Monday Message 11-7-2022
Bad Weather
After Fridays' storms, I want to make sure everyone knows our Inclement Weather Policies. If the school needs to close or delay due to bad weather or other environmental causes, we will alert all families through Remind. Additionally, communication will be posted on the website, Facebook page, and reported on NBC 5 and ABC 8.
Recess is important for our growing elementary students! When it's raining, our students still have recess indoors. Our teachers have a variety of board games, books, and other activities so that students can still have a 20-minute unstructured brain break!
Artistically & Academically Yours,
Betsy Compton, M.A., M.A.T., M.Ed.
Picture Retakes = Thursday
All students taking pictures on Thursday should arrive picture ready. All information about ordering photo packages will be sent directly to families from the photo company.
Square 1 Art Deadline = Monday
Order Square1 Art custom keepsakes with your child's artwork by Monday, November 7th to ensure they ship before the holidays. These make great gifts for family and friends! Visit www.Square1Art.com/shop now. If you have any trouble locating your child's art, please call the customer care number at 888-332-3294 extension 1.
All orders will ship directly to your home. Be sure to look for your student's free reusable stickers on the back of their catalog!
Scholastic Book Fair
The Scholastic Book Fair = Nov. 14th - Nov. 18th
Volunteers are needed everyday. Sign up here to help.
If you prefer to not send cash to school, you can set up an e-wallet for your student online. Also, you can preview and purchase the books online on the Scholastic website.
(NOTE: all books purchased online will be shipped to your address.)
The Book Fair will be open 5:30-7:00 p.m. on November 17th during the Art Showcase and Discovery Fair. Cash and credit cards will be accepted. Also, we will have teacher wish lists, so you can shop for a gift for your child's teachers!
For all of the students who earned a $10 Book Fair credit during DANCE-A-THON, we will ask students for their name when checking out, and then we'll deduct $10 from their total; It's that simple!
DANCE-A-THON was a HUGE success this year. We surpassed our goal of $25,000 and increased the rate of participation! The students had a rockin' good time at the DANCE-A-THON parties on Friday, and many students won prizes throughout the drive. Thank you to our TeSA families for supporting your school and your PTO! Finally, a BIG round of applause to the teachers and staff for offering incentives and support, including allowing us to tape them to the building, being slimed, getting whipped cream in the face, spray painting their hair, and offering creative prizes!
Upcoming Dress-Up Days
Our students' next opportunity to dress out of uniform will be Thursday, December 8th. For $5.00, students can dress in theme to celebrate National Pretend to be a Time Traveler Day. All money will go toward our 5th grade graduation banquet and celebration activities.
Repeated Information
Nov. 17th = Discovery Fair, Book Fair, & Art Show
Save the Dates = Winter Performances
Safety Concerns- Carline & School Check-In
As a reminder, all adults must have a legal picture ID to check in the school building. Please alert any other family members that may come to eat lunch or check out your child, so they are prepared. This year, adults must also check-out when leaving. Thank you for planning for these few extra minutes before and after every visit!
Yearbooks On Sale
Bus Drivers Needed
Our students are going places and we need YOU to help us get them there! Our Bus Driver position is on an as-needed basis, and a valid Texas Class B-CDL with PS Endorsements is required.
Click HERE to learn more or apply.
If your child is unable to attend school for any reason, please email tammy.smith@mytesa.org. Students with any contagious symptoms may attend Remote Conferencing to complete schoolwork and earn daily attendance. Remote Conferencing helps our students, and helps TeSA by allowing us to count your child's attendance! Thank you for helping your child participate by providing a quiet environment in which they can easily see the screen and be seen by the teacher.
Remote Conferencing
Monday-Friday, 1:00-3:00 p.m.