schools. OEO provides informal conflict resolution tools, coaching, facilitation, and training about family, community engagement, and systems advocacy.
Website: www.oeo.wa.gov
Email: oeoinfo@gov.wa.gov
Phone: 1-866-297-2597
U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
The U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces federal nondiscrimination laws in public schools, including those that prohibit discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, disability, and age. OCR also has a discrimination complaint process.
Website: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html
Email: orc@ed.gov
Phone: 800-421-3481
Our School is Gender-Inclusive
In Washington, all students have the right to be treated consistent with their gender identity at school. Our school will address students by their requested name and pronouns, with or without a legal name change and will change a student’s gender designation and have their gender accurately reflected in school records. Our school will allow students to use restrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity. Elementary schools do not have locker rooms or overnight trips. Students may participate in sports, physical education courses, field trips, and overnight trips in accordance with their gender identity and will allow students to wear clothing that reflects their gender identity and apply dress codes without regard to a student’s gender or perceived gender. Our school will keep health and education information confidential and private. We will protect students from teasing, bullying, or harassment based on their gender or gender identity.
There are items in the required language that do not apply to elementary schools, including locker rooms, overnight trips, etc. Parents have the right to view all student records in accordance with FERPA and the Washington State Parent Bill of Rights per Initiative 2081.
White River School District believes in fostering an educational environment that is safe and free of discrimination for all students, regardless of sex, gender identity or gender expression. Direct inquiries regarding Gender Inclusive Schools may be made to the Gender Inclusive Schools Coordinator.
Policy 3211 - Gender Inclusive Schools
Procedure 3211P - Gender Inclusive Schools
Contact Information:
HIB Coordinator & Gender Inclusive Schools Coordinator:
Dr. Heather McMullen
PO Box 2050
Buckley, WA 98321
(360) 829-3817
For concerns about discrimination or discriminatory harassment based on gender identity or gender expression, please see the information above.