Sherwood Middle School
June 12, 2022
Wishing You a Wonderful Summer
It is hard to believe that we are entering the final week of the school year! We are so proud of our students for all their hard work and perseverance and grateful to our staff for building positive relationships and developing meaningful lessons for our students!
We know our students are excited about the last week of school and celebrating some fun events with Field Day on Wednesday, and Yearbook signing on Friday.
Thank you for your support of your child, and our school community this entire year. Good luck to our 6th graders attending Oak, and we are excited to welcome back our 5th graders in the fall as they move on to 6th grade.
Wishing you and your family a safe and relaxing summer vacation!
8th Grade Ambassadors Visit 6th Graders
Thank you to our 8th grade Oak Ambassadors who came over to Sherwood this week to share their wisdom & experiences with our 6th graders! We appreciate them taking the time to help answer questions & talk about a "Day in the Life" at Oak!
Spring Concerts
Lots of smiles & an outstanding performance by our 5th and 6th graders at our Spring Concerts this past week. Thank you to Mr. Clark, Mr. Proctor, & Mr. Uglialoro for inspiring & supporting our students! Special thanks to our families for attending the performances and for supporting your child with their musical endeavors this school year!
Sherwood 2021-22: A Year in Review
Please watch this a video that captures many memorable moments of this past school year!
Final Community Meeting of the Year
We gathered one final time this past Thursday and Friday at our grade level Community Meetings to celebrate the many accomplishments of this school year.
We also took time to honor our retirees. Please join us in recognizing the accomplishments of Grade 5 Math & Science Teacher Mrs. Vickie McCathy, Grade 5 ELA & Social Studies Teacher Mrs. Lucy Marcigliano, Grade 6 Math & Science Teacher Mrs. Anne Egan, and Instructional Aides Mrs. Doreen Kelly and Mrs. Joni Theodoss. We wish you all a healthy and happy retirement!
Important Upcoming DATES
- June 15th: Field Day (Rain date, June 16th)
- June 17th: Last Day of School- 11:35am Dismissal, Report Cards Available Online
This Week's Lunch Menu
Field Day Reminders
Field Day Schedule: Wednesday, June 15th
8:00 am: School day starts
8:15 am: Grade 5 parent volunteers arrive
8:30-10:45 am Grade 5 activities on Sherwood fields
11:30 am: Grade 6 parent volunteers arrive.
11:45-2:00pm Grade 6 activities on Sherwood fields
2:35 pm: Dismissal
- Please send your child into school dressed in sneakers and comfortable clothing appropriate for the weather, and have them bring a water bottle, and apply sunscreen at home in the morning.
- All parent volunteers must have an updated CORI form on file. Please call the Main Office at 508-841-8670 for questions about CORI forms, and contact your child's team teachers if you have questions about volunteering for Field Day.
- Parent volunteers are asked to leave as soon as possible after the end of Field Day unless they are helping with clean-up to lessen congestion during parent pick-up.
- We will have regular dismissal for Field Day. Parents may not dismiss their student from the field and will have to go through the parent pick up process as usual if they wish to take their student.
A big shout out to our Sherwood/Oak PTO for all their help organizing this fun event for our students. We appreciate their time and effort! Field Day is always a memorable event - we know this year won't be any different! Thank you for your support of this Sherwood Tradition! We are so thrilled to have a more normal Field Day this year!
We Need Your Feedback!
End of Year Reminders from the Health Office:
- All medications must be picked up at the end of the school year. We cannot store medications at school during Summer. Any medications not picked up will be discarded.
- All medication orders must be renewed each school year. Medication orders and medication should be brought in on the first day of school. Students are not allowed to transport medications to school, except for Epipens and rescue inhalers that a student carries in their backpack as appropriate. Nurses must be notified of any self-carry medications.
Bus Registration Deadline
Please note that bus registration for the 2022-2023 school year will close on Friday, July 1st. To avoid a $50 late fee per student, please register by Thursday, June 30th via the Parent Portal. Late fees will be assigned for all registrations after June 30th. Here is the link to get more information:
Summer Learning Resources
The SMS PTO would like to thank everyone for your support during this school year. Our yearly fundraising efforts rely not only on your help to make various events happen, but of course on your incredible generosity.
Our efforts and your support over the last two years have led us to the point of being able to give a $15,000 gift to Sherwood Middle School to help fund the following:
•More outdoor seating for recess for board games
•Picnic tables for lunch & recess
•New basketball hoops outside for recess
We look forward to continuing our efforts to support various programs, materials, and enrichments at both Sherwood and Oak, and we thank you for your continued support! If you would like to join us as we continue our efforts, you are always welcome at any of our meetings.
We hope everyone has a restful and enjoyable summer, and is able to find time to relax and recharge. We are planning to do the same, but already have a few plans for September!
September 12th: First PTO meeting of the school year, 7PM in the Oak Media Center
September 13th: Food Truck Night at Sherwood Middle School, 5-7PM
September 14th: Food Truck Night at Oak Middle School, 5-7PM