Third Grade Newsletter
October 2024
- Please make sure your child comes to school each day with a leak-proof water bottle, a snack, and a jacket that is labeled with their name.
- Please check your child's Tuesday folder every Tuesday evening & return it signed the next day.
What's on the Calendar?
- Oct. 11- No School
- Oct. 14- No School
- Oct. 26- Trunk or Treat
- Oct. 28-Nov. 1- Red Ribbon Week
What are we learning?
- Drama
- Nonfiction
- Reader's Response
- Informational
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Matter
- Energy
Social Studies
- Geography
What can you do at home?
- Read each night & ask questions about the story. (Can you summarize the story? What genre is this? How would you describe the characters? Why did the character ___?)
- Work on any reading or math homework
Peyton Schard
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