McCarthy Memo #19
Weekly Newsletter for Families and Caregivers 1/20/25
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School Hours K-5
8:00am to 2:30pm
Doors open at 8:00am
Breakfast is served starting at 8:00am
Classes begin at 8:15am
Dismissal begins at 2:30pm
Upcoming Dates / In School Events📆
January 21: Grade 5 Field Trip (Museum of Science)
January 23: Early Release (Parent/Teacher Conferences)
January 30: Early Release (Parent/Teacher Conferences)
February 5: Author Visit (Grades 3-5)
February 6: Early Release (Parent/Teacher Conferences)
February 7: Community Meetings
February 25: Fuller Concert for 5th grade
February 16: Magic of Books Assembly prek-5
February 17 - February 21: No School
Family and Caregiver Involvement 💟
Below are events that are open to families and Caregivers!
February 7: Report Cards Shared with Families
February 7: Winter Dance prek-5
February 12: PTO meeting
Morning Drop Off
We want to ensure the safety and efficiency of our morning drop-off process. Please remember that all students must be dropped off using the designated drop-off line. Dropping students off in the front parking lot is not permitted.
Please stay in line, be patient, and avoid cutting off other cars, as drop-off can take up to 15 minutes. Your cooperation in following this policy helps keep all of our students safe and ensures the drop-off process runs smoothly for everyone.
Car Pick Up- Afternoon
Parents are asked to follow the designated pick-up procedures. Please stay in line, be patient, and avoid cutting off other cars, as pick-up can take up to 15 minutes.
District Assessment Information
Please clink the link to read assessment updated from the Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Social Media Safety
As your children navigate the world of social media, including platforms like Snapchat, Instagram, and through text messages, it's important to stay engaged in their online activities. Please monitor their interactions, set appropriate privacy settings, and have open conversations about the importance of kindness and respect. Encourage your children to be upstanders, not bystanders, if they witness online bullying or negative behavior. Together, we can help foster a positive and safe digital environment.
Additional Resources:
🚨In Case You Missed it
Reading Buddies
At McCarthy we are committed to fostering a love of reading throughout our school community. One way we are doing this is by creating Reading Buddy Classrooms! This initiative will pair classrooms of different grade levels together to engage in fun, literacy-based activities once a month for 20–30 minutes.
Here are some examples of what Reading Buddy sessions might include:
- Class Read-Alouds
- Partner Reading
- Seasonal Crafts
- Writing and sharing stories
Parent/Caregiver Teacher Conferences
We are excited to announce that caregiver and teacher conferences will begin in January! These conferences are a wonderful opportunity to connect with your child’s teacher, discuss their progress, and work together to support their success.
Be on the lookout for conference sign-up details, which will come directly from your child’s teacher. We encourage everyone to take advantage of this valuable time to collaborate and support your child's educational journey.
January 23
January 30
February 6
Access Testing
Greetings from the Framingham Public Schools Department of Multilingual Education!
All students in the Framingham Public Schools that are identified as English Learners/Emergent Bilingual will participate in the ACCESS tests from January 6 to February 14, 2025.
Character Trait of the Month
Working hard and putting in your best effort.
Conversation Starters:
How do you show determination?
How can you show determination for school while you are at home?
Do you have a goal? How can you achieve it?
Why do you think it is hard or scary for people to try to achieve their goals?
When you feel yourself getting frustrated, what are some things you can say to yourself?
How do you think making mistakes helps you achieve your goals?
Books to Read:
- After the Fall: How Humpty Dumpty got back up again: Dan Santat (Spanish, Portuguese)
The Very Busy Spider: Eric Carle(Spanish, Portuguese)
- Thank You, Mr. Falker: Patricia Polacco (Spanish, Portuguese)
Resources and Activities
Make a vision board
Growth Mindset yoga (Spanish, Portuguese)
Determination Video: Growth Mindset (Spanish, Portuguese)
Coloring Sheets
Winter Clothing ⛄
Recess is an important break in the day for students. As the weather gets colder, warm clothing (hats, gloves, boots, and winter clothing) are essential for a fun and comfortable recess. If your family needs support in getting rain or winter outerwear, please contact our school nurse, counselors, family support coordinator, or your child's classroom teacher for help.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the McCarthy PTO
Follow them on Facebook (@mccpto) or Instagram (@miriammccarthypto) to stay up-to-date on everything happening with the McCarthy PTO.
Julie Holt, Vice Principal
Sara Machkowsky, Interim Vice Principal
Angela Muller-Crone, Special Education Team Evaluation Coordinator