Fayette Central Flyer
March 2020
Home of the Hornets
Email: kmccarty@fayette.k12.in.us
Website: fayettecentral.k12.in.us
Location: 2928 N. County road 225 West; Connersville, IN 47331
Phone: 765-825-6261
Fayette Central Mission Statement
The staff of Fayette Central believes that all students can learn given quality educational programs and a desire to learn. Through a cooperative effort that involves the family, school, and community, Fayette Central will provide a safe, educational environment which promotes learning. We will prepare students academically and socially to function as independent, productive citizens and life-long learners.
Principal's Desk
Dear Parents,
We hope that we are almost completely through all the winter weather and get into a good solid routine now to finish the year strong. This time of year is when we do our biggest tests so please be sure that if at all possible you are scheduling appointments outside of school time and that you are reinforcing to your children the importance of being here on time every day and doing their best quality work.
Our third graders will be taking IREAD on March 17 and 18. Then after spring break all of our 3rd-6th graders will take ILEARN beginning April 20 through May 15th. I have attached some additional information on these tests below.
One of the yearly events that the Fayette County School Corporation sponsors is the Board of School Trustees Academic Recognition Program. This is a program that is held at the end of each school year in the Robert E. Wise Auditorium at Connersville High School. This program recognizes students in grades 4-12 for their academic success and hard work in the classroom. Students who achieve a 3.7 GPA or higher during their current academic year will be eligible for this recognition. The 2019-20 Academic Recognition Program will be on Monday, June 1, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. Additional details about this recognition program will be provided to families in May.
Finally, every four years we have leap year and a lot happens. We have fun things like the Olympics as well as important events like our national elections. However, one thing that impacts us directly will be coming up shortly and that is our Census. It is important that we all take this opportunity to be counted because it directly impacts our students. This directly means funding for our Title grants, funding for programs like special education, Head Start, maternal and child health and National School Lunch Programs. A link to a short video explaining the importance of being counted is below.
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Mrs. McCarty, Principal
Head Start Learning Fun
Head Start News
Fayette Central students started off the month of March with the celebration of Dr. Seuss’s birthday. Preschoolers made and ate green eggs and ham, made Oobleck, and planted Daisies. We also made rhyming Cat in the Hats.
Science activities that are being introduced are catapults, scales and inclines. Preschoolers will explore seeds of all shapes and sizes and will plant some for Mothers’ day.
Graphing is our math focus this month. We will predict if we think the weather is going to resemble, a lion or a lamb, and graph their art projects of their predictions.
Students will make several rainbows and discussefriendship with The Rainbow Fish book.
Eric Carle books are being introduced for Spring with art projects of making insects.
Field trip to the Indianapolis Children’s Museum to focus on Mo Willems books will be held the first week of March.
Mrs. Hale's First Graders Doing Main Idea Surgery.
Mrs. Hale's First Grade News
Our class has been blessed to work with Mrs. Mary Beth McMurray, a student from IU East who will be doing her student teaching next semester! She has been helping us with our reading, writing and teaching us some great things for Social Studies!
For math, our class has been working very hard on our addition and subtraction facts! We are now using what we know to help us add and subtract two digit numbers. In math, we are getting to start our unit on measurement and telling time. For reading, we have been working on main idea and details with some fun activities!
In Writing, we just finished up our “How-To” reports. Each study chose something that they felt they were good at doing. They wrote instructions using transition words: first, next, then, and last. The students also were asked to demonstrate for the class how to do their activity while explaining it step by step to the class. The students had a lot of fun with this. In Social Studies, we have been learning about some of our great presidents, Rosa Parks, and Harriet Tubman. We also learned about our nation’s symbols including the bald eagle, Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty and the American Flag.Whitewater Valley Art Association Student Winners
Kdg- Aleah Kleve
2nd- Lauren Henry
2nd- Alexis Mays
4th- Audrey Miller
5th- Audrina Reece
6th- Dylan Hudson
6th Danielle Horn
Guidelines for the School Board Academic Recognition
School Board Academic Recognition Information
One of the yearly events that the Fayette County School Corporation has sponsored has been the Academic Recognition Program by the School Board. This is a program held in late May at the CHS Auditorium that recognizes students in grades 4-12 for their academic success and hard work. Effective this school year, the criteria has been changed for students who may receive this recognition. We will no longer use ISTEP or any other state-mandated accountability exam results as one of the requirements for receiving this recognition. We will only use student Grade Point Average (GPA) for this recognition. Students who achieve a 3.7 GPA or higher during their current academic year will be eligible for this recognition each May.
IREAD 3 Video
ILEARN Assesses with Technology
How Am I Getting Home?Car Rider? Bus?
Upcoming Events
Kids Kitchen Cupborad at Maplewood- March 12 at 2:30- 4:30 pm
Kids Kitchen Cupborad at Maplewood- March 19 at 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Spring Break- March 23-27
Spring Pictures March 31