Lansing Elementary Weekly Update
Lansing Elementary School Family Newsletter
Wild About Learning!
Wild About Reading
Wild About Behavior
Wild About Our Families
August 28, 2024
Dear Families,
We had a great week! On Thursday, we had our first late start Thursday and first, monthly, PTA evening meeting. This week, and for the rest of the year, we will also have late start on Thursdays. This means that our building will not open for students until 9:00 on Thursdays. We have free Y-care on Late Start Thursdays offered through our community for students in grades K-5. Any family needing care on Thursdays from 8:00-9:00 can receive this by filling out the Y-care Late Start Thursday form:
We are still looking for parents and guardians who may be interested in joining our Lansing Elementary Site Council. Site Council is an advisory group that assists our school by providing advice and council around meeting performance goals and provides feedback and support. We meet once a month. The first meeting is September 26th @ 4:00-5:00 in the library and child care is also provided. Meetings will be the last instructional Thursday of each month. If you are interested in being a part of our site council, please apply here:
We have a free opportunity for parents and guardians to receive information about behavior intervention support teams or BIST. This is the behavior intervention program we use in the Lansing School District kindergarten-eight grade. There are also parts that many families find useful for behaviors at home. BIST is a part of Cornerstones of Care. There are three sessions and they begin on Thursday, September 19th. These sessions are on zoom and families are asked to register ahead of time. Please see more information below.
A few updates/information:
Arrival & Dismissal Map: Please remember that cars are not able to enter our front parking lot between 7:45 and 8:15 each day. Please see our map below.
Our Schedule: Our school day is from 8:30-3:30 (M-W, & F) and 9:30-3:30 on Thursdays. Students are considered tardy if they arrive at school after 8:30 (M-W, & F) and after 9:30 on Late Start Thursdays. If your student(s) is going to be late or absent please call us at 913-727-1128.
Breakfast/Lunch: Information about cost, menu options, and general questions can be found on our nutrition services page:
Family Engagement & PTA: Our next Parent-Teacher Association meeting is September 19th. The doors open at 6:00 for socializing and the meeting starts at 6:30. See more information below.
Before/After School care: Please see Y-care flyers. Parents/Guardians using Y-care will enter on the west side (2/3 side) through doors 20 & 21.
Supplies: If your student is in need of school supplies, please reach out to our counselors:
Have a great day!
Dr. Jennifer R. Kolb
Lansing Elementary
LES Car Rider Arrival & Dismissal Traffic Pattern 2024-2025:
LES Calendar:
LES Calendar of Events
August 27: District Health & Wellness Committee Meeting 4-5 PM at Central Office (All are welcome)
August 27: Cub Scout Sign up at LES 5:30-7:00
August 29: LATE START: Building Opens at 9:00
September 2: No School Staff/Students
September 4: PTA Skate Night 6-8 PM ( We will be collecting non-perishables for the Lions Pantry Food Bank that is housed at the Intermediate School)
September 5: LATE START: Building Opens at 9:00
September 5: Inclusive Playground Committee Meeting @ 4:00 in library (All are welcome)
September 11: LES Picture Day
September 11: Back to School Bash 5:30-7:30 (All K-5 students & families are welcome)
Thursday Late Start Y-care:
Community Information:
Sling Shot Bingo:
Back to School BASH:
Behavior Intervention Support Team (BIST) Series:
School Supply Lists:
Vaccination Information:
Bus Transportation Registration:
BUS COMPASS App Information:
Family/ Community Information & PTA:
Parent-Teacher-Association Contact Information:
Counselor's Corner- Family Events and Resources
Morning Arrival Procedures
Please plan to drop off students after 8:00 am (M-W & F) and 9:00 am on Late Start Thursdays. If you utilize Y-Care, please sign students in with them EACH day.
Car rider pick up procedures
- Choose from multiple calendars
- News and announcements
- Push notifications
Dr. Jennifer R. Kolb Principal @ LES
Location: 450 West Mary Street, Lansing, KS, USA
Phone: 913-727-1128