Ivy Stockwell Star
August 16, 2024
Reminder: Wednesdays are late start
2- No School - Labor Day
3- No School - Staff Professional Development Day
9- PTO Meeting at 3:30pm at Ivy Stockwell
17- Virtual School Advisory and Accountability Meeting (Google Meet Link)
21- Ivy Carnival! :-)
Message from the Principal
Here's the link for our Ivy Stockwell FAMILY HANDBOOK. There are 2 major changes this year. First, students will be allowed to wear hats/caps to school. This will remain if students can wear and use them responsibly and they do not cause disruption to the learning environment. Second, smart watches will now be required to be powered off and put into backpacks- the same as cell phones have for many years now.
Counselor Corner
Welcome Ivy families! Jessica Hinterberg is our school counselor. She is excited to work with our students and families. Please reach out if there is anything that we can do to best support your student this school year.
Jessica Hinterberg
Phone: 970-612-6108
Email: Jessica.Hinterberg@tsd.org
Ivy needs you!
A message from the TSD Technology Department
Dear Thompson Parents,
Welcome to Thompson’s Tech4All (1:1) program, a vital component of Thompson’s Strive 2025 Strategic plan. Tech4All equips students with the digital tools they need to enhance their learning and prepare for the future. We invite you to partner with us as we empower students to thrive in today's rapidly evolving digital world.
Tech4All supports TSD’s strategic plan by providing digital tools that enable students to demonstrate their learning meaningfully and reach their fullest potential. Whether it's exploring interactive digital textbooks, collaborating with peers on projects, or engaging in immersive educational experiences, the possibilities are limitless.
Each student will receive a TSD digital learning device, ensuring equitable access to resources and enabling personalized learning experiences.
K-1st grade will receive an iPad
2nd-5th grade students will receive a touch screen Chromebook
Your child’s device will serve as their digital learning tool throughout their time in the Thompson School District. Each year the device will transition with them to the next grade level and will be replaced when they move to middle or high school.
Students and families are responsible for the care and safety of their district device. Please see our Technology Agreement Form which includes a link to the JS - Responsible Use Policy for TSD. Instructions to accept the Tech Agreement Form are included in this How To Guide.
Students are expected to bring their device with them to class, charged and ready to use. All students will receive documentation on maintaining their device, keeping it safe, practicing digital citizenship and meeting any school specific requirements for digital learning. To protect against potential damage, we offer an optional insurance plan.
Tech4All is not just a program; it's a commitment to bridging the digital divide and empowering our students to thrive in the digital age. We Trust You to take care of your device and use it to open up possibilities in your educational journey. Together, we will embark on a transformative educational experience that prepares our students for a future filled with innovation and opportunity.
For more details, including expectations, frequently asked questions and support for home use, please visit our website.
So awesome to have students back in the building!
It would be great to hear suggestions for the 24-25 school year! Below is a link to provide our school with feedback to help Ivy be the best we can be.
Thank you,
The office team- Mr. Bryant, Ms. Katie, Ms. Melissa, Mrs. Shadle, and Ms. Anne Marie
Email: annemarie.sanchez@thompsonschools.org- Principal
Website: https://www.thompsonschools.org/IvyStockwell
Location: 175 South 5th Street, Berthoud, CO, USA
Phone: 970-613-6100- office
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ivystockwell
Twitter: @none