Sacred Heart School
Friday, November 3rd, 2023
The cold weather is here! We prefer mittens, especially for students in PK-1st Grade
We are so grateful for you!
Saint Art Prize Winners! All of the students represented SHS very well! Paisley Shaffer was the Grand Champion
Kaydence Henning- 6th Grade Winner
Brylee Luma- 5th Grade Winner
Maggie Meyers- Judge's Award
News from Preschool
November is going to be just as busy learning all new letters, virtues, and we will be talking about how we are very special because God made us. We will also be learning about the very first Thanksgiving and about the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Indian tribe who helped the Pilgrims. Right before thanksgiving break we will be coming together with 5th and 6h grade and recreating the very first thanksgiving feast. Please be on the lookout for more information about this wonderful event as it gets closer.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Parents, as the weather has started to get colder and snowier PLEASE make sure your child is coming to school everyday with a hat, winter coat, and a pair of MITTENS. Mittens are MUCH EASIER to put on their hands than gloves are. Also, if you would please bring in a pair of snow pants and boots to leave at the school until their last day of the week that would be helpful. Even when there isn’t snow on the ground we will still wear snow pants outside to help add an extra layer of warmth in the cold days ahead.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me any time. jdehn@sacredhearthudson.org
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Jessica
5th/6th Grade Science Class Project
Sacred Heart Parent Group Community Service Project
SHS Gala Volunteers- Set up before the event
Friday, October 10th after school until 6:00pm (arrive anytime)
Kitchen Prep
Set Up- tablecloths, arranging prizes, create the Wall of Wine, set tables etc.
Saturday, Nov. 11th- 10:00-1:00
Centerpieces, menus, programs, set up wine and cheese bar
Please RSVP and I will send you a reminder when we get closer to the event.
Thank you so much!
Friday, Nov 10, 2023, 03:00 PM
Sacred Heart Catholic Church, South Market Street, Hudson, Michigan, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
We have a few tickets left. Call the school to reserve your table today!
Be sure to text YES to 67587 to receive text messages from us!
Important Dates
November 11th- Be In Our Heart Gala
November 15th- Adoration at 12:45. Church Hall.
November 22nd- 1/2 day of school. Dismissal at 11:50. No Beyond the Bell
November 23-24- Thanksgiving Break
Lou Phillips PK Nov. 2nd
Titus Horton K Nov. 4th
Evie Czeiszperger 4th Nov. 5th
Hannah Jones PK Nov. 12th
Evey Williams 2nd Nov. 17th
Casie Parker 5th Nov. 21st
Bristol Laux PK Nov. 27th
Sacred Heart School
At Sacred Heart School, our students are balanced: confident of mind, academics and Catholic faith.
Sacred Heart School is structured with the purpose of graduating students who are prepared to persevere. Children are taught to live the Catholic faith while reflecting the unconditional love of Jesus.
Email: aatkin@sacredhearthudson.org
Website: shshudson.com
Location: 208 South Market Street, Hudson, MI, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sacredhearthudson