Parent Update

December 15, 2024
Ugly Sweater Monday: Bust out those ugly holiday sweaters You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch Tuesday: Grinch Day (Wear Green / Dress as a Who) Pajama Wednesday: Dress cozy in your pajamas or favorite onesie Holiday Thursday: Wear your favorite holiday clothing Fancy Friday: Wear black and gold to help us ring in the new year.
We continue to be gathering information through our survey process to reflect on how well we are doing as an organization and opportunities for us to continue to grow. Currently there are two surveys we are asking input from families on. The Winfield School District Environment Survey gives us input about our social-emotional environment at school and our support services that help us create an effective learning environment. The survey is administered by our schools and data is analyzed by our student support team, building leadership team, administration, and Board of Education. Please click here to participate in the Winfield School District Environment Survey. The Superintendent 360 Feedback Survey allows me to gather insight into what I am doing well and what are some of my opportunities for growth. This survey gathers information from staff members and parents to help me with my reflections of learning opportunities. Please click here to participate in the Superintendent 360 Feedback Survey and use the password Rich2024. All data in all surveys will be kept strictly confidential. The survey windows for the Winfield School District Environment Survey and Superintendent 360 Feedback Survey will be open through Friday, December 20th.
Board of Education News
Preschool Screening
We continue to work on reaching out to our community to help identify students for our preschool program. This is a terrific opportunity for students 3-5 years old to learn in a highly engaging and supportive environment. Our next Preschool Screening is February 14, from 9-2:30am in our Primary Building. Please reach out to Mrs. Hernandez (nhernadez@winfield34.org or 630-909-4901) with questions or to schedule an appointment. Here is information on the screening and on our preschool program.
Winfield 34 PTO and Winfield Education Foundation (WEF) News
Pre-K-5th Grade Classroom Parties
We are excited for the upcoming Winter classroom parties that will take place on Friday, December 20th! The AM-Pre-K party will be from 10:00-10:45 a.m. and the PM-Pre-K through 5th grade parties will be from 2:15-3:00 p.m. Parents planning to attend and help out at the parties must sign up using the links below. Please have your State ID/Driver’s License available when checking in at the office. Just a reminder that no food is allowed to be consumed during the party. Pre-packaged, nut-free snacks can be included in goody bags for students to take home. Preschool parties--Sign up here! Kindergarten-5th Grade parties--sign up here!
Holiday Cookie Donations:
Let's spread some Holiday cheer! The Winfield PTO is looking for Holiday cookie donations. These cookies will be placed in the teachers lounge for teachers and staff on December 16th so they can snack on them during the week. We will also be putting together boxes for the crossing guards and custodial staff. Cookies will be arranged on combined platters, so please deliver your cookies in a zip lock bag or throw away container. Drop-off on December 15th at Kelly’s house (0S708 Garfield Street) Sign up here!
Staff Appreciation Survey Responses:
If any of the Winfield 34 staff are on your holiday shopping list, check out this staff appreciation survey if you need gift ideas!
Lou Malnati’s Pizza Sale
The Lou Malnati's Pizza Sale is back! Order forms were sent home with students and are due back on Wednesday, January 8th. Pizza coupons will be delivered via student backpacks the first week of February. Prizes will be awarded for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place sellers! There will be a movie & popcorn party for students that sell 10 or more pizzas or opt to make a $25 direct donation to WEF. See the flyer for more details or contact Jessica Cook (jessicaf1984@yahoo.com / 630-391-1323) with any questions.
Trivia Night: January 11, 2025, 6-10:30 p.m. American Legion Post 76: 570 S Gary Ave, Carol Stream
See Trivia Night flyer here! We hope you can join us for this adults-only, fun-filled evening of friendly competition, laughs, and great company! Tickets are on sale NOW! Individual tickets: $25, Table of 10: $200. Purchase your tickets here! Email Kelly at: winfieldpto@winfield34.org if you have any questions!
Winter Gear Needs
Our winter gear drive is now over and we are thankful to those who donated. We do have some additional needed items for Winfield 34 families. If you have any of these gently used winter gear items, please bring them to the Central School office and attention them to Mrs. Dave:
Girl - boots in kid’s size 2
Boy - jacket in kid’s size 12 and boots in kid’s size 5 and 1/2.
Teen - jacket in men's size 14
Teen - jacket in men’s size L and boots in men’s size 13.
PTO/WEF Meeting:
Next PTO/WEF meeting: Wednesday, January 8th at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend!
Parent Learning Opportunities
The GPS Parent Series hosts a variety of Parent Education Events. Here is an overview of their parent learning opportunities for the year. Events coming soon include:
- Dr. Timothy Wahlberg Strengthening T(w)een Socialization Skills for Better Interpersonal Relationships (December 17, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Ferney Ramirez IN PERSON B-PAC: Estrategias para ayudar a familias y adolescentes sanos a prosperar / Strategies to Help Healthy Families and Teens Thrive (December 19, 6-8pm) Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Ellen Braaten Bright Kids Who Couldn't Care Less: Tools for Tackling Motivation (January 9, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Bruce Perry MD What Happened to You; A Shift from "What is Wrong with You?" (January 15, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Donna Jackson Nakazawa The Adverse Childhood Experiences Guided Journal: A Workshop for Parents (January 16, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Ellen Galinsky The Breakthrough Years: A New Scientific Framework for Raising Thriving Teens (January 22, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Saleha Jawaid B-PAC in Urdu and Hindi: مثبت والدین کی ضروریات / The Essentials of Positive Parenting (January 23, 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Sam Quinones The Changing Landscape of the Drug Epidemic: Fentanyl Poisoning, Meth and More (January 29, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Tina Payne Bryson and Georgie Wisen-Vincent Early Childhood Event -- The Way of Play: Little Moments -- Big Connections (January 30, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Emma Goldberg Future Proof: Positioning Students for the Changing Tide of Work (February 4, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Edith Treviño B-PAC in Spanish: Positive Parenting Mindsets -- A Guide to Mental Endurance (February 6, 7-8:30pm) Please click here for more information.
- Amy Blankson Digital Thriving: Technology and the Future of Happiness in a Hyperconnected World (February 13, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Amishi Jha, Glenbard South graduate, with Dr. Kimberly Schonert-Reichl Peak Mind: Enhance Your Attention, Focus, and Performance to Become Your Best Self (February 18, 12pm and 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Duncan Kirkwood IN PERSON LIVE LIFE WELL WEEK -- The Critical Skills to Unleash Perseverance, Passion and Purpose (February 25, 7pm) Please click here for more information.
- Sarah Ward and Dr. Jessica Minahan HYBRID EVENT -- Practical Strategies for Reducing Anxiety and Increasing Executive Function Skills (Organization, Time Management & Task Completion) (February 27, 7-9pm) Please click here for more information.
The DuPage Regional Office Of Education is leading a Mommy and Me Parent Support Group. The next meeting will be December 13th. Please click here for more information.