PCHS Pirate News
February 2024

August 8, 2024
👨💼 From the Principal
Pirate Families,
Welcome to the PCHS Pirate News! If you’re reading this for the first time, I’m Kiel Giese, the proud principal of Platte County High School. I’m thrilled to welcome you to the Platte County High School community as we embark on another exciting school year. As I enter my second year as principal, I’m more energized than ever to serve our students, parents, staff, and the broader community of the Platte County School District. Together, we’ll ensure that your student’s learning experience at PCHS is the best it can be!
It’s amazing how quickly time flies. It feels like just yesterday we were sending you off with summer well-wishes, and now the school is buzzing with activity once again. From Off-Season Conditioning for fall sports and Band Camp to Pirate Mentors and various student organizations, it’s clear that our students are already deeply engaged. Many of you were here for Registration, guiding your students through the building to familiarize them with their upcoming schedules.
This newsletter is packed with important information, including key dates like our Back-to-School Night on August 28. This event is a fantastic opportunity to meet your student’s teachers and experience a day in their life at PCHS. We’ll be sharing more detailed information soon, but it’s the first of many chances to connect with what we’re doing here at the school.
I’m genuinely excited about the year ahead, but I know that our success depends on the incredible support of our staff, parents, and the entire PCHS community. Enjoy the rest of your summer, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
Thank you,
- Mr. Kiel Giese
Principal, Platte County High School
📆 Calendar
Aug. 16: District Meetings, office closed
Aug. 19: Freshman Orientation; New Student Tours (10th-11th grade)
Aug. 28: Underclassman School Picture Day
Aug. 28: Back to School Night, 6:00-8:00 pm
Sep. 2: Labor Day, NO SCHOOL,
Sep. 16: Professional Learning Day, NO SCHOOL
Oct. 11: Homecoming, 3-hour Early Dismissal
Oct. 14: Professional Learning Day, NO SCHOOL
Oct. 18: End of 1st Quarter
🍽 2024-25 Meal Prices
**Change in prices for this year:
2024-25 Meal Prices
Breakfast: $2.00 (K-12)
Lunch: $2,80 (K-5)
Lunch: $2.90 (6-12)
Milk: $.55 (K-12)
Breakfast Adult: $2.15
Lunch Adult: $4.05
Student Meal Pin Numbers:
Returning students will use their same pin number as last year.
New students will be assigned 4 digit pin number
Middle School / High School will use Student ID
NEW Meal Payment Site.
We are now using LINQ CONNECT for meal payment and account management.
Please create a new account - with student's ID - and you will be able to add money to their balance, as well as control limits, block a la carte, and transfer funds between your students when you need to.
Counseling Corner
Course Change Requests
Students who are in need of changing their schedules for the upcoming school year, please make sure to read the NEW PCHS Schedule Change Process and complete the course change request forms by September 3rd.
**This includes Seniors who are considering Part-Time Status.
Click on the link below for further information.
PCHS Schedule Change Form 2024-2025
📙 Order a 24-25 Yearbook
Order your 2024-2025 Yearbook at yearbookforever.com. (or use the QR Code)
Yearbooks are currently $55.00
🛎 Modified Block - Bell Schedule
Before we move into our Modified Block Schedule, we will be running a 7-period day until the week of September 3.
The week of September 2 - 6 will look like the following:
Monday - No School (Labor Day)
Tuesday - 7-Period Day
Wednesday - Periods 1, 3, 5, 7
Thursday - Periods 2, PLT AM, 4, PLT PM, 6
Friday - 7-Period Day
💻 PowerSchool Parent Portal
Parents can use Parent Portal (www.plattecountyschooldistrict.com/parents/parent_portal) to keep up to date on grades and assignments (for students in grades 6-12), and attendance.
- Click here to create an account and login. Students will be able to login to Student Portal using their school email address and password.
- Click here for an Initial Guide to Parent Portal.
👍🏼 Good To Know!
- High School doors are open from 7:00 am - 3:00 pm. School begins at 7:30 am
- No outside food or drink delivered or dropped off for the students. (see the handbook)
- Student Check-In and Out is only through the main doors - at the Welcome Center. This is for students tardy to school, or checking in/out for appointments, etc.
- Please CALL AHEAD if your student needs to be dismissed. This gives us time to prepare a pass so the teacher knows they need to leave class and check out at the welcome center. It takes a longer time to reach classes that are outside (Band, PE, etc)
📸 School Picture Day
Underclassmen Pictures & IDs
Picture Day will be on August 28 during the school day.
More information will be sent in the next newsletter.
PCHS Clubs & Organizations
Clubs and Organizations offered at PCHS.
Pirates ROCK Character Trait: Self Confidence (August)
Pirates ROCK (Raising Outstanding Character Kids) is a program designed to surround our families with examples of strong character traits through school experiences, at home, and reinforced in their community. Each month our community focuses on a specific character trait and students are recognized for exhibiting these traits: Self Confidence, Pride, Responsibility, Citizenship, Compassion, Individuality, Self Control, Integrity, Perseverance, Respect, Honesty, and Cooperation.
August's #PiratesROCK trait is Self Confidence: having a positive belief in yourself.
Join PTSA and support students and staff!
Meetings are every 2nd Wednesday, 6:00 pm, at Mid-Continent Library.
President - Jennifer Ball - ptsapchs@gmail.com
VP - Melanie Doll - ddoll1@att.net
Treasurer - Jill Talbot - jrtalbot23@gmail.com
& Robin Herron - herron.robin@pcr3schools.org
The Board of the Platte County High School Booster Club
- President: Heather Duncan farm2epa@gmail.com
- Vice President: Kim Macias-Lewis kimmacias@hotmail.com
- Treasurer: Kate Harmon harmons42@yahoo.com and
Robin Herron herron.robin@pcr3schools.org - Secretary: Keri Dillingham kerilucas@hotmail.com
Website: http://www.pchsboosterclub.com/ (Links to everything there!)
Twitter: @PirateBoosterPC
Signup Genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805084BACA92EA1FB6-booster4
Email: pcpirateboosterclub@gmail.com
Michelle Howren, Associate Principal
Matt Messick, Assistant Principal
Dr. Mandi Tolen, Assistant Principal
Gabe Middleton, Activities Director
Location: 1501 Branch Street, Platte City, MO, USA
Phone: 816-858-2822
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pchshalls/